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Imperial guard


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im going to be playing my friends imperial guard soon and need some advice on how to beet his armour he almost always uses two leman russ tanks a chimera and 3 sentinels i dont have much ranged to take it out. I have at my disposal two baals and a pred for ranged fire but thats it really i have melta and pf assault squads but im just wondering how ye counter IG mass volleys of fire and armour
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with some luck and good tactics. id outflank your baals and try to get rear shots at the tanks, armour 10 dosent last long against assault cannon firepower... then deepstriking with melta guns into the rear armour if you can but any side would do. damm even vanguard vets deeepstriking with a powerfist can do it... thing is you need to deploy something so they point the the tanks at and alow you to get at the rear, and this works best when you deploy at one side of the bord and hit half his army with most of yours. failing that if you still struggle get some multimelta attack bikes in there and rember to hug cover with everything...
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I would run a all DOA list, much like kirbs one listed on 3++, or you could go a blood hammer version, assaults squadsd, dev squads, Sang Guard and scouts.....With all the anti-av that guard brings, just dont bring any av targets and you have already frustrated much of his strategy, BA armies can still field an impressive foot based army.



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Drop pod with beacon, carrying an Ironclad Dreadnought with heavy flamer and a meltagun (Blood Angels can take them too, right?)

You have a good chance of getting 1 tank in turn 1, just with that and also the Ironclad with force your opponant to focus on it or else it will rip apart anything close. With it's armor 13 it is not easy to get down, unless he have lost of melta vets.


2 Squads of Assault Mariens, with 2 meltaguns, can use beacon or just DoA. They get high chance of arriving in turn 2 and will almost always land within meltagun range. That should be another 2 tanks gone.


Leaving you with points to use on long range AT (Lascannon or Missile Launchers).


Hope this help you.


Kind Regards,

Rune Jensen

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Go DOA with podding dreadnaughts to melta/punch in tanks.


2 5 man vanguard veteran squads will be good - they can land and charge heavy weapon teams, and then engage line squads.


take a whirlwind. Against guard you will have to clear an infantry squad off an objective in the middle of nowhere, guaranteed.


Take a librarian with blood boil. Being able to kill the commissars out of line squads at range will win you the game.

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Rhinos with Smoke Launchers. Leman Russ Battle Cannons scatter so there's no guarantee he'll be able to pop them. Get even a Tactical Squad with Krak Grenades into combat with his tanks and you're striking on the rear armour every time. You don't need any specialist tank-hunting weapons, just the speed to ensure that his almighty battle cannons only get a turn or two of firing before you're in amongst them. I play Imperial Guard in addition to my Dark Angels and believe me, there are few things that are more worrying than squads of Blood Angels in amongst our lines.


Take a librarian with blood boil. Being able to kill the commissars out of line squads at range will win you the game.


Apologies for the double post but how does this work?

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Rhinos with Smoke Launchers. Leman Russ Battle Cannons scatter so there's no guarantee he'll be able to pop them. Get even a Tactical Squad with Krak Grenades into combat with his tanks and you're striking on the rear armour every time. You don't need any specialist tank-hunting weapons, just the speed to ensure that his almighty battle cannons only get a turn or two of firing before you're in amongst them. I play Imperial Guard in addition to my Dark Angels and believe me, there are few things that are more worrying than squads of Blood Angels in amongst our lines.


Take a librarian with blood boil. Being able to kill the commissars out of line squads at range will win you the game.


Apologies for the double post but how does this work?


The power causes one wound with no armour save to one model in the target unit. If the dice roll for the psychic test is low enough then the BA player chooses which model takes the wound: so if your lucky with it you can snipe a 1 wound no invun save model out of a unit, ie a power fist sarge, or in this case a commissar.



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