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Old Sisters player starting with Blood Angels

Malt Vicar

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Hi, everyone.


I'm an old 40k player--I haven't played since the days of 3rd edition, when my Sisters of Battle rode around in Rhinos and kit-bashed Exorcists, jumping out to get shooty with heavy flamers and multi-meltas. The Sisters army is long sold, and I have been looking to get into a new army and a new playing style now that 5th edition is around. I was in a hobby store last week when a Sanguinary Guard box set caught my eye. After reading half the codex in the shop, I now have a respectable force purchased (but not even assembled).


I've read the Codex, along with a lot of articles here and on other sites, so I have a pretty good idea of how the Angels work. What I need some help with--before I even build a list--is what to buy before I'm list-worthy. In other words, am I missing anything critical that veteran BA players would notice?


Here's what I have:


HQ: Chaplain

Elites: Sanguinary Guard, 5 vanilla AoBR Terminators (not sure I will use these)

Troops: 2x Tactical Squad, Death Company (5 models)

Heavy Support: Dreadnought (old 4th edition plastic w/assault cannon and ccw; going to convert w/2 heavy weapons)


Here's what I'm definitely going to add:

HQ: Captain and Librarian

Elites: Furioso Dread (will build as Librarian), 3 Sanguinary Priests

Troops: Assault Squad or two; more DC to fill out a squad

Transport: A Rhino or two (for the Tac Squads and/or DC + Chaplain) and a Stormraven


I don't even know enough yet to put together a list, but I want to build a flexible force. I do like the DoA rule, but I don't intend on building a list around it every time I play. I'd welcome any suggestions on what to add--especially if the veteran players here see I'm missing something big. Otherwise, just consider this my introduction.


I'm excited to get started with the Blood Angels--I prefer to get up-close, assaulty, and personal. It's going to take a little work, because I tend to be conservative in games, so the bold style of the Angels will be a learning experience for me.

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Welcome, hope you enjoy the Kool-Aid and pamphlet!


The great thing about BA is that you can play them many different ways and still play competitive. If you like DoA, as I do, I would get at least 30 Assault Marines, that way you have plenty of troop choices. You are making a good choice on filling out the DC, i run 10 in every list. You may want to consider building a DC dread w/ blood talons as well, really complements the stormraven well.


as said above, baal preds are nice, and some regular preds (autocannon/lascannon) can really help out with your long range needs


You've got a pretty good chunk of necessities already or on your wishlist. You should have yourself a pretty sizable force! Best of Luck!!

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Vindicators are great for just about everything, RAS are a must with or without jump packs (I prefer to leave them on), Baal preds are nice but not needed.

I like running sniper scouts with cloaks and a missile launcher Vanguard Vets are nice and so is either Mephiston or the Sanguinar.

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Like said above the vindicator is pretty awesome. Besides that it's a good idea to stock up on assault marines I always try to at least run one full squad of them with jump packs and a 5 men squad in a razorback.


If you want to play special characters Mephiston is a nice choice.

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With a name like Malt Vicar, I want to help you and I think you're on the right track(s) as it is.


Happy hunting!


Oh, except for the desire for a captain. It's, almost always, a poor choice. If you want something captain-like, get Tycho... And your HQ isn't a chaplain, it's a reclusiarch. Chaplains are an elites choice. If and when you get the dread kit, use magnets to let your shooty dread be used as a furioso with frag (and magna-grapple). Hflamer or melta arm is a matter of choice.

And, Lemartes. Seriously, get yourself a (magnetised) JP for a chaplain model or buy the Lemartes sculpt. He can, with certain other contributing factors, get up to 13 (THIRTEEN!!1! XIII!!!) S6 PW attacks on the charge with rerolls to hit and wound at I8. I don't know of any other upgrade character capable of such insanity. So far, he could be fielded with up to 10 attacks based on your models chosen.

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Also: If you want more Assault Marines and a Rhino or two.. and you consider making non-Jump Pack Assault Marines.. consider buying the BA battle box. You need some bolt pistol and chainsword arms in your bit box, but then you can use the Tactical sprue for assault marines.


I am also not much a fan of the Vindicator but prefer the Autocannon with Lascannon Sponson Predators. Fast and long range makes for an awesome combination.

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Welcome to our bloodthirsty, yet most noble Chapter! :lol:


I will echo what others have said before me, I think you are nicely on the right track.


Definitely get those Assault Marines, since they are what we are all about. You might want to consider magnetizing their backpacks, so you can switch between Jump Packs and standard backpacks. Makes 'em easier to paint and transport also. All you need is some magnets and a lil' bit of Green Stuff. That's what I did with my Assault Marines, Sanguinary Priests and Death Company and I'm loving the versatility.


I also agree very strongly with the Sanguinary Priests, you need to get these fellas. They are the ones that really bring our army-wide rules into play, namely the feared Furious Charge, but the oh-so-sweet Feel No Pain is nothing to scoff at either.


As for the more specialized support, I've personally always loved the good old-fashioned Dakka Baal (TL-Assault Cannon & Heavy Bolter Sponsons). They do rip through T3 models quite nicely. If you plan on running the Death Company alot, like I do, I suggest the DC Dread instead of the Furioso Librarian. Stick it in the Storm Raven with the DC and watch heretics and aliens cower in fear.


Happy hunting!

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Thanks for the welcome and the suggestions!


After doing some more reading (and based on your suggestions) I've decided to revise my build a bit, and I'll present a list later for your critique.


As I look at what else to acquire, I have a few questions:


1. I want to take Lemartes to go with my DC. If I remember, though, you can't use special characters in a tournament list, or you have to get your opponent's permission ... is that/was that ever a rule?


2. I am considering painting my chapter as the Angels Encarmine (love those white SG and DC) ... can you use any special characters in a successor chapter?


3. Given that I already have a DC and Sanguinary Guard, are Terminators a viable choice for this army? It seems to me that, if I'm packing DC and SG, I've got plenty of assault punch, and I'd be much better off using those points in other areas.


4. It looks like none of the HQ's can take Artificer armor (save for those special characters equipped with it), as it's not stated specifically as an option. Am I reading the codex correctly on this?



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1) In my experience, most touraments allow special characters. Characters do not need opponent's permission anymore. But some places make them illegal and some events do as well.

2) The codex states you can use special characters in a successor, just give them a new name. I personally use Astorath most of the time in my Angels Vermillion.

3) I personally would go with more jump pack stuff than to mix in terminators.

4) Sadly, that is correct. No artificer armor as an option.

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1. I want to take Lemartes to go with my DC. If I remember, though, you can't use special characters in a tournament list, or you have to get your opponent's permission ... is that/was that ever a rule?


2. I am considering painting my chapter as the Angels Encarmine (love those white SG and DC) ... can you use any special characters in a successor chapter?


3. Given that I already have a DC and Sanguinary Guard, are Terminators a viable choice for this army? It seems to me that, if I'm packing DC and SG, I've got plenty of assault punch, and I'd be much better off using those points in other areas.


4. It looks like none of the HQ's can take Artificer armor (save for those special characters equipped with it), as it's not stated specifically as an option. Am I reading the codex correctly on this?


1. JamesI is right in that generally special characters are allowed and you don't have to ask to use them. The only times they can ever not be used are some tournaments and events.


2. Of course you can! It would ultimately suck the fun out of the game if GW didn't let you use stuff within reason (in my opinion). All you have to do is paint it up in your chapter colours (or kitbash a new chracter) and make a new name for the character.


3. I don't ever really picture Blood Angels as Terminators. But it is all down to what you think of them. If you like the imagery or the rules than paint up a squad :)


4. No none of them can but then gain we get Sang Guard :P haha


good luck with your army and i hope to see some pictures of Malt Vicar Angels Encarmine soon :)

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consider buying the BA battle box


Actually buying the regular marine battleforce with a DC set on top will give you better value.


Not really, imo. I don't think the Battlebox is something he should get, either way, and if he's not getting DC in it, it's definitely not worth it at all. He's got 20 tacs already. He could get 10 assault troops and 2 DC boxes and 2 assault squad boxes for that and would probably use all the bits.

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Regular assault squads are your friends. In the current rules troops choices are alpha omega and as blood angels we are blessed with a golden one. I love those with jump packs for deep striking, gernerally fast movement and the ability to sweep in and secure objectives in the last turns of battle. Some like those on foot better, to use their discount to get cheap transports, I'm sure that's great as well.


One element I love that you might want to consider is attack bikes with multi meltas. They are fast, resilient tank busters, and not too expensive.

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I think you need to get an idea of what kind of army you want to play before you can start getting advice on what to buy.

Vindicators are loved or hated, and need to be used in multiples.


Maybe read through the codex and decide what you want your army to look like, then people can give worthwhile advice on what will and won't work, because honestly each unit in the vaccume sounds amazing, but with BA especially you often need to use them properly, often with support or in multiples or they are barely worth looking at.

The codex is more finesse than SW or even normal marines.


For instance Dante makes Sang Guard troops, and you can build a great list around this, but would then probably want to avoid vehicles, and go with lots of fast moving units, probably assault squads, with maybe dev support.

Or if you want razorbacks then to be successful you want to fill your slots with them and other vehicles so you have target saturation. Ideal HQ here is often a Lib with sheild for a 5++, and using Baals for a front wall of AV 13.

Astorath makes DC spammable as troops, but they generally need vehicles because of rage, their jump packs are overpriced, but their boxset is ideal for making any kind of BA marine, jump infantry or otherwise.


For instance with what you have mentioned you can definately use DC in a SR with a Dread. Some people prefer the DC with JP's for extra movement after getting out of the SR, some prefer the extra bodies. A reclusiarch here is ideal for rerolls to hit and wound on the charge. Chaplain can do this too, but Reclusiarchs are just better.

Terminators can also go in a SR, but you want assault termies with a mix of TH/LCs for that.

A Captain is never a good choice in the BA codex.

Normal Tacts can be just that, especially with a Rhino, but are hard to move anywhere else.

I would generally say a normal assault squad with JP's is a pretty safe bet in any BA army, but then if you end up using razorspam they won't need the JP's so it depends if you magnatise them.

Its easy to overdo the use of priests, and you can also consider Honour Guard, which are flexible for loadout, and include a priest that can't be singled out in combat.


Look through the lists section and see what people are putting up, and what the rest of the forum says is good and bad.

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I think you need to get an idea of what kind of army you want to play before you can start getting advice on what to buy.


Agreed. I realize that when I asked the question, I was opening up to a variety of responses based on play style.


For instance, I mentioned up thread that I like the SG--but I want them to stand out, not to be all over the battlefield, so no to the Dante/SG troops idea.


I've done a lot of reading, and since my last post on this thread, even, I've had a few changes of thought. I want to build a list that emphasizes flight, so I'm going to be picking up a few boxes of assault marines. Then my gaming funds are tapped for now, and I'll start with posting a list (say, 1,000 points) and building from there with some help here.

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If you're going that route, I'd highly recommend mixing assault boxes with DC boxes. All will be good for assault models, but with the DC boxes, you'll be able to mix in a lot of BA bitz on each model.


That's the plan. I've already picked up 2 boxes of DC: one plastic and one of the older metals (I found the latter in a game store OOP shelf--I wanted a little variety. I have some extra jump packs sitting around I can magnetize on). So I have plenty of bitz to share around.

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nice blog post Grizzly. Vindicators are without a doubt my favorite HS choice in our codex.


Thanks JamesI. Yeah, they can be devastating when used correctly. The cardinal rule to using them is that you really need to run 2 of em for them to be effective.

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