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I've purchased a Predator online (it will arrive soon-ish, hopefully). However, I was hoping to get an answer to this before it arrived.


Does the Predator Kit come with the Razorback hatch? I.e. I can use the Assault Cannon from my Redeemer on it to make a Razorback (instead of another Predator as I originally intended).

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How about this... Rhino < Razorback < Baal < Predator < Whirlwind ? it's Pretty Simple, you can even use Stickytak or Handitak if your not good with magnets ....





Rhino/Razorback Depending on top Hatch you Use:[/b]













I Hope you Like and it gives you some Ideas ... I have 6 Rhino/Razorback Chassis Setups with parts for 3 Baal & 2 Pred & 1 Whirlwind Plus .. I have 1 DC rhino and 2 Vindicators ....

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This is how I've used my Rhino chassis as well. I've gone a step further and can switch out different guns on a single turret piece. That way I can field either a HB or LC razorback with the one turret. I did the same with the predator turret, magnetizing both the TLLC and AC guns. With the assault cannon turret from the LRC/R kit, that's most of the options. I also intend to make a LC/TLPG turret or three soon, and may try out the TLHF turret at some point.


All of my rhinos have a magnet on a crossbar (made from a piece of sprue) under the place where the turret/rhino top door goes. Magnets are placed on turrets based on where I want the turret to sit (towards the back or the front). I also have magnets for mounting HKs and for switching out hatches for pintle storm bolters. I need to figure out how to magnetize dozer blades, then I'm set!

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