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Void Lions DIY Chapter


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Hi everyone, long time lurker to these boards, just got back from a several year absence from the hobby, decided to paint up some of the models I had lying around and bought some new ones. Here is a link to my album with pictures of my Void Lions chapter thus far. There is a completed 5 man squad except 4 of their bases, WIP terminators which im currently painting and a WIP chapter master in terminator armor.





the majority of the shouldar pads are from scibor, they are a little huge I know, but I like the look and ill be mixing them with normal pads when I get more guys finished. The chapter master is probably obvious to most of you, its the body of Huron blackheart from FW with a scibor lion head helm and converted left arm storm bolter attachment. Unfortunately due to work, progress will be slow with this army but ill post updates as soon as they come.


Hope you like em.

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I've gotta say, you've got some great ideas floating around in there, and I can't wait to see how they turn out. Unfortunately, I'm really disappointed with how big the lion pads look because I was thinking of doing a chapter based around them. I'm hoping you find a way to deal with the hugeness of those pads, because they look giant even on the termies :/. the 6th picture, however, looks like it's in much better proportion. Is one of the pads smaller or were you experimenting to fix it?

Its funny that i log in to find this post, because i was just sitting down with my roommate not even an hour ago as he worked on his High Elf army, and i was looking at his White Lion Chariot and figured the 'face' of the actual Lion (being a separate part) would make for a wicked Pauldron on a Termi or even a decked out commander in regular armor.


I like the work though, cant wait to see more and see them finished.

@ravenson- actually the shouldar pad in the picture with the sing pa marine is untouched, in the group shot some of the differentpads have had their ridges shaved off because they looked to big for me even and I seem to like the obnoxiously huge shouldar pads. As for the termies, ive used only one type of the lion pads for them because they look way too big for anything but termies. Ive got a bunch of lion pads from chapterhouse incoming that ill mix in with the scibor pads to even it all out though.


thanks for the comments so far.

I have also been making a Lion-themed chapter (Lions of Achaea) and had thought about getting some parts from Scibor, as the shoulder pads look incredibly cool on their site. Having seen them on a model, though, i don't think I will! This isn't a dig at you, but they are definitely outsized, and look a little silly.


Other than the size of the shoulder pads, the models look really good! Quartered colour schemes are really nice, and I really like the rich red gold colour on the pad. You also have a very good-looking painting style, but your pictures could do with a little more light in them, only because it's pretty much impossible to tell what's going on with your chapter master when he's all primed.


In terms of alternative lion parts, the Lions of Achea use the space wolves codex, and are a little feral, so I've mostly just used wolf parts, however I did buy a couple of white lion/tiranoc chariots from Fantasy to get lions (for thunderwolves...); this also gives you a couple of lion heads (well, the top half), a lion pelt, and at least one lion icon, so that may be of some use...

Excellent work so far. Seems like Huron is a popular addition to armies now, I'm using a highly modified version for my army. FW makes some nice pieces. I was looking at Scibor pads ... kinda glad I skipped them now. They look great, but size wise ... will take alot of work to get them to look right.


I'll be following this cause I want to see more.


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