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Advice on facing Orks


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I'm beginning a Campaign against a friend and his Orks soon and I need some general advice as my Blood Angels army is fairly new.


Our games will be 1500-2000 points.


My army (all models at my disposal)


Reclusiarch: JP



Sangunary Guard: PF, CB, x1 IPistol

Sanguinary Priest (JP): PW

Sanguinary Priest: Hand Flamer, PW


x10 Tac Marines -PW, IPistol, Plasma Gun, ML, Rhino

x10 Assault Marines: PF, Hand Fl, x2 Flamers, Rhino

x10 DC: PF, TH, x3 PW, x2 Infernus Pistols (these boys will ride in the SRGship)

x10 Scouts: x5 Shotguns, x5 CCW -Locator Beacon


x2 Land Speeder Typhoons: CML, HB


Land Raider Crusader

Stormraven Gunship


I'm not sure of his army except he has at least 6 Deffcopters, a Warboss with nobs retinue in a vehicle, several trucks and lots of boyz.


Any tips for dealing with the green tide? I've usually handled them ok with a shooty Marine force but my BAs don't have that kind of firepower. At the moment he can out assault me, outnumber me and OUTSHOOT me! (gulp).



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- Split charge those deathcompany dudes into as many orks as you possibly can...

Use that Reclusiarch as a Counts as Lemartes(no powerfist sniping).

- Charge assault marines into stuff you think they can handle... like a mob of 20 orks...

maybe even 30 with furious charge/feel no pain.

- Use units to "bait" their Waaagh so he'll use it to early and get a charge on a cheap squad...like scouts...

instead of him charging something you don't want to

- target prio... Kill lootas/anything that can shoot your raven down before it starts going Dakka Dakka

- don't be afraid of leaving stuff in reserve incase you don't get the first round...

a grounded deathcompany sucks bigtime since they'll most likely get charged then

- Also Blood talon dreadnoughts are mean... Both Deathcompany and furioso dreads...

Frag cannon + heavy flamer dreads in pods with deathwind launchers will Kill epic amount of orks...

or squads that he rely on (like lootas...I hate lootas...)

- Did I say blood talons?


Orks are among the opponents I as a a blood angel player almost never loose against. Mephiston will rip apart any walker, mega armoured/regular/bike nob with one hit... and he has alot of reroll, s10 attacks...

Also my record with ork killing with a blood talon DC dread is 66 orks (like 3 mobs charged a space wolf ally of mine's wolf guard and arjak rock fist survived... Next round my DC dread scored some epic amount of hits+ wounds (31 wounds) vs 2 glancing hits on the dread ---> 31 fearless wounds on the remaining 2 ork mobs(which already had some dead)---> alot of dead orks...

Reason why I'm telling you this story is to describe what I like the most about blood angels...Blood talons!

Though blood talons will work even better vs power armour:P

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Is the Reclusiarch going to accompany the DC in the Raven? If not I might suggest adding him to them, as on their own they are effective, but with the re-rolls from a rechl/chapl they are devastating. in which case you could take off the JP and save 25 points, or maybe give it to the Libby, who would then work well with either the Sang guard or the RAS.


As for tactics vs orks id probably say to try and get as many turns of shooting as possible, they will probs have more guns but remember their low BS, also a crusader and frag missile typhoons should hopefully thin out large mobs, or krak missiles to open the transports then saturate the contents with fire as much as possible. if need be put your shrorter range units forward and pull them back while shooting, and then try and get the assault off, picking your targets and try to get the odds in your favour, if you can mange a multi-assault and win the combat, hopefully priests give your men suvivability and the power weapons kill plenty of orks, then you can force multiple mobs to take plenty of fearless saves (assuming they are above 10 models i believe)


O and inspired by the above post, drop podding furioso with frag cannon/ heavy flamer, he will put alot of hurt on any orks he can fire on, try and pop a transport with the typhoons and then use him to template the nicely bunched up mob, he will probably get assaulted as well which will tie up a unit for at least one extra turn, helping you to control the pace of the game and get those all important charges. true he may well die to a power klaw, but he could be a very effective and (painful for the orks) speedbump.



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Why not drop the Sang. Guard for two Baal Predators ?




That'd make short works of the numbers for sure.


While the Guard got their Angelus Bolters, the power weapons are kinda overpaid for. You don't them them, 'cept the Nobs. Maybe. But usually, powerfists make better work of that to begin with.

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Thanks for the responses.


The SG look cool, so they stay instead of the Baal Preds (although I would love one of them...maybe I could squeeze one in at 2000 points).


A DC Dreadnought is also a distinct possibility.


The idea is to use the SRG (full of DC and Reclusiarch) to enter via DP (most times - hence the scouts with a locator Beacon) so as to give him one hell of a worry on his side of the board. Hopefully the rest of the army can support this. Thoughts? Or would the points use for the scouts be better use elsewhere? Say on a Baal Predator?

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There isn't any point deep striking the SR. You can't assault from it the turn it lands, your better reserving it, where you can come on and lay down some fire first turn.

A DC dread in your SR with your DC + Reclusiarch should be capable of MASSIVE amounts of damage if they get to the enemy line and get off the charge.



I see the scouts as the weak part of your list. They aren't adding anything, and are a points sink. A much as I hate sniper rifles, I would still say they would be a better distraction with sniper rifles/ML, and camo so you can infiltrate them and use them to force your opponent to deal with them.

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Agreed wrt Scouts BUT they are a Troop choice. Without them I have x2 scoring units vs ...a million?


This is a bit of a worry. However, dropping the scouts frees up points for a DC Dread...which is a rather attractive notion.


Ok, deep six the DStriking Srormraven.


I guess DC Dread here we come...

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DC dreads? Actually... vs orks I'd take a furioso in a raven ...

Since fleet isn't really needed for getting into charge range. Stuns and shaken won't occur as often if your raven brings it to the front so the DC special rule ain't really needed (that much anyways...).

Loosing an attack on talon sucks... BUT! Armour 13! that means a nob with a power claw needs a 6 to score a penetrating hit if the nob dosn't get the charge! and that my fellow blood angels is the most frustrating thing for a ork player: his shiny "Power"klaw being powerless!


also your furioso dread won't be kited away by that lone surviving warbuggy that managed to dodge your talons... (yea... Happened me one to many times...)

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