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LPC 2011 Progress


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Greetings! Since I've made some solid progress on completing my LPC Vow, I figured it's time to post some pictures. First up is my FW Chaplain Dread turned Furioso with alternate Blood Talons. I've magnetized everything on him: arms, talons, waste, underslung stormbolters, and pinned him to the resin base. Still lots to be done on him as right now he's just been sprayed Army Painter Pure Red, Badab Black wash, Mechrite Red dry brush. I'm unsure on what color to do the wings though... I could do them blue->white like my SangGuard wings, or I was thinking of Blue->Boltgun with a mithril highlight then blue wash to create a metallic steel blue color? Thoughts?


Next up, WiP shots of my Sang Guard. Started generic brown, washed devlan mud:


stage 2: heavily drybrushed dwarf bronze:


All finished:



This next one's bolter arm is magnetized so he can carry the banner if I so desire:


Woah sideways!



Group shot!


More pics in my gallery.

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What dreadnought is that? A forge world model?

He looks kinda lazy like "Yeah yeah, I'm comin'! And I'll kill you all with just my left hand! Rawr!"

I wanna see him finished.

The Sanguinary Guards wings look dope. But the shoulder pad story saddens me.

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What dreadnought is that? A forge world model?

He looks kinda lazy like "Yeah yeah, I'm comin'! And I'll kill you all with just my left hand! Rawr!"

I wanna see him finished.

The Sanguinary Guards wings look dope. But the shoulder pad story saddens me.


That's the new Furioso DC kit. I do kind of dig the way it seems like it's listing.

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Yeah, it's the ForgeWorld Chaplain Dreadnaught, which I use as my Furioso. I've also swapped the stock claws for a set from Paulson Games which makes him look a lot beefier. I magnetized them though so I can swap them for the original FW ones if I want to.


Thanks for the compliments on the SG. They are definitely some of my best painted miniatures and I'm intending to paint most things at this level from here on out. It's no Golden Demon level or anything, but it looks nice on the tabletop :)

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looking good i really like the wings they turned out good. i would even try to fit normal shoulder pads on them they really need it to balance them out. other that the painting is spot on.



I tried to reposition the wings on one of them so the shoulder pads would fit, but it resulted in cracking the base of the wings since I pinned them, and then I'd have to re-drill and pin the wings. Too much hassle for me. 90% of my Company are old Rogue Trader Beakies, so the Sang Guard already look huge next to them, so by keeping the shoulder pads off, it makes them look more inline with the rest of the army. That's why I went all MkIV heads as well, since beaks didn't fit with the gorgets, I decided to use a similar helmet but still not super bling like the ones they came with.

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I actually really like the blue on the wings what did you do to accomplish that? nice bright white as well which is a nice contrast to the blue on the wings...


Thanks, TrentL. The models were primed grey, then I painted the wings Frostbite from P3. I first tried to do a blue wash with watered down GW Regal Blue, which failed miserably, so I repainted them Frostbite, then inked them with Blue Ink from P3, then carefully painted each feather again with Frostbite, and then a thin coat of generic hobby store white, leaving some of the Frostbite visible. The ink will be really shiny but once they were finished, I sprayed them with a few coats of Testor's Dull Coat and the shine went away.

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