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iron warriors hq?

Brother Nathan

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as im very slowly building an iron warriors army im thinking what i want to use as an hq. i bought the metal warsmith model but im probably gonna use him as a champion. and i dont feel comfortable with the deamon prince models. i will eventually maby do one but will be heavy moddded and will likely take me years. so in the mean time. i actually like most of the chaos hqs and with counts as etc i wouldnt have a problem using a counts as typhus for example. so what are your best findings so far. im not against expensive characters for this list as ive kept my other armys on the cheaper side and would prefer a few powerhouse units in my ironwarriors. they will ofcoure be heavly converted. im also thinking huron blackheart and giving him a combi melta instead of his powerweapon and using him as a aspiring champ, is there much army specific stuff on him to be removed?
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Exalted Warsmith Iapetos Thule

Daemon prince /w reinforced armor (MoT), slaughter mechadendrites and bionic claw (warp time), warp flamer (WoC)


or (to his right)

Warsmith Ferrous Ironclaw (Abaddon)


if you think about the psipower rules, they might just as well represent demonically possessed tech that the wielder must struggle to control.

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Tzeentchian lord with a demon weapon is a decent representation, you get a cool experimental 'gun' in the form of the demon weapon and the invulnerable save for the bionics/shield tech. Also consider a powerfist/MoK lord to represent the servo harness, although neither of the two mentioned hqs are that good.
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besides princes, special characters offer a nice extra punch and are fun to convert:


my new version of ferrous/abaddon (hope the sword is big enough to combine the powers of drachnyen and horus' claw^^)



also: one of the most efficient special characters is khârn (a.k.a. berzerker-warsmith Kroeger, to the left)



last but not least, huron blackheart offers nice rules for a techy warsmith


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I usualy use two HQ units.

1) count as abaddon Lord / termie lord with daemon weapon, combi melta, MoK (fluff wise "Iron Warriors are second only to the World Eaters in the ferocity of their assaults")

2) Daemon Prince, wings, MoT (converted with a gigantic chainsword, full of bionics, and a gigantic multi-barell gun in the other hand - the represent both shooting powers)

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I am also building (and painting, albeit VEERRRRY, VEERRRRY slowly...) my own Iron Warriors Grand Company, based loosely upon the one featured in the Black Library novel, Storm of Iron.


My Grand Company, much like the one in the novel, is comprised of three distinct "specialist" Companies, each of which has its own special HQ Choice, a "proxy" conversion of one of the "unique" CSM Special Characters (each representing one of my Warsmith's three lieutenants, or "War-Captains"...).


The First Company (the Siege Company) is commanded by Siege Captain Tyrannix the Destroyer (Counts-As Abaddon the Despoiler):



The Second Company (the Assault Company) is commanded by Assault Captain Khyron the Backstabber (Counts-As Khârn the Betrayer):



The Third Company (the Battle Company) is commanded by Battle Captain Invictus the Merciless (Counts-As Huron Blackheart):



And finally, a couple of pictures of the leader of the combined Grand Company - my (TALKING!) Daemon Warsmith, Magnus Haephestus Titannicus (transformed into a mechanized, robotic "Flying Mini-Titan" Daemon Prince by the Changer of the Ways, Mighty Tzeentch himself...):





If you like them as they are now, then just you wait until I get them painted...


See more pics (and actually HEAR my Daemon Warsmith speak) at

The Iron Storm - My Iron Warriors Army Blog!




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