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Sanguinary Guard Capabilities?


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So ive been lookin around for a day or 2 when i found the time to decipher how im going to assemble an ALMOST gapless sanguinary guard unit used in unison with a couple stronger characters to destroy the board. :P

Looking through google i was unable to find the answer to my questions but this site came up often and from what i see in the community its pretty legit.. so here i am


anyways.. here we go..

are they able to have 3 guards with masks on and 2 without? because it says +25 points for the entire squad but doesnt say anything about individuals... does this mean they are incapable or does it mean +5 per...


is one guard alone able to wield 2 infernus pistols (or 2 plasmas)


is one guard alone capable of wearing 2 power fists


if yes to either are they aloud to wear 2 power fists and 2 infernus pistols (or 2 plasmas)


or can i can i use 2 of one and 1 of the other (2fists 1 infernus and vice versa)?


im new to the scene and i just recently picked up the rulebook and havent had the time take it all in, only a few brief moments to flip to the pages that i think i will get my answer while i prepaired the models and ultimately could not find my answers (busy week).

anyways i appreciate the read and i look forward to the insight.. thank ya :D



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If an upgrade says X points for the squad, then unless it says otherwise you must upgrade the whole squad.


Giving a model 2 Infernus or Plasma Pistols is an absolute waste of time because normal models can only ever fire one shooting weapon a turn.


If you have one box of Sanguinary Guard and want the best load out to start with, then give them all 4 Glaives and 1 Power Fist for their right arms. For the left arms use the Banner Pole arm (with Angelus Bolter), 3 other normal Angelus Bolter arms and an Infernus Pistol arm.


And always include a Sanguinary Priest with a Jump Pack and a Power Weapon to accompany the unit because he makes them so much better in Close Combat.


Hope that was helpful?


However I would say that it is important to try and exercise some patience and read all the rules and get an idea of how the game works before you rush in and glue your models together. These figures are pretty expensive and it would be a shame to have to pull them apart because you realised you could have given them better equipment when you read the rules later.


You can always check the Blood Angels Army List forum which has a link at the top of this forum and see what equipment people tend to give differet units in their lists to work out the general consensus.

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thanks for the quick reply mate.. thats what i had in mind(the set-up).

can i use infernus with power fist?.. hmm i should read the rule book (will probably have time on sunday so i wont have to ask these silly of questions , but i wanna get started puttin' these guys together before work tomorrow :)) 'cuz if he cant shoot then attack thats a bogus settup either way...its better to have the one guy shoot infernus and then fist walks up and k.o's :D. :P

..neways thats about all i need to know :)

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You could put the infernus and the POwer fist on one model, but then all it takes is 1 failed armour save and you've lost all your anti-tank/MC killyness... Better idea is usually not to have more than one upgrade of any kind on a single model (unless its a character of course).
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I look at it the other way. With wound allocation and a 2+ save and a 4+ FnP from the Priest, you are more likely to lose a special weapon if you spread them about on models.


Putting all your eggs in one basket is a statistically better way of preserving them, obviously not if you get freakishly bad luck. And remember most wounds which will ignore 2+ armour saves will be small in number and can be allocated to 'normal' models with no upgrades at all.

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i thought i could make this badass "semi-leader" type guard with a bunch of rad ;)... and i could, but it would seem more logical to space out the goods, so if the one guy is downed, your tank ownage isnt gone.. but based on their stats surviability seems to come in play..and i do have brother corbulo...

If you're capable of a shooting phase and then engaging in combat during the same turn like i believe you are capable of doing, wouldnt that give you an extra attack. it may only be one but that swift attack on the contents of the vehicle after it has been destroyed may make a big difference in what the enemy is capable of doing on their turn.. or would he just go into assault phase, the same oppurtunity the rest of the unit has, and then have to wait to see when he or the enemy can attack based on their initiative. correct me if im wrong, i skimmed through the "shooting phase" and the "assault phase" of the book and thats what i got. also i have 2sets of sanguinary guards so if this is a capability (shoot then CC) it would seem logical to make one guy guard with infernus and fist and then 2 seperate guards, 1 with an infernus, 1 with fist..

once again awsome to hear the feedback guys and i appreciate your help :wallbash:



Mod edit to remove swearing and chat speak

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i thought that was 1 of the benefits of equipping infernus... blowing up vehicles... anyhow vehicle or not if they are able to shoot that pistol and then attack the enemy with powerfist, that will be deadly.. but i don think this is the case.

i believe they just go into "assault phase" and they have to wait to attack with the initiative of 1... making that tactic not as sufficient as i had hoped :eek

is this correct? im almost sure im right (unless theres some "shoot to combat" rule i'm missing) but i want to be positive.

thats all i need to know and i can start puttin' these beautys together.. thanks for the input guys :lol:

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sang guard are great at killing infantry. they specialise at it. they can do it, heck in a sanguard army you must have them capable of doing it. but if you are firing infernus pistols at a veichle, then you are wasting the rests angelus boltgun shots. specialising them can be done, but then you are making them weaker in the area they are strongest. id use other melta gun(longer range and cheaper) units such as regular assault squads to pop the veichles, then mow them with the sanguard and charge and clean them out. however i would still give the unit one, and only one powerfist incase you are charged by a dreadnaught or something that the rest of the squad cant touch. and power fists are great for instakilling characters. also the chapter banner can be great for an extra attack. all round, and even attached characters get the bonus too.

death masks, over costed and unlikely to work...model them on if you want but i wouldnt feild them...

really thats personal preference, though, really read theough the dex carefully yourself and decide for yourself. we can only give our own views, but you need to read it all and decide with proper knowledge based on what you find...

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cool snorri... thanks for the time you put into that bit of info and tactica.

also, i could use anyone and everyones input on this one... from what you've dealt with, how detrimental is the inititave 1 that PF carries.? an example from games where you have faced it or used it would be awsome...

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The PF is there so if you need too you can kill a dread or vehicle, or MC (more easily).

The PF is generally a fall back, it hits last which means whatever you attack will hit at the same time or faster than you.

Its higher strength means it can wound much more easily, but it also means you missing out on early kills against most proper SG targets that will then be hitting back.

A priest adding FNP/FC is probably a slightly better investment IMO at least since against most common SM targets you'll suddenly be hitting first and the additional strength means the amount of wounds inflicted is higher.

It does mean that you will be avoiding certain targets on the battle feild.


If you are running a SG army I see the PF in each squad being important, so they can handle anything, if you run them to go through infantry then.....

The same applies to the infernus pistol, except people seem to forget you will be charging most of the time (hopefully), which means an IP shot will probably kill an enemy model, it can be used against a vehicle in an emergency too.

Oh and keep in mind SG have two handed weapons, so you have less issues handing out gear. On a normal marine you would want to match PW's with pistols, or additional CCW's, while a PF can go with a bolter or anything since you only get an additional attack with a PF with another PF. (Obviously bolters being a rapid fire weapon also complicates assault issues)

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