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Dante - wha'ts your take?


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Ok I need your opinions here to help me flush out my 1850 doa lists hq. Dante, yes the man the armor the weapons. The question, what roles do you think he next works in. A close combat or other. I ask because I want to change up my honor guard from a heavy hit armor bash to something more flexible.


Current their loadout is Jo/ 4x meltaguns. Leaving the novitiate alone.


If you wish to know the whole list to help flush it let me know.

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I'm working on a Dante list right now. The thing about Dante is that you get tactical precision and surgical strike. To me this means: DS whereever you please. You can land where you need to position your guys. You won't be able to assault right away, but you can shoot. Also, when you get assaulted back, if you survive, you can use hit and run to leave combat and come back on your own terms.


My current list focuses not on sanguinary guard, but on assault troops. Kitting them out in ways to lend me variability. I have a flamer assault squad, a melta assault squad, and a plasma pistol assault squad. Dante can come in with whichever he needs for that game, doesn't scatter, and can do some serious damage.

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I think Dante is really close to being a great buy. If he had eternal warrior he would be right up there with Sangy and Mephy.


I have had thoughts of adding him to a SS/Melta or plasma/1 Fist honor guard. An expensive unit, but would have great flexibility.


Something like.


3 Melta or Plasma

3 Storm Shields

1 Fist


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The current list is as follows.


2x sang priests


2 10th man assault squads. Mg/ mg and flamer/mg

Storm raven


5man cc unit


And a lobby to make it a 2000pts list


Sorry if I don't post the whole gear list. I'm doing this post off my cell phone.

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Ok here's another piece to the puzzle of why I asked this question. I want to to field my honorguard with a blood champ but doing so I need to rework their gear. And with then I was wondering what would be best when working in concert with Dante and still be flexible for going up again both armor and infinity list.


Hmmm come to think of it I really should have stated this first off. I'll just beg your guys forgiveness for that.

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A close combaty HG inculding a champ, I'd build something like this:




1 with chapter banner, fist or hammer, shield

1 meltagun

1 Meltagun+stormshield


Its hefty at 300 points (assuming a fist).



I've been planning to build a HG, it will either be a meltagun madness unit or something like this.

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Here's a fun list im thinking of building:



Librarian w/ Shield + Rage, Melta Bombs

3 x Sanguinary Priests w/ Combi-Melta's, Jump Packs

Sanguinary Guard w/ Fist, 2 Infernus Pistols, Banner (Insert Dante and Priest here)

Sanguinary Guard w/ Fist, 1 Infernus Pistol (Insert Librarian and Priest here)

Sanguinary Guard w/ Fist, 1 Infernus Pistol (Insert Priest here)

Sanguinary Guard w/ Fist, 1 Infernus Pistol

Sanguinary Guard w/ Fist, 1 Infernus Pistol


1750 on the dot.


This is meant to be a fun list but looking back on it now it looks like it can be a bit competitive

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I have had success in running Dante attached to a Sanguinary Guard unit w/ two IP's and a banner. That is three melta shots that hit exactly where you want them to, which is key considering the 3" melta range of IP's. Then his hit and run ability allows the SG to keep on charging and hitting. And of course they are troops. Lastly, beyond just helping out with the IP range, his surgical strike ensures he lands where he can do damage, while keeping away from the stuff that will mess up him and the SG. He is expensive and is not the most competitive choice, but he can be used to good effect. I used him and Mephiston in a 2250 pt tournament because I just wanted to try out the big names together, and used Dante as described above. The only game he did not do well in was versus an all nob-biker list. That was the game I really wish I had taken a normal lib with FotD instead of Dante.


Oh, I should also mention that I had two RAS with Priests doing the DoA thing in that list. I would drop them in near Dante to ensure Dante and his SG got the priest bonuses. Getting a bunch of str 5 init 5 PW's attacks with some master crafted re-rolls is just ridiculous.

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Dante leverages your ability to pinpoint deepstrike and blow something up. If he doesn't have a target he is expensive when you consider he can't charge the turn he lands. Especially when your normally stocking up on IP's in his squad so you also lose out on alot of your angelus shots which are quite good vs horde.
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I like that build James - well rounded and solid in cc.


G :blush:



Trying to decide if that's better for what it does than a similar SG (Banner, fist, some infernus and an attached priest).


I think the SG have more potent offense and the 2+ armor save with FNP works very well against anything AP3 or less. The stormshields are all around good defense versus anything. I think it all comes down to your own personal style of play.


G -_-

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I use Daunte in almost every list I use. Even without EW he is a good buy. He can land anywhere and hits like a truck. Free death mask is nice so is hit and run. What alot of people keep forgetting is that he also nerfs an HQ before the game even starts. Sure if he had a few more goodies he would be the MAN but as it is he is a damn good buy and very useful. I say use him with a regular assault squad or a SG and go to town. Throw in a chappy and a priest and they are beasts.
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I wasn't too hot on Dante initially, but now I'm starting to see his potential.


In my view, he should be accompanying either:

-Big mean CC squads that will take advantage of Hit and Run to Furious Charge almost all the time; or

-Shooty/weak squads that you want to keep out of trouble (read: CC) by Hit and Running out of combat.


So, either tooled out CC HG, SG or VV (after they land, obviously) or shooty HG/ASM (if the enemy has nasty CC units that will tear them appart).


My favorite combo is Dante, Sang Guard unit with just the Chapter Banner, and a Sang Priest with LC and combi-melta. The idea is to drop near a tank, fire both Dante's IP and the Priest's combi at it, and spend the rest of the game slaughtering infantry, taking potshots at tanks when you run out of squishy targets. Try to avoid getting charged by things that will ignore your fancy artificer armour. When getting shot at, allocate your wounds smartly: if shot by plasma, allocate to Dante (he has 4 wounds for a reason). If shot by a missile, allocate to the Guards. If shot by lascannons, again the guards (don't take the risk of seeing Dante vanish in an unlucky invuln save roll).

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Best use is to utilise his Deep Strike rules with an anti Armour Honour Guard. Then you can always have him join a different unit the next turn to add a combat bonus.


This says it for me.


I've only used him in a few games, but my preferred tactic is to have him precision strike with a melta gun honor guard, destroy the target, then move to a nearby assault squad (ideally with priest or Red Thirst) or San Guard squad. I really want the hit and run with a squad of something that can take advantage of it. With Astorath you get better Red Thirst chances. Here Dante is a nice multiplier.


Having San Guard as a troops choice is just a bonus. I don't rock more than a San Guard squad, but having it be a scoring unit really helps.


I'm sure it really comes down to your play style, but for mine, Dante and Astorath are a great way to make a troop heavy DOA army so much better.

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Dante pretty much won my last game for me. I was playing a Capture and Control against Tryanids with Spearhead deployment. On my opponents last turn Dante used H&R to get out of combat and on my turn assaulted the units sitting on his objective to contest. Meanwhile a unit of Sanguinary Guard moved to control my objective. Couldn't have done that without his abilities.



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I've sometimes toyed with the idea of putting dante in a SG squad with nothing but infernus pistols. You don't scatter with dante at all, so you have no problem getting within range. Drop it right behind the biggest most expensive model in your opponent's entire army. I don't care how big and bad it is, I'd like to see how well anything survives taking six melta blasts to the rear. Couple with a VV squad like I suggested earlier and you dish out some hurt on the ds.
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Played a game last night and Dante was very useful. The ability to hurt an enemy IC before the battle is wonderful - which subsequently meant the Ork Warboss managed to just die to a hail of assault cannon fire, after Dante used his other special ability to leave combat! He was also the only surviving member of the Sanguard and again managed to flee to the safety of another unit, as he was close enough at the start of the phase.


I think he's wonderful. Also interesting, the Tactical Precision has no restrictions on having a jump pack (unlike Surgical Strike) meaning that the terminators he joined later on were able to flee combat towards an objective.


Plus, at I7, Str5 with 7 attacks on the charge (Sanguard banner), he's pretty good at smashing through stuff on his own.

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I've sometimes toyed with the idea of putting dante in a SG squad with nothing but infernus pistols. You don't scatter with dante at all, so you have no problem getting within range. Drop it right behind the biggest most expensive model in your opponent's entire army. I don't care how big and bad it is, I'd like to see how well anything survives taking six melta blasts to the rear. Couple with a VV squad like I suggested earlier and you dish out some hurt on the ds.


That is nearly 700pts of perfectly Pie Plate sized stuff to shoot at in their turn though. In only 7 models.

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