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mrtn's dirty rotters


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I like the mix of old/new plagues, and the orange accents really pop. Love the old school rhino, I got 4 of the old things in my nurgle army, bought all new rhinos for my loyalist SM's and just couldn't see gettin rid of em, so I covered em in GreenStuff and voila! Chaos rhinos!
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I like how the green is very...ghostly. It makes the weapons pop.

Thank you.


Really nice progress - highly approve!

Thanks. :)


I like the mix of old/new plagues, and the orange accents really pop. Love the old school rhino, I got 4 of the old things in my nurgle army, bought all new rhinos for my loyalist SM's and just couldn't see gettin rid of em, so I covered em in GreenStuff and voila! Chaos rhinos!

Thank you. Yeah, the orange was what made the painting scheme, I knew I wanted this armour, but I needed an accent colour. I've two more old rhinos, still in the painting scheme(s) from the previous owner.


I like how you've painted these Plague Marines mrtn, they look like their paint is fading and stripping away. I like your Nurgle Obliterator conversion too! B)

Thank you. The obliterators are waiting for their washes, so should be finished soon.


In the mean time:

I'm reading the Siege of Vraks atm, and since they mention beastmen, and me being such an impressionable lad, I was inspired to start converting.






He'll get his backpack after painting. This is a bit of a bits box extravaganza, using bits from at least six different boxes, the newest one being the 8 year old beast herd box...

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Thank you Mr.Malevolent!


I finished my Obliterators, and have now painted more than 1000 points of Nurgly Marines in about two months time. ;)











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There's not only beastmen in space, but also pirates!







This is yet another case of me converting something very old, in this case the sergeant of the monopose space marines that's got a new head and a modified backpack. The previous owner tried a way to paint faces on the model, that's the reason for the curious priming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished a batch of Chaos Havocs, including the space beastman.






I'm sure someone will tell me it isn't the optimal load-out for havocs, but they're cool, especially the heavy bolter is one of the coolest chaos marines EVAR. And I can always hope that the lascannon will be cheaper in the next codex. :D

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I have said it before, but love the simplicity of your colorscheme... It works wonders!


Other than that, I am personally not a fan of your beastman convertion... appart from the fact that it is a good convertion, I dont find the idea appealing... but thats just my oppinion! :)

It has nothing to do with your convertion, just the idea... doesn't appeal to me... other than that... Love the stuff mate! :D

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I've been watching this thread, and I thought I said something before but I guess I didn't. Really like what you're doing here with these PMs.

Thank you.


I have said it before, but love the simplicity of your colorscheme... It works wonders!


Other than that, I am personally not a fan of your beastman convertion... appart from the fact that it is a good convertion, I dont find the idea appealing... but thats just my oppinion! :P

It has nothing to do with your convertion, just the idea... doesn't appeal to me... other than that... Love the stuff mate! :)



No accounting for taste, but that's alright. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a couple of plague bearers which will also feature in my Carnival of Chaos warband. And a finished space pirate.










I've experimented with gloss varnish on the open wounds.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey mrtn, is this the same thread as you have at papa nurgle? (it's rotten face) haha sorry I've commented it after only looking at the first page! I'm gonna look through bit I have alot of your pics saved already from the thread over at papa nurgle... Amazing work as ever though bro.


EDIT: I'm wondering the rhino with the plank of wood holding the door shut, what is that?

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i really like the work you've been doing, today is the 1st time i've looked at your trend... i score about 24 PM yesterday at lgs, for like pennies... i'll been studying your work to help in my own efforts.

Thank you.


Hey mrtn, is this the same thread as you have at papa nurgle? (it's rotten face) haha sorry I've commented it after only looking at the first page! I'm gonna look through bit I have alot of your pics saved already from the thread over at papa nurgle... Amazing work as ever though bro.


EDIT: I'm wondering the rhino with the plank of wood holding the door shut, what is that?

Thanks rotten, and yes I've got the same stuff up there. What do you mean about the plank? I haven't made that conversion, so if it's a question about that I probably don't know the answer.

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