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Rhino vs Razorback for transport


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Hi guys, as the title says, I'm trying to see which dedicated transport is better to transport your objective sitters. I was going for razorbacks for the reason that I can upgrade them with lascanons so after they offload the troops I can still have an unti-tank vehicle.


What are your opinions?

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Well, it depends on what troops you intend to use as objective sitters. and do they really need to be transported.

I personally tend towards DoA lists, so there is no room for transports and sitters, but recently I found the need to take at least 5-man objective sitters. If they are scouts, I'd use no transport. If they are tacticals, well, that's the other story. I prefer to take 10 man squad and combat squad them so that my missile guy and 4 bolters would sit at home, while the sarge and meltaguy would hunt tanks and maybe capture another objective. As I'm gonna use 5 man suqds, I'd say take RB, as it provides covering fire. But on the other hand Rhino has firing points, so the meltaguy could shoot without disembarking.

TBH, I haven't decided myself :lol:



Ah, hell, I'd go with razorback :P

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for tactical marines i would go for the rhino or drop pod if your not going to combat squad them and razor backs for 5man assault marines as the whole point of taking 5 man assault squads is for the cheap razorback. Saying all of that i have been toying with the idea of bombat squadding a tac squad and having the heavy weapon and 4xbolters sitting back and the sarg with a powerfist and a combi plasma, plasmagun marine and 3 bolters in a flamer back, The idea is the assault marines clear the objective then the plasme squad sits on it.
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currently I'm experimenting with a 1000pts list to see exactly what I want.. I have 5man dc + rech in a rhino and 10tactical combat squads in a razorback I don't know if I should take all rhinos or not. My intention with the razorbacks is, that after it offloads it will support the tactical squad by lurking around the area and hopefully it will survive more then a rhino.
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when buying always buy the razorback for the weapons options. if you have 6 or less in the transported squad id say always go razorback. if more than 6 go rhino(not even sarting on the pod/raider/raven options) Also the free options are good depending on what you plan to do too. if your sitting back on an objective then heavy bolters, if your rushing an enemy objective you have to go full pelt til you get out so flammers really help there. if your paying assaul cannons are good, but i dont think id ever choose twin las over the las +plas...

then agin dont forget the rhino has the repair ability, and the fire points...though for thediference id still go razor...

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... but i dont think id ever choose twin las over the las +plas...


I went for t/l lascannon because I don't have enough anti-tank weapons.. and I have 2 baals with ass/cans and HB sponsons to clear enemy troops. I also have a speeder with multimelta which I'm finding a way to get rid of it because I don't think it will make much alone.

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a single speeder wont make much difference. with the razor las... i think you pay as much just to twin link the lascannon as you do for a las and tl plas, and a plas can also hurt weaker armour, and together they can kill 3 termys if needed... wher as the tl las can only ever kill one. well thats my thoughts anyway. i only run a flamerback...only costs me like 20 points so only needs to kill 2 models to pay for itsself.
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no, but you can simply cut the barrel off one of the cannons and stick 2 plasma guns in there. works suprisingly well. if you make a pred, id say make it so you can conver it easily to razorback or rhino... may as well keep your options open.
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As already stated it depends entirely on the scenario, army, terrain ect...With that being said though, I have been playing around with using 2 tactical squads w/ Melta, ML, Combi-melta and a RB w/ TLHF, HK, and dozer. I combat squad my tacs, and the ML team sits on my objectives, while the melta team rolls forward to pop transports and have a bbq w/ the guys inside. It has been working really well for me, plus I get to field tacs in a BA army, not a common thing in my area....
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... but i dont think id ever choose twin las over the las +plas...


I went for t/l lascannon because I don't have enough anti-tank weapons.. and I have 2 baals with ass/cans and HB sponsons to clear enemy troops. I also have a speeder with multimelta which I'm finding a way to get rid of it because I don't think it will make much alone.

I prefer the twin las for the simple reason that I want to be able to move 12 inches and fire everything.

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As already stated it depends entirely on the scenario, army, terrain ect...With that being said though, I have been playing around with using 2 tactical squads w/ Melta, ML, Combi-melta and a RB w/ TLHF, HK, and dozer. I combat squad my tacs, and the ML team sits on my objectives, while the melta team rolls forward to pop transports and have a bbq w/ the guys inside. It has been working really well for me, plus I get to field tacs in a BA army, not a common thing in my area....


I'm fielding 10tact marine ax combat squads in my 1k list because they are the only I've got and a 5DC squad to wipe of any squad that faces hopefully.

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currently I'm experimenting with a 1000pts list to see exactly what I want.. I have 5man dc + rech in a rhino and 10tactical combat squads in a razorback I don't know if I should take all rhinos or not. My intention with the razorbacks is, that after it offloads it will support the tactical squad by lurking around the area and hopefully it will survive more then a rhino.


Don't take a Rhino for the Death Company. Take a Razorback with a Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer. I think it's like 5 points difference and you want the Death Company close anyway. I prefer Razorbacks for anti-vehicle goodness. For armament, I prefer either Twin-Linked Assault Cannon or Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun. Twin-Linked Lascannon is a waste IMO. One weapon destroyed and it's useless. With LasPlas, you get more life out of it. Survivability of a Rhino and a Razorback is the same on paper, but if the Razorback has a decent gun it's going to draw more fire. Hope this helps!

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