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Ultramarine Sergeants

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Wow... 200+ views and no feedback? I hope people realize a two-sentence reply or a simple "good job" can make a big difference in someone's motivation to paint.


First off, well done brother. On the whole you did a good job. A great job, you've got ambition for what the final models look like based on little details you put on there. Although there are a few things you could have done to take the minis to whole other level. Simply put, the difference is the attention to basics. Now I have no idea if you're more in to gaming or painting but if it's the latter, check out OMG's post here.


Will be reiterating some of OMG's points here but WTH.


You clearly hit the models with badab black (or something similar) but some spots need a little bit more of it to give definition, like the bolter arm of the assault Sgt. And they key to definition is contrast, so dark to light. Highlight the edges of your armor (remember to use thinned down paint) with a 50:50 mix with your base color and either Space Wolves Grey or Ice Blue. Just one layer should be enough for now. Another HL with ever more of the lighter color on the sharpest and highest points would be even better but basecoat->wash->1HL is typically good enough. The other colors could use some HL's too. Oh and, choose a different color for the gun, it looks like part of the marines arm.


Hmmm, I still see some mold lines and it looks like you drilled the barrel of the assault sarge after you painted the mini. There should all be done and inspected before you even prime.


The gold looks kind of flat. It's been shaded yes, but still flat. Just taking a guess here but you probably painted shining gold straight over black. Try starting with a base of 50:50 Shining Gold and Scorched Brown. Wash with Devlan Mud. Then paint Shining Gold for the midtone, leaving the recesses showing. Then HL the edges with 70:30 Shining Gold to Mithril Silver -> for larger areas like that shoulder pad, you can paint a HL of Burnished Gold on the high points/points-hit-most-by-light before doing this (Remember to use a different water pot when painting metallics, or at least clean your waterpot and brush before going back to regular paint).


The bases dont look finished but hey, modelling-wise it's way better than what I do. I just sand and flock 'em. haha... oh and chapter and squad markings, very important. These are essentially unfinished minis.


You've got the brush control to put the paint where you want and that's always a good thing. And clearly, you've got attention to detail. The blood splatter, weathering, basing, drilled bullet holes and converting speak a lot about the extra effort you put in (love it when people put these kind of little extras in). Honestly, if you've got that attitude, you're set. Just a matter of time before you're painting rocking minis. Keep it up!

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Wow... 200+ views and no feedback? I hope people realize a two-sentence reply or a simple "good job" can make a big difference in someone's motivation to paint.


Cheers! And yeah, it does make a bid difference, thanks for taking the time to post aswell.


First off, well done brother. On the whole you did a good job. A great job, you've got ambition for what the final models look like based on little details you put on there. Although there are a few things you could have done to take the minis to whole other level. Simply put, the difference is the attention to basics. Now I have no idea if you're more in to gaming or painting but if it's the latter, check out OMG's post here.


Will have a look :tu:


You clearly hit the models with badab black (or something similar) but some spots need a little bit more of it to give definition, like the bolter arm of the assault Sgt. And they key to definition is contrast, so dark to light. Highlight the edges of your armor (remember to use thinned down paint) with a 50:50 mix with your base color and either Space Wolves Grey or Ice Blue. Just one layer should be enough for now. Another HL with ever more of the lighter color on the sharpest and highest points would be even better but basecoat->wash->1HL is typically good enough. The other colors could use some HL's too. Oh and, choose a different color for the gun, it looks like part of the marines arm.


The bolter arm didn't have a wash like the rest of the model, i noticed some mold lines cleaned them and just put a thin bit of Ultra blue on.

Thanks for the advice, this will definately go in my book/word doc of tips :)


Hmmm, I still see some mold lines and it looks like you drilled the barrel of the assault sarge after you painted the mini. There should all be done and inspected before you even prime.

Yeah :blush: i got the pin vice half way through painting the model, and decided i'd give it a go.


The gold looks kind of flat. It's been shaded yes, but still flat. Just taking a guess here but you probably painted shining gold straight over black. Try starting with a base of 50:50 Shining Gold and Scorched Brown.

Exactly what I did for the Plasma pistol one, can't remember for the other one.


Wash with Devlan Mud. Then paint Shining Gold for the midtone leaving the recesses showing.

Forgot to leave recesses showing...


Then HL the edges with 70:30 Shining Gold to Mithril Silver -> for larger areas like that shoulder pad, you can paint a HL of Burnished Gold on the high points/points-hit-most-by-light before doing this

(Remember to use a different water pot when painting metallics, or at least clean your waterpot and brush before going back to regular paint).


Again, both of these can go in the book :)


chapter and squad markings, very important. These are essentially unfinished minis.


Never learned how to do decals, I tried once and it didn't work :( (I was about 9/10 at the time I think, so maybe it's time i had another go ;))


You've got the brush control to put the paint where you want and that's always a good thing. And clearly, you've got attention to detail. The blood splatter, weathering, basing, drilled bullet holes and converting speak a lot about the extra effort you put in (love it when people put these kind of little extras in). Honestly, if you've got that attitude, you're set. Just a matter of time before you're painting rocking minis. Keep it up!


Thankyou! Motivation (and tips) are what i really need to keep painting. I stopped for a bout a year or two, and only started again a few months ago, but i plan no painting for while yet!:)

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Nice extra grimdark Ultras. Dig the old school bits :)

Speaking of darkness, only thing I would light up a bit is the plasma coil glow on the first brother, it just doesnt look right the way it is. Other option would be to cut of the glow spots, but they came out nice so it would be a shame.

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I like how you did your purity seals. I especially like the ones on that lightning claw. How'd you get it to come out like that?


I like your models, man. Really I do. It's a new take to see some Ultras that have some battle damage to them.


Hmm, if i remember correctly it was:

Scorched brown

kommando Khaki on raised bits

wash devlan mud

drybrush bleached bone (On most raised bits/ edges)


Nice extra grimdark Ultras. Dig the old school bits :blush:

Speaking of darkness, only thing I would light up a bit is the plasma coil glow on the first brother, it just doesnt look right the way it is. Other option would be to cut of the glow spots, but they came out nice so it would be a shame.


Can't remember where i found them, probably "borrowed" them from my bro ;P

Do you mean like an extra light highlight?

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It's arrow on the right, U on the left, so yeah like you said. For their kneepads and whatnot, someone can probably tell you something specific, but just do whatever looks nice. But yeah, at the very least do their shoulder pads and that conspicuously empty banner. They are sergeants, after all. I am really impressed by the more dark and gritty feeling they have, i like them a lot.


Wow... 200+ views and no feedback? I hope people realize a two-sentence reply or a simple "good job" can make a big difference in someone's motivation to paint.


Yeah, i was one of those 200, but i was on my iPod and that virtual keyboard is a pain...


(edit for idiotic grammar)

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It's arrow on the right, U on the left, so yeah like you said. For their kneepads and whatnot, someone can probably tell you something specific, but just do whatever looks nice. But yeah, at the very least do their shoulder pads and that conspicuously empty banner. They are sergeants, after all. I am really impressed by the more dark and gritty feeling they have, i like them a lot.


Cheers for the info, will get right on it when i get the chance, I'm not with my stuff at the moment. I dunno what it is 'cause I don't try to paint dark they just come out like that...


I'm suprised that no one has noticed the extra grimdark splotches of light blue on the banner which I missed. :)

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Love the models and paints. Just one thing I noticed. I love the battle damage on the first one, but noticed that the damage on the helmet lines up exactly with the damage on the chest. Now this could happen of course ... if he just happened to be looking in that direction when he got hit and later when he got modelled. Or perhaps he's always looking that way ... stiff neck and all.


I'm just picking, since they look so perfect.

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Love the models and paints. Just one thing I noticed. I love the battle damage on the first one, but noticed that the damage on the helmet lines up exactly with the damage on the chest. Now this could happen of course ... if he just happened to be looking in that direction when he got hit and later when he got modelled. Or perhaps he's always looking that way ... stiff neck and all.


I'm just picking, since they look so perfect.


:) Why, thankyou. The damage on the chest is actually supposed to be 3 bullet holes, but I will be sure to make another small bit of battle damage on the other side so it fits a bit better. I think was actually the first model where I tried battle damage since I started painting again, tis pretty good IMHO, and be sure to look out for more on the way ;)


These guys make blue look GOOD!


Keep up the craftsmanship shown here!


Thanks :) And I'll be sure to.

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