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My truescale Emperor's Children.


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Hello, I am new to the forums and have never posted on this blog before as I usually just browse the pictures of other people's armies and read their posts. Anyway, I just started my Emperor's Children army and this is the first army that I have done truescale (even the vehicles). I was going to work on this army one squad (including painting) at a time so that way I can finally have an army that is both built and completely painted. The Noise Marine squad is almost finish and I am going to get them finished with a day or two. Without further delay, here is the pictures of my Noise marines...

The squad champion...







Well, there you have it. Comments and criticisms welcome.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been awhile since I posted anything about my Emperor's Children marines. I have been working on my orks lately..... Anyway, I posted pics of my marines over different internet boards, and I had gotten comments on how the scaling was aloof on some of the marines (ie, some of the marines stomachs were to long and the legs were to short). So I disassembled the squad, reworked the marines, and here are the pictures. Hope you enjoy.

The Noise Champion:









Comments and criticism welcome....

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  • 4 months later...

I did some minor work on my Slaanesh Daemon prince which I named Dolgar. The original reason I started to work on Dolgar was to pin the joints and fix him back up. He broke into several pieces on the way home from a game the other day. As I began to work on pinning the joints, I decided that he lack a certain Slaaneshi feel. So the further I got, the more I would add. One particular note is on the right shoulder pad, I was heavily influenced by Chris Borer's Sorcerer Lord. More specific, I liked the soul stone idea , 6 in total, stolen from the Eldar. It was so cool, I could not add it to my model. I am quite happy with the results.












Comments and criticism are welcome.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know what it is about this site, but it doesn't seem to like photobucket. I tried a couple of different ways of posting my Daemon Prince painting progress, but it tells me I move the picture. How come then it works on other sites.? Any help? Anyway, I reworked my old true-scale marines and can at least post these pictures. This is how they look now.

Debauched Ones (Noise Marines):




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I don't know what it is about this site, but it doesn't seem to like photobucket. I tried a couple of different ways of posting my Daemon Prince painting progress, but it tells me I move the picture. How come then it works on other sites.? Any help?


I suggesting put the photos directly on your album here and link them from there. That tends to work better and is a 100% reliable.


Your models are very impressive though, so start painting! :ph34r: What head did you use for your prince come from? That is pretty nice.

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I really like the prince, you have manged to get a nice purple colour on the skin. White is a hard colour, but you have managed to get it nicel done, the only thing with it is to get some depth into it. I love the right shoulder as it feels like somethinga Slaanesh prince would wear with the gems and such.



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Thank you. I am still on the fence whether I like him or not and may repaint him.


The back story to Dolgar's fluff is; Since the heresy, Dolgar has been on a mission to feed Eldar souls to his patronage god Slaanesh. On different battles with different Craftworld Eldar armies, he would seek out any Autarch to steal their soul stone. He loved these souls the most and would give him a sensation like nothing else could. On receiving the six Autarch soul stone, Slaanesh was so pleased with the plentiful souls of eldar slain that Slaanesh elevated Dolgar to Daemon Prince status.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments and keep them coming.! The most progress I have at this point is on a regular chaos marine squad. 70% done with the squad leader and one finished marine. Legs and torsos for the rest of the squad are ready for green stuffing. I have decided that I am going to repaint Dolgar (Slaanesh Daemon Prince) because I don't like him. I figure that I am going to paint him closer to what the rest of the army is going to be. After the marines, I plan on working on some obliterators..


Seekers of Decadence (Chaos Space Marine squad)



Debauched Ones (Noise Marine squad)






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  • 4 months later...


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