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GW Noob Paint's His First Death Company


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Hey Guys,


So here is my first Death Company model painted up...actually its my sixth model painted period. I am brand new to this and a big reason I picked the BA's was because of awesome models such as the Death Company units. Let me know what you guys think. :ph34r:



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Nice stuff, thats great work!

I'd probably recommend a bit more detail on the end of the flamer though, it stands out a bit as looking unfinished to me at least, although I would say your trying for the slightly burnt metal effect on it?



Hey thanks. Yea thats exactly it, it did turn out better in person then the piture, however it still looks a little off lol. Thanks for the suggestion...I'll see what I can do, hopefully my models look better as I paint more :ph34r:

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Can't believe this is your first ever model! It's better than all of my death co. :ph34r: Really good job. Like the bone helmet too as something a little bit different. I agree with Zealadin too ti would be even better if you could drill a hole or just put a black circle on the end of the flamer though.


Welcome to 40K and the Bolter and Chainsword by the way!

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Thanks bud!! Well he is technically my sixth model...my first 5 were tact marines...I just couldn't resist the urge to paint one up, probably should have waited till I had a bit more experience lol.


Here's a pic of my first 5 guys, most aren't even in focus but w.e :ph34r:



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If these are genuinely your first miniatures then I am thoroughly impressed as they are already far above my meager skills. You must have had some experience in art though as the techniques you've used surely don't come out of the blue?
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Thanks for all the comments!! Yea these are my first and only models painted and I do not have any art background, however, I have always been able to draw relatively well even though I never practice it lol. Maybe that’s helping :P I really have to accredit any early successes to Youtube, it has been an amazing reference for me, beauty of the internet :lol: Hopefully I can get a few more models up soon as I really don’t spend a lot time painting so I am doing pieces of a model at a time, hardly efficient but I am in no hurry. I have just started painting Lemartes, just looking at him is already worrisome considering the detail on him, maybe I’ll get some WIP pics up soon and hopefully a half decent completed model haha. Oh and to answer the last question I am using GW Citadel paints atm.



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Here is the WIP for Lemartes, didn't get much done lol actually I didn't even do my base colors yet and started working on the face. Still lots of touching up to do but here he is early on.



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I abslutly love your technique, if these are your first attempts EVER - then you sir, are the golden child.


That said, i hope you die under the sheer weight of your talent. ;p


Haha thank you sir, I suppose there are much worse ways to go then that so I'll take the compliment :blush:


Spent a little bit more time on Lemartes, got most of his main figure done except for minor detailing and his feet, which will be completed once I do the base. Here he is so far.



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LOL Abel :)


Thanks again for the feedback guys, much appreciated. As for the handle, I will def take that into consideration, the florescent bathroom lighting is really making it cuter then it appears haha. To be honest the blue just struck me as a good contrasting color for the gold. BTW Chaplain Desmodus, brilliant Flesh Eaters :confused:

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