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Alternatives to 'grey' knights?


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I was wondering what ideas people had about painting their grey knight armies were all gonna have? or am I going to have to buy in shares of boltgun metal? seems strange when you think about it... every other army has some element of personalization in color and conversion, and between their old metal models (soon going) and their GREY knight tittle and colour scheme...


OR does anybody have non-grey knights already they's like to post s picture of?

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index astartes had grey knights looking almost identical to deathwatch in colour scheme ie black with a fully silver left arm. others have painted their grey knights actually grey rather than metallic, and red seems to be somewhat popular for them too.
index astartes had grey knights looking almost identical to deathwatch in colour scheme ie black with a fully silver left arm. others have painted their grey knights actually grey rather than metallic, and red seems to be somewhat popular for them too.


I went with the Index Astartes for inspiration but held of the silver glove.


I based with foundation grey then did two coats of babad black. Highlights were done with successive layers of fortress grey, codex grey and then 50/50 Codex Grey/skull white. I've received many, many compliments on them for being still grey, but original. Give it a whirl or your own spin. :D




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