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Mr Yellow

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@Shatter- Cheers, love the passion, though to hate you must have once loved the lemon flavour jelly babies.


@Perrin- the smoking hole was actually going to have a nid poking out of it, but I didn't have any at the time......still haven't. That and I kind of like the idea of using my guys as Badab War force as well as Kraken so trying to keep the bases generic spaceship ones (though failing a little)

Am also very tempted by Chyron but I have just ordered some bits in for a dread conversion (or at least I think so) it's going to take some time to build but I will post WIP when I have something to show off.

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@Shatter- Cheers, love the passion, though to hate you must have once loved the lemon flavour jelly babies.


Close... lemon meringue pie.


When life gives you lemons...



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And a bit more, as promised I have something to show off of my dreadnought conversion:




This is the basis of my sanguinary guard dreadnought. I just don't like the idea of the new BA dreads where it looks like the guys actual helmet is poking out, but like the idea of a decorated sarcophagus.

I am not entirely happy with the weapon/arm arrangement yet and there is some green stuff action to come but roughly the general outline is done.

Watcha reckon?

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I have been feeding the hairy fluff monster whilst waiting for some more stuff to arrive in the post for my dread conversion. It is only a little taster of what may become a fairly lengthy tome but it's not all Lamenter related so beware. Anyways, here is a little taster, what do you think of the style, I know it's short but let me know....



A dim corridor echoes to a cacophony of noise. As it draws nearer the sound resolves into the rhythmic ‘clunk clunk clunk’ of ceramite on steel. A lume strip flickers into life, set off by the proximity of the sound’s origin, the pure white light reveals a long vaulted corridor with a blank stone wall set at the far end.


Into the light steps a giant clad in white chased with blue, these colours are mimicked by the twelve that walk in his shadow. Though there is also deep reds and black to be seen. The giant stops at the end of the tunnel, he raises his right hand clenched into a fist. The following twelve stop in two perfect, equal lines and stand in silence.


Suddenly the lume strip cuts out to be replaced by darkness save for small red dots of light that appear on the chest of each of the group. A loud grinding of gears and clanking of cogs opens up hidden alcoves on the sides of the walls revealing gleaming dark metal barrels ready to hail the group with a storm of death.

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Some more storyline, I will post some more WIP when I get it done.



Two men stand at the centre of a large octagonal chamber, the whole floor is decorated with a mosaic outlining a labyrinth. An artificial sun high up in the arched roof bathed the room with light. The two are deep in converation.


One man is dressed opulently with expensive clothes hiding underneath a full length black overcoat.

‘As you well know Lord, times are dangerous. The imperium is suffering from another black crusade and is constantly beset by enemies from within.’


The second man stood much taller clad in armour plating, his voice was deep, when he spoke the smaller felt his diaphragm vibrate.

‘I understand the need but I do not understand the need for subterfuge, it is an …..uncomfortable idea for me.’


‘I know but believe me the necessity is absolute. If other powers knew what we were doing they would try and bend it to serve their own agenda. Just trust that we all serve the emperor above all others.’


I had no doubt but you of all people can forgive me for being…….inquisitive.?’


‘Indeed’ chuckled the smaller man, as he did so his overcoat shifted showing a glimpse of a jewel encrusted rosette.


Suddenly the armour clad of the two tensed and cocked his head appearing to be in deep thought.



‘Are coming?......’ interjected the larger. ‘Indeed they are, I can hear their approach…..are you prepared?’


The shorter man nodded in affirmation and turned at the sound of a boom as the wall opened to reveal a giant clad in white chased with blue, his face hidden in shadow.


Comments as always are welcome.

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@ DarkMark - Thanks, just the sort of kick I needed. Though that assault squad of lemon heads is ridiculously good, puts mine to shame.

Anyways, some more plastic crack from my table.

My sanguinary dreadnought conversion/kit bash.


and from behind


the normal exhaust is just pitifully small.

And from the side


Made the torso out of card, was basically checking the templates I drew were correct. There will be a few more adjustments but I am otherwise happy with the layout. Hope the images give a better idea of what I am aiming for.

I also managed to do some green stuffing and finally re-sculpted my terminator's torso. I am now thinking they will be Sanguinary Guard terminators. I will have to come up with a convincing reason why later on.


That's all for today, comments and criticism welcome as always.

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Cheers Mr Malevolent.

Didn't get a chance to do much this weekend, dread is still in bits but I did finish sculpt work on Sanguinary Guard Terminators. Just need a couple of shoulderpads to finish off.

Anyways, for your visual delight:


Couldn't be bothered with posting individual shots unless anyone wants to see them.

Also, I'm considering painting them completely chequered, but would appreciate suggestions.

C&C also welcome as always.

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I've been busy with real world stuff recently but have managed to get some painting done, still WIP:

Assault Squad:


The light seems to really wash out the colours which is annoying, think a light box is on the shopping list soon.

Devastators, the yellow shows up better in this I think.


Still lots to be getting on with, but I am about halfway through building my company :-)

Comments and Criticism welcome as always.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Tesla kiwi, thanks very much. I have posted my own thoughts of Lamenters fluff but there is a lot of info in the new imperial armour 9 book.

Latest WIP, this is my Mephiston counts as, still lots to do and he will be lemon flavour when done. Anyway:





I suppose this is my first steps into true/art/lemon vision scaling but it is a nice work up to a counts as terminator company that I have planed for the future. There is still a lot to do, the weapon loads out will probably still change especially because the sword isn't big enough. Anyways, do let me know what you think.

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@kharn_the_betrayer: I actually used the shot blaster in the office to strip the paint. Does it flipping fast but leaves an odd finish on the metal but spray still adheres. I'm afraid you may have to keep up with the nail polish remover unless you have some spare cash lying around as it's not a cheap set-up.


@Dark Apostle: Thirst I think the BA forum is less frequented as the main WIP threads.


And thankyou both, always nice to hear others like my stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mainly a shameless bump but just to let you know I haven't stopped. I have posted a story in the librarium (link in sig) of which a few chunks were put in here. But I thought this would be a good way of getting the word out as the Librarium forum is quiet (pun intended).

Also, I have been building and painting so there will be stuff to show off fairly soon, I am VERY close to having my Battle Company!!

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Thanks chaps

@Losfer Werds - you'd be surprised how easy it is working with green stuff. I've done a bit of reading but learnt most of it by doing, just order some GS off ebay and have at it.

@Demoulius - not sure about the wings, don't think terminator armour is designed to fly.

A bit of building instead of painting over the last couple of days, but a lick of paint on the Sanguinary Guard termies looks like this, I'm thinking most of the flat armour areas will get the chequered treatment:


Next tactical squad:


And the one after that:


Some non termi armoured sanguinary guard, there was much swearing, bluetac and bashing of kits with these guys.


I am doing a sanguinary host apoc formation but don't want to have 30 golden guys all looking the same. Might do a C3PO-esque sculpt for one of them. Anyways. let me know what you think of them.


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I definitely enjoy the tale and seeing your army develop. After a long foray into IG I'm back to my Lamenters, and it's good seeing someone else doing lemon angels.


The most recent winged pic for sanguinary host formation looks like they're shaping up well. I expect some dark angels plastics could help flesh out the feel so that the metal ones in robes match up w/ the sanguinary looks. I'd love to see the chapter banner if you have it carried by a Sang (not sure if i missed a pic of that, if so my bad). But 30 sanguinaries definitely deserve to carry the chapter banner!


Oh, and regarding stripping solvents? My two cents is to use a car general purpose cleaner called Simple Green. 2 days of soak in that, and paint comes right off w/ just a soft toothbrush. And it's not some super harsh or flammable liquid, so that's the plus.


Keep the pics coming!!!

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@Demoulius - not sure about the wings, don't think terminator armour is designed to fly.


HAHA it was a joke m8 :D along the lines of: "if only it could fly it would be perfect!" or "if only it could shoot fire and spawn me some beer it would be awesome"


its nice :rolleyes:

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Thanks for all the C&C chaps.

@Shrewsgod I use RTV silicone rubber to make the mould. I make it a one piece mould, still working on my skills so haven't attempted two part moulds but that's on the cards. I have changed from the clear resin to a white resin. It cures quicker and it two liquids so is easier to mix. It's called EasyFLo 60 Polyurethane. It's not that cheap but you can get enough stuff to have a couple of goes for not too much either. The chair is the one from space hulk, I loved it too much to butcher the original so moulded it.

@GreatEscape_13 Don't think I like the idea of using the dark angel coated torsos, apart from looking like they would expose themselves to guardsmen at a seconds notice I keep thinking of the Incredibles when Edna says why Mr Incredible can't have a cape. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, I recommend 1st,2nd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th and 10th company (my guys are third company :) )

Anyways, with a large degree of childish glee (I should grow up) I would like to show you 96 PA marines and 10 TDA marines. A lot of painting to do and some modelling too. I still have bits for another 25 to 30 PA guys and two dreads then there is the drop pods to be scratch built and then a few mini-hawks come stormraven thingummies but I am getting closer and closer. So without further ado and for your viewing pleasure.


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