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Question about conflicting rules


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The hard and fast rule is you can only reroll once. Which is why it seemed a bit silly to give Lemartes a master crafted PW as he gets to reroll to hit and to wound already, but that is off point.


Although it useful on the turns Lemartes and DC dont charge, a reroll is always nice.

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You can't reroll a reroll, but you only get to reroll 1 attack from Liturgies of Blood.. if Lemartes misses 2 attacks in the first roll can he use his Master Crafted reroll for the other missed attack or not?


My LGS usually plays it this way but I've always been a bit iffy about it myself and wasn't 100% sure.

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You can't reroll a reroll, but you only get to reroll 1 attack from Liturgies of Blood.. if Lemartes misses 2 attacks in the first roll can he use his Master Crafted reroll for the other missed attack or not?


My LGS usually plays it this way but I've always been a bit iffy about it myself and wasn't 100% sure.

Chaplain's charge ability rerolls all misses, not 1.

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You can't reroll a reroll, but you only get to reroll 1 attack from Liturgies of Blood.. if Lemartes misses 2 attacks in the first roll can he use his Master Crafted reroll for the other missed attack or not?


My LGS usually plays it this way but I've always been a bit iffy about it myself and wasn't 100% sure.

Chaplain's charge ability rerolls all misses, not 1.


Hmpf.. I need more coffee it seems (stupid mornings!).. you were right..

Unleash Rage does the same as it makes the Master Crafted Weapons pointless as well (which was why I never run a libby with my Sang Guard in the first place)


I promise to never ask questions without my second cup of coffee in hand again!

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