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My Imperial Fista army now done


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Since you al posted such nice comments I decided to upload som more pics. Some details (so you can se how sloppy my paintjob really is) and some individual models.


Remember, it's an army. As long as they look good from 3 feet away, s'all good and (a little) sloppiness is allowed.


Really digging the vibrant yellow. Almost makes me want to paint some Imperial Fists...just almost...


I do however have some criticisms:


1. Drill those barrels! Yegads! You put so much effort into the army but don't drill the barrels? THAT kind of sloppiness I don't accept :lol:


2. I think there could be more definition between the armor plates. Not so much on the vehicles, they're big enough that they create their own natural shadows and it becomes less of an issue. But the infantry I feel there isn't enough contrast to define the separate pieces of armor. Look at them squinting your eyes, or set the image to gray scale, and you'll see what I mean. The armor just blends together..


3. Not a fan of texturing the base on the trim/edge, but that's your call.




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Thanks, good points. Preparation is my main weak spot. Many mould lines left in this army too, and I hate it, but yes -barrels will be drilled. And I also think future project wil have more contrast between shadows and high lights.
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It's a really nice yellow you've got going, but I've got to agree with DV8 on his points.

(For me it's all in the details ;) )


And I feel that the weathering is a bit overdone on the vehicles but other than that I must say that they're quite lovely minis :)

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Love those Scouts, may be showing my age but don't suppose you converted one of them to heft one of those low slung, slightly extended, shoulder mounted heavy bolters they used to have?

I should have, I defenitely had it in mind, but there where no room for heavybolters in my sqoutsquad list-wise and I wanted to finish the army as quick as possible. But one day I will paint all the minis from my old Advanced space crusade box...

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