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Crimson Fists Sniper Scouts + Telion


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Thanks for the comments.


I couldnt find anything in the fluff about whether scouts get Crimson gloves or not, i wanted to get it right as i like to be fluff accurate. Where did you find see this? I checked the Index astartes article aswell as what i could find online. And looking at photos I saw lots of different varieties from GW and other gamers out there.. i just went with what i though looked nicest in the end. I would repaint them blue if i saw any concrete proof.


Telion is a terrible cast, i had to do lots of filing to even get the arms close.. the wire that attaches to his Bolter from his chest plate still doesnt line up properly. A bit annoying considering how much we pay for this metal crack.

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Well, it says in the Crimson Fists fluff that upon full initiation as a battle-brother the Marine will paint his left glove red, suggesting that it isn't until becoming a full-fledged Marine they get their left red fist. But, then GW contradicts this by painting BOTH their scouts fists red. Ridiculous.


This is from Lexicanum:

"The chapter's main colour is deep blue with white or silver details. When an initiate joins the ranks of the Chapter his left glove is painted red; when he becomes a member of the Crusade company his right glove is also painted red. Scouts are often portrayed with red gloves but blue hand guards."


I just give my scouts blue hand guards and black gloves as I feel it's more fluffy if they don't EARN the right to the red fists until full initiation.

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nice scouts dude!


What is your recipe for the blues and the reds?


I would say however that your scouts should not have red gauntlets as only full marines that have undergone the Steeping are allowed to have them. The tellion stand in however would have both as he is a veteran sergeant.

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You do beautiful work, man. I wish I could do that on my first try.


One thing, though. If you've ever read Rynn's World, they say that a Marine only paints his hand red when he graduates from being a scout and proves himself enough to wear regular power armor. And then, when he proves himself again, he paints his other hand. That's why scouts have no red hands, regular Marines have one red hand, and veterans have two red hands.


I could be wrong, though. It wouldn't be the first time.


The paint job itself is immaculate. I just thought I'd share something that I'd read.

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Hi all, Thank you very much for the kind comments:)


I've repainted the gauntlets blue on the regular scouts as it appears i was out a bit off on the fluff.. thanks to everyone that pointed that out! I've never read Rynn's World as i was told it wasn't that amazing so i missed the background in there.


To Leonidus:

The Blue is Necron Abyss base coat, generous Regal Blue Highlight, fine Enchanted Blue highlight and an Ice Blue 'super' highlight.

The Red is Mechrite+Black basecoat, Red gore hightlight and then a fine Blood Red Highlight.


I also use Army Painter Matt Varnish which i find gives the illusion of blending

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I thought Rynn's World was a good book. I liked it.


And I agree with everyone else that your camo scheme is fantastic. I've always been afraid to paint camo because it screws with the detail of the model when I do it. But you seem to have pulled it off. I like how you shaded in the folds of the cloak yet still managed to show the scheme. Good work, man!

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I was quite apprehensive about painting camo as well but when it comes to sniper scouts, theres not really any other option.. Not if your going for the realistic look anyway. I scoured the interwebs for a good tutorial and the best i found was on dakkadakka.com (i checked B&C first of course!)


If your interested it can be found here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/242021.page


I changed the colours to Catachan Green, Chaos Black, Scorched Brown and Graveyard Earth. To shade it i just used Badab Black wash in the recesses, theres no highlights on it.. highlighting camo is a scary thought!


Hope this helps.

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I also use Army Painter Matt Varnish which i find gives the illusion of blending


how do you find the overall effect, its often hard to tell with pics, does this appear too 'shiny'?..

since GW stopped doing thier matt varnish im looking for a decent replacement.. although truth be told ive stopped varnishing my plastics and they barely get damaged

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