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Colour for BA Purity Seals?


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Just wondering what color you all paint the purity seals on your BA's?


I'm kinda stuck about what to go with - black is kinda tempting, green doesn't really with the pallet and I don't want blue as its already used. Red kinda fades into the armor unfortunately.


What would you suggest?

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I paint them darker red and they stand out nicely.


Have a look at the models in my log to see if you like it.


The armour is Blood Red and the seals are Mechrite Red highlighted with VMC Old Rose mixed into it (you can use Tallarn Flesh) and then washed with Devlan Mud.


Edit: I fetched a pic frmo my log, makes it easier: Picture

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I use brighter red (of course I use darker red armor marines).


So, if I was playing actual Blood Angels I'd probably go for Scab Red. Purity seals look best in red to me.

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It's just colored wax, so any color is possible. I covered my kitbashed stormraven with purity seals, using a variety of colors to represent its venerable age and how many campaigns it had been through.

On my marines I *typically* use green, but sometimes I use purple or teal for the veterans etc.


If the armor isn't red (chaplains+librarians) I use red.

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Nice paint job there Ancient God! What color do you use for highlights?


I do mostly darker red purity seals. Sometimes I mix 'em up a bit and throw in a green, yellow, and even pinkish seal. It looks good when you have a bunch of seals like the clusters on vehicles, but the few green seals I've done on infantry I don't care for.

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