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Differentiating Dante and Sanguinary Guard


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I want Dante and the Sanguinary Guard to be a sort of centrepiece for the army, so they should look good!


The problem is Dante is a little old, the model i mean! Compared to the Sanguinary Guard he's a bit lame now. Ideally i'd love an extra Sangunary Guard box and do this, but instead add a Death Mask (Only one in the unit). It should look fairly impressive, he'd also be the only axe in the unit, but not the only Infernus.



(All credit to Dezartfox, http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...08483&st=0)


The problem then, is i can't get/afford a second box, but i DO have one box and Dante.


So, can anyone help with the problem? Things i've though of are such things liek removing Dante's head, replacing it with a normal marine head, switching the arm for a normal Angelus Boltgun and the Axe for a sword, along with adding a winged jump-pack, leaving Dante's normal pack to the Sanguinary Guard with the axe. But i'm worried then that the converted Dante won't pass for normal.


What are the ideas on this, or, what have others done to make our revered Chapter Master stand out like he used to?



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I'm doing pretty much the same thing, I've converted my own Dante out of SG bits - He has the only death mask, and will have the only Axe, also I've given him a massive base :( and a totally different paint scheme (trying NMM gold) - If you can't afford another whole box of SG why don't you just order the extra bits from a bits site? However, I've ended up using my SG box for Sanguinary Priests, an ex-SG Death Company guy and my assault squad sergeant as well as Dante - another box is now on order ;) So don't worry about wasting any bits :)


With your existing bits you could give dante a winged pack without the wings to keep him unique and give his JP to someone else in the squad?



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Sanguinor's backpack to make him fly, or the plastic pegasus wings to the sanguinary guard back pack to make him larger than life. Perhaps use more normal helmets (DC for instance) in the sanguinary guard so his death mask looks more impressive. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am sure that is Dante with the Sanguinor's jump-pack on the front of the Codex and that was the original intention of what came to be the new Sanguinor model. You could even use Sanguinor with the Dante Weapons from the SG set and use the left over grail for an SP.
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I want to use SG Body + Wings + Dante's actual head + axe.


That's my hope ... I haven't figured a way to cut his head off a metal mini yet though...



Ditto! I managed to get another dante really cheap off Ebay so I dont mind butchering the rest of the mini to get the head :wub: What you would need to do is cut into the model from the point where the shoulder pads meet the neck in a 'V' shape into the body. Once that wedge shape with the head is free from the model, you should be free to remove the excess under the neck fairly easily. The just file smooth. You may need to add the neck section from a plastic head just to give something to sit inside the sang guard body nicely and give you some pose options.


Really I think a sang guard conversion of Dante NEEDS Dantes real head. His death mask is very specific.

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I'm actually not that happy with ideas for a Winged Dante.. I feel it is just not what the old man is all about.


I still use the old metal model for now but I am considering a conversion using DC and Sang Guard bits with a scenic base. The idea would be:


From Sang Guard sprue:

- Axe

- Body

- Legs

- Death Mask

- Winged Shoulder pad


From DC sprue:

- Jump Pack with blood drops

- Infernus Pistol arm

- Skull Shoulder pad


Add that to a scenic base and with the awesome looking new bits and you have a Chapter Master worthy model that does look more special then another winged character in a Sang Guard unit.


Just my 2 copper though

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I did a spot of conversion on my Dante and used Astorath's wings to bring him up to date a bit.


Other than the fact that I haven't finished painting mine, I've done the same thing Astorath's wings on Dante. Though I don't use Dante as Dante (being a successor and all). I use the figure to represent the head of The Angels Vermillion Sanguinary Guard.

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