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Drop podding Assault Terminators


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i play a mech list with mostly rhinos/razors moving my heavy hitting troops forward flanked by twin vindies. but recently i have not been able to get some of my heavy hitters into combat quickly enough, the DC or Command squad get stranded too early in the game so i can bring them into combat until much later in the game if at all.


So ive been wondering if i should start using a shock and awe unit like assault termies in a pod to strike behind enemy lines first turn and make my opponent switch targets or suffer his units death next turn.


Has anyone had experience with this or other such units? is the cost worth the reward?

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As pointed out you cannot drop pod but of course you can deep strike. This certainly makes the Assault Terminators cheapers but makes them rather slow and they could be avoided. Fast troops will just ignore them and repostion and then shoot them from afar. Yet for slow troops they will not be able to ignore them and will need to either shoot them or hope for a good run result. Either way their attention will be off your other troops and on the terminators.
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Turn 1 DS TDA pod options... lots & most are silly. None involving 'mere' Terminators.


silly example #762

DC x 3 Dual hammers

TDA Chaplain

TDA Captain LC + TSS

TDA Epistolary Urage/MoH


Drop pod.




edit: whoops, got the cargo capacity wrong.

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I haven't made a list with a drop since I picked up my storm ravens! I had played with a LR, before, but that won't be making my list anytime soon, either, now, though I need a few more gamest to be sure. I think the SR is the best vehicle you can have to avoid getting something stranded. If you go first, you can put it on the board, if you're not sure or will likely go 2nd, keep it in reserve. On the turn it comes in you can choose where and then flat out 24" if you need to, which should guarantee that you'll get an elite unit where it's needed. Of course, it would cut down on the rest of your list a bit. For, me it means that I drop a baal pred and two transports, but I like the trade so far.
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