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Mr Yellow

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@Morticon - thanks very much. I'm glad you like them.

@Borther_Byhlli - I know what you mean about the colour scheme. I was unsure the whole way through, still not now. I am planning on having another bash at them as I think I can do a lot better now. As requested I will post my entire force. I think it's more likely to make the fat gold ones stick out more. Anyways:

Sanguine Host, still missing a Dante fill in and honour guard:


Lamenters' First Company, a lot more to go here if I want a full one. I do have 2 dread in bits and enough foamboard to make another of my mini-hawks so I am a few evenings work off having an Archangel Skyforce:


And finally the Lamenter's Third Company led by Captain Arkanis. Still need another 30 tac marines to finish this lot up and some drinking buddies for the Captain:


Also, this is the 100th post of this blog. Some milestone.

C&C welcome as always.

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Have you thought about Librarian Loth and HG for your Dante and HG?

For 38 quid you get torsos for the HG that you can add to DC legs and heads. Plus a pretty badass Libby model.

Just food for thinking if you haven't already.

My fiancé discovered I have the GBP to USD exchange rate memorized the other day and yes as both the currencies slide it's not kind to international purchases.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the encouragement chaps. I know I have been lax of late but real life has taken over somewhat, work, the death of a friend and various other things have meant that I have had little time for my Lamenters. I am also off to the world cup in a few days so this is my last post for about 2 months.

Anyways, here is the latest photo of my assault squad, 99% done (as is most of my stuff):




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  • 1 month later...

So I'm finally back from my holiday. Time to shock this thread back into life with the following efforts achieved before I passed out yesterday from jet lag.

Firstly a lick of paint on the sanguinary guard:


And one of the tac squads I built a while back, the guy at the rear is what they will look like in a few hours:


Mumblings and rumblings welcome as always

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Thanks for the comments guys.

@ Brodrick - I think you will find better golds on the forum but mine was Burnished Gold with some Brazen Brass in there to darken it. Washed with Badab Black. Then paint main areas with B-Gold, I think I actually drybrushed this but kept the paint wet to stop it from clumping. Then it was a case of adding mithril silver for highlights.

Anywho, some more painting happened this week but just the 3POs that got the attention.


Still a fair amount to go on them.

An updated photo of the last few days:



I am unsure what colour to paint the wings on this lot, black and white is obvious but I am not convinced. I am leaning to either just white or red but what do you lot think?

C&C welcome as always chaps.

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@Quixus - Chicken legs :lol: genuinely haven't heard that one before. I just didn't want to have a whole pile of sanguinary guard from the same box, and after converting a couple of squads I just went nuts. The chicken men were going to be a special void combat unit but decided ten raptors was too pricy.
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definitely read the whole thread sitting in class this morning...fantastic conversion work man, the termies are awesome! particularly like the guy with the helmet in his hand :) the checkers on your shoulder pads make me jealous of your painting skills lol out of curiousity, have you painted up any of your scratch-build thunderhawks yet? good work man~
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Thanks for the replies chaps, always appreciate it, and the incentive boost too.


@ Castellan Alaric - Glad you are making the best of your education, sadly the scratch builds have not been painted yet. Mainly because I refuse to use a brush on them but being made of foamboard and having no paint gun I don't fancy melting them. Just yet anyway.


@ Glendor - I have two 'types' of base, mainly they were made by cutting squares of diamond pattern plastic sheet and then trimming till they fitted the base and were circular. I got the stuff from 4D model shop (I don't get commission) but their shipping is way OTT £££ so I'm sure there are better and cheaper places to go but I am lazy. The other lot are i think maxmini, I cheated, bought one box and cast them in resin as after 30 odd bases I was getting v. bored of making them.


No space marine porn today, some free hand mural stuff has gone wrong on the raider (painted over so no one will ever see though) so will post as and when I think it looks pretty enough to show off.

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