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Knights of Blood Shoulder Pads


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Brothers, I need your help. Of the 20 different shoulder pads in the Death Company box, I only need 4 to represent my Knights of Blood 3rd Company.


Left Shoulder Pad:
Since my Chapter has been named renegade by the Emperor's minions, I'll use the shoulder pad with the scroll of parchment covering the Chapter symbol both of my Apocalypse Strike Forces.


Right Shoulder Pad (DC):
I have 3x10 Death Company for the Death Company Apoc Force, so obviously will use the 2 skull pads with the "X" on them.


Right Shoulder Pad (3rd Company):
I'll use the large single blood drop for my 6x10 Tacticals - Lucifer Armoured Task Force - and obviously I'll ignore the DC "X".


Unfortunately, I can only get a few at a time in each box of Death Company and I can't afford to just buy DC boxes for the shoulder pads. So, should I learn how to make molds or does anyone have any suggestions on how to acquire just the ones I need?

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I'd put the Knights of Blood chapter symbol on there somewhere. Remember that they've been declared renegade, but they're still trying to prove themselves loyal. I would love to see what your list looks like. I think I would do something like:




large death company/ w bolters, power weapons, and some fists/hammers


Death company dreadnought in drop pod


2x assault squad in pods


Devastators in a drop pod.


Yes, I think I see them as a drop pod army I think since they're fleetborne. More troops than vehicles, more chaplains than priests, but I'd probably still use priests. I would give their death company bolters, and use little to no jump infantry. Astorath, DC Tycho, and Seth seem like good choices for hqs.

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Bitz Barn



This place is pretty sweet place. You can call them directly or send an email, usually response within 24 hrs. Or you can try Spikey Bitz, War Store


THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!!! THANKS!!!! I feared I'd have to buy the whole set from the other bits sites.


even with bits stes and all you seem to be needing an awful lot of shoulderpads by my reckoning... i would look into making your own via moulds etc. it is quite difficult to get right though...


I'd put the Knights of Blood chapter symbol on there somewhere. Remember that they've been declared renegade, but they're still trying to prove themselves loyal. I would love to see what your list looks like. I think I would do something like:




large death company/ w bolters, power weapons, and some fists/hammers


Death company dreadnought in drop pod


2x assault squad in pods


Devastators in a drop pod.


Yes, I think I see them as a drop pod army I think since they're fleetborne. More troops than vehicles, more chaplains than priests, but I'd probably still use priests. I would give their death company bolters, and use little to no jump infantry. Astorath, DC Tycho, and Seth seem like good choices for hqs.


@ Brother nathan and BrotherMoses: I've been battling with whether or not to just create my own Chapter Pad and just got lazy. But now that 'deftoneage12' found that bits site for me, I think I will let my enemies know it was the Knights that tore them asunder!!! :P

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