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Blood raven paint scheme

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I admit it, I've been playing Dawn of War and Dawn of War II and I've gotten hooked on the Blood Ravens. So I'm starting the planning stages of the army, figuring out the "what to buys" and "How to paints" for the army. I've heard that the Blood Ravens paint scheme is Scab red and Bleached Bone, but when I went to the B&C painter and used Scab Read it looked way too murky. I'm wondering if maybe I heard wrong or is there's another part to this that I missed. Like maybe it's scab read with a purple wash or something.


Here's what I came up with:


this just the Scab Read as defined by the B&C painter



This is a more-red coloring I did more or less free hand


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When I did a squad of Blood Ravens for my friend, I painted Mechrite Red over a black undercoat, and highlighted with Blood Red. Looked great. The Bleached Bone wasn't as creamy as I'd like, though. If I were doing Blood Ravens I'd try to find something a bit more cream-colored than that.
Can't say anything about the red, but if the bone seems too white, you can add a bit of khaki into it. To get the dirty brownish effect in the recesses along the shoulder pad trim, use thinned down graveyard earth as a wash along the trim and then, when that is dry, to make it look even better you can use the bone colour (or bone-khaki mix) with the feathering technique to get a cool effect. I'm doing this on my greenish blood raven rip-off scheme boys, and I think it looks awesome. ;)

Base Coat: 2:1 VGC "Scar Red" and VMC "Red Black"

Pre-Shade: VMC "Red Black"

First Highlight: 1:1 "Scar Red" and "Red Black"

Second Highlight: "Scar Red"

Third Highlight: 1:1 VGC "Bloody Red" and "Scar Red"


At least that's the recipe that was used on my commission:




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