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Angels Sanguine Rhino


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As stated in previous posts - the tank column continues to grow. I am cheating here a bit. I used bot 8th Assault Squad (reserves) and DC Rhino markings





I have a set of Razorback parts for this model as well. So in the end, it will look similar to its counterpart from 4th squad tactical:


Though I'll be switching the top turret to Las + twin-linked plasmaguns.

Comment always welcome. Cheers, -OMG

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Very good! Again!


I think you are of the opinion that each thing in your army can be different and so why not? I think that way and like each thing to be unique, rather than one of many.


I am also thinking that I will test-paint my Tau with a white undercoat, for one Suit and do another with black undercoat.

For some things, white makes them too cartoony, but your red armour is delightful. I have to magnetise the weapons first, but it is on the cards :rolleyes:


Which colour [black or red] do you paint first?

Do you do one side to completion and then the other, or not?

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How was the banner on the marine done?

Was it freehand?

Actually it’s a custom decal. My skills with digital media far outweigh more traditional techniques. All the Chapter emblems & numbers are too for that matter though I do take the liberty of painting over them to help blend them into the rest of the model.


Great use of the ...Stormraven pilot I think??

Actually, he’s a bit of a kit bash. The seat & legs are from the sidecar of an attack bike. You just need to fashion some plasticard to fill in the back & bottom of the seat itself. The rest is just the marine torso, arms & shoulder pads from the Rhino sprues & the head is stolen from the Dark Angels. You need to insert a short peg to attach the seat to the gun base, again I think I cut up some tubular plasticard.


Thanks again gents.



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