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Lamenters Captain Valix


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Alright ladies and gents, started working on another Captain model just for some variation in the force. Tell me what you think!


Pieces are:

Iron Warrior Helmet

Iron Warrior secondary Lascannon arm

Black Templar's Emperor's Champion Black Sword

Blood Angel Death Company Legs

Sergeant Chronus upper torso

Forge World Ultramarine Brass Crux Terminatus

Assault Terminator Groin Plate/Guard

Space Marine Backpack

Venerable Dreadnought Purity Seals(Not seen)

Assault Marine left hand




Captain Valix could be considered ill-of-age for his position as captain of 6th Company. At the age of 105, he has already proven heimself able of body and mind, yet somewhat impetuous. In his second engagement as a full battle brother, he was promoted to sergeant for his valor after the death of Sergeant Armano at the hands of rebel forces. Ten years later saw him rescuing Chief-Librarian Artaris from the cold darkness of space after both he and Valix were sucked into the void via a breach in a Space Hulk they had boarded. As Valix attempted to pull his way back in through the breach, the blast door came down upon his left arm, severing it at the shoulder, tossing him to cold silence. Having remained able even after still drifting out, he came across the prone and unconscious form of the Librarian as he drifted. Activating his Locater Beacon, they were both retrieved later, via Thunderhawk gunship. This act saw him promoted to Captain Neras’ Command Squad of the 6th Company, who’s own squad suffered heavy casualties in the same engagement. When the Badab War was in its middle stages, Valix found himself accompanying Neras and his Command Squad in a raid against Orks attacking the rearguard of the sector. At the climax of the battle, the Captain engaged the Ork Warboss; who ripped the Captain in half and tossed the remains aside as if but a rag doll in their opening moves. Summoning the Chapters curse, Valix took up Neras’ sword and challenged the greenskin. Bolstered by his rage, Valix fought, and won, skewering the brute on his blade, pinning the xeno against the wall of a destroyed factory even as the beast ripped his augmentic arm from the socket and destroyed his helmet. It should be noted that Valix was considered to be fully in the grip of the Red Thirst at this point, and was only calmed when he looked around to see his forces were retreating under massed greenskin numbers before they were overrun. By the end, the mission was still accomplished, and Valix was marked as the new Captain, despite some protest, and was gifted with the ancient helm of the Lamenters first Chapter Master, Varion, as a mark of honor for upholding the honor of the 6th despite defeat. The gift was presented to him by the current Chapter Master, Malakim Phoros, Post Badab War, the Captain leads the 6th company on, pushing for the deadliest fights whenever he can, sometimes struggling to control himself in the heat of battle. Time will tell if he can remain in control, though given his further descent in rage, it does not bode well.


-Matt :Elite:

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