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Bike conversion ideas?

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Hey guys, I'm doing a hammernator army right now, and already have a germ of an idea for the next project afterwards. I bought a ravenwing battalion, and am thinking that I'm gonna get 4 or 5 more. Here's the list I'm building towards:


Biker Captain w/ combat command squad

(maybe) Biker Chaplain

2 biker squads w/ meltas and mm attack bike

3 biker squads w/ plasma guns and hb attack bike

6 land speeder torpedos


Anyway, not really worried about list critiques right now, what I am concerned with is how boring the bike kit is. If I don't come up with a way to make it interesting, it'll be the same model 25 times, especially since I'm mounting the special weapons on the bikes themselves (saw someone do that and definitely am shamelessly stealing that idea). So do you guys have any cool ideas or can anyone link me to threads here or elsewhere with some inspiration? I know I don't want to do white scars, although I do think it'd be sweet to do claw marks/tattoos on their armor and skin. Besides that though I want to try and come up with some aesthetic touches to just spruce it all up.


Thanks for any help you guys can give me!

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Trikes or quad bikes in stead of attack bikes

For normal bikes you could:

Make choppers

Have the marine standing next to the bike holding something

Glue nos tanks on the back

White wall tyres

Tracks instead of wheels

Jet bikes


That's all I got :P



Wisey :wub:

I was playing 13th Company SW Storm claw bikers list 6 years ago and was facing the same dilemma. What I did:

1. Mixed in a couple of CSM bikes - if You cut off the spikes and trim down Chaos iconography, they don't look that much chaos.

2. Add lots of pouches and bags everywhere, including the front wheel cover. I also put several bolters and holstered boltpistols there.

3. Which Chapter are You doing? For SW I used several wolf heads from plastic Goblin Wolfrider set.

4. Try dynamic poses with Your bikes - jingling, raising etc.

5. I did not mount special weapons on bike. I used plastic plasmaguns and meltas, and tried to achieve some dynamics - sort of the biker is turning sideways to fire melta, while he is driving by. It took some cutting and gluing however to get the right pose.

6. For attack bike You can always give a boltpistol to the driver, so that he is also shooting or covering the gunner.


Also have a look at this awesome Swiftclaw Biker conversion.

Bikes can be a bit tedious, in my experience. It just takes a deceptively long time to paint, and adding all the extra bits and bobs obviously adds to that time investment. I made things a bit harder on myself by keeping the biker, the weapon mount, and the chassis all separate until they were totally painted (to get all the nooks and crannies easier).


That being said, they do look wicked when completed, even with minor adjustments. Desert Eagle's work is definitely the most elaborate biker conversions I know of, so that's a good source of inspiration.


These are my own, done for my Templars. Really just some minor conversion work and a few extra gubbins here and there, but it's enough to make them pop I think. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...96588&st=50


If you wanna get really elaborate, some of the ideas already mentioned are pretty good diversions: the CSM bike, extra toys/trophies/relics or whatever flavor your chapter has, adjusting the pose of the biker's legs so that he looks like he's come to a brief stop to either decapitate or blast some poor bugger nearby, etc. There are lots of options, they're just a pain to do most of the time :P

I've built and painted 22 bikes so far, with at least 5 more to be done eventually. The key for me has been two things: gear, and freehand.

There isn't a ton you can do to the riders, so spruce up the bikes instead.

I add packs, grenades, rope, scabbarded blades, holstered weapons, etc to the back of the bike (behind the seat) and the farings. The Scout kit is great for this, as are the stowage bitz on the Scout Biker kit (new, and old).

Freehand squad and Chapter markings help a lot, as well.

Hey guys, thanks for all the responses! Definitely gelping me get the creative juices going.


Point of clarification: I'm a CSM player, pretty exclusively, so this army will be vanilla. As far as specific chalters, I have no idea yet. I do know that I'm not a huge fan kf the savage look, at least not right now, so white scars and space wolves are out (although I'm defintely going to use some of those sweet space wolf bare heads. So awesome and a SW player who's a friend of mine hates unhelmeted space marines, score!)


As far as the ideas I'm settling on, here goes:


-I have built bikes which are mid-turn, and will build more, as it adds a lot of dynamicism to the model.

-I know I'm going to do lots of headswaps, it's the easiest conversion there is after all.

-I was thinking of having the captain with a foot down, maybe menacing someone to the side of his bike with his sword, don't really know how well that'll work though.

-Bolt pistols to the side would be cool, maybe even firing behind them (super involved conversion right there).

-I also have 8 unopened scout bikers. I've never used the kit before, so I didn't know they came with all the extra pieces (thanks shinyrhino) and those bits are definitely getting reappropriated (sucks to be the new guys).

-Still no idea on colors. I'm leaning towards a primarily green scheme. With blue or pale purple warpaint? I also love the IA raptors paint scheme with OD green power armor. It's a fun color to paint, easy to work with, and makes sense to my real world military sensibilities


Anyway, thanks again guys for all your input. And anything else, you guys through out there would be awesome.

I remember there was a piece of artwork, depicting some WS fighting Orks. And they were in funky positions.

Problem is I can't seem to find it :mellow:

This old wallpaper?



I didi exactly the same thing with my Storm Claw biker, except that instead of boltpistol, my was firing meltagun. Took some time to get the pose right...

I remember there was a piece of artwork, depicting some WS fighting Orks. And they were in funky positions.

Problem is I can't seem to find it :)

This old wallpaper?



I didi exactly the same thing with my Storm Claw biker, except that instead of boltpistol, my was firing meltagun. Took some time to get the pose right...


Yeah, adding a simple pitch of the model (normally a 'wheely' but also tilting side to side or even downward) and then a corresponding tilt of whatever the biker on top is shooting/swinging at will go a long way to adding dynamism, even without extensive conversions. There are a lot of premade bike bases for sale around the internet that could help make things look cool without being too labor heavy (but obviously pricier).


Just to name a few:






The fellow in the background is another good example, though it'd be some work to fix the leg I imagine.

I remember there was a piece of artwork, depicting some WS fighting Orks. And they were in funky positions.

Problem is I can't seem to find it :)

This old wallpaper?



I didi exactly the same thing with my Storm Claw biker, except that instead of boltpistol, my was firing meltagun. Took some time to get the pose right...


Yeah, adding a simple pitch of the model (normally a 'wheely' but also tilting side to side or even downward) and then a corresponding tilt of whatever the biker on top is shooting/swinging at will go a long way to adding dynamism, even without extensive conversions.


Since SM are completely off the anatomy - I mean - look at them, the arms are not where they should be, there are several other issues, in particular, concerning bikers. As soon as You do something with the bike, the handheld gun starts pointing in weird directions. Then, if the horizontal rotation of the body is done, for example, to show that the biker is attacking enemies at his side, - after You put the whole mini together, suddenly, the other hand is too short to reach the bike handlebar... ooops - or to the contrary, it is too long and You don't know what to do with the excess lenght, since You can't repose it or bend it in the elbow...

These are some points only to start with...

Yeah shinyrhno, thanks. The only problem i'm going to have is that it will be not getting bored and having variety.


Ein, thanks for the picture, awesome conversion work. Where are the bases from? They're awesome!


Those are bases I make, from my Wasteland II series.




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