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how to make a Flesh Tearers Sanguinor


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Good day everyone,


I'd like to build a Flesh Tearers Sanguinor counts-as. My Flesh Tearers aren't the dirty, bloody monsters most people have built - I've tried to put mine 100-200 years past the current story line, after Baal has been successfully defended, and following the chain of events I like to imagine would happen.


I like to think that Chapter Master Seth and his chaplains began to emphasize and require discipline, meditation, and prayer, to an extent uncommon outside all but the most zealous chapters (Black Templars). At the same time, he threw the chapter into one fight after another, in what amounted to a penitent crusade, all the time keeping his brothers on a tighter leash, punishing those who's conduct was excessive, and requiring ever more meditation and prayer. The goal to this point was for the chapter to die with honor, but as he saw the results (exponentially few brothers falling to the Black Rage) he became hopeful that the chapter might survive. Then came the defense of Baal. The Flesh Tearers were assigned a front that brought them into contact with daemons and followers of Khorne, literally face to face with the siren song that had tempted them for so long. Their position was over run, and all hope was lost, when a great Super-Bloodthirster rose up from the ground. Both forces stopped fighting as Chapter Master Seth, torn and beaten and blooded and weary, took up his great sword and approached the beast. The Super-Bloodthirster took one great sweep with his hell spawned glaive, and cut Seth in two. As the super-Bloodthirster howled in triumph, the millenia of black rage from Flesh Tearers dead and alive, from their stored gene seed and their genetic code itself, coalesced into a single moment, a single place, and a single form. Chapter Master Seth rose back up on great leathery wings, his form resembling the Bloodthirster more than his brothers. Once more, Seth took up his sword, and he began to tear into the Super-Bloodthirster. He struck off the beast's hand and took its hellish glaive as his own. The brutality which followed left Seth standing once again broken and bloodied. He held his unblemished Imperial sword in one hand, his blood and anger fuelled glaive in the other, and looked upon his brothers. Then he rose into the air and disappeared. The Sethinor (wip name) now visits the battlefield whenever his brothers are closest to the black rage, when they are losing the discipline he died to instill in them. He dives into combat, his every stroke eating of his brothers anger, and showing them by example the balance he now embodies.


So...after all that, that's the Seth/Sanguinor/Sethinor I want to capture. Thought's, ideas, tips, advice, criticism?


As to the bits I'll use so far - regular SM backpack, probably some flesh tearers Iconography on it, Daemon Prince wings, Chaos Knights hellglaive, plastic chainswords modded to look like his current one, probably some Sanguinary Guard torso and legs, and a death mask with the crown cut off, and cut/sculpted/sanded to look like a regular helmet. The goal of his entire aesthetic appearance is to balance daemonic influences with the Imperial, Blood Angels/Black Templars/Warrior Monk influences.


Generally, just looking for thoughts.

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Hmmm, interesting. I'd advise using the winged backpack from the possessed marines box, rather than the DP wings, as I think they would be too big.


The fluff, though. The only reason Sanguinor gets away with existing is because


1) Very few people even know he exists




2) No one knows exactly what he is.


The inquisition's "psychic construct" theory has them keeping a closer eye on the BA's than ever before. Your fluff is more specific. We see Seth die, then the assembled Flesh Tearers seemingly call upon the powers of blackest Chaos to revive him. That would be instant Excommunication, I would think. I would go with something more mysterious. Seth dies, then many battles later (possibly even years later) a mysterious warrior appears: the Fleshtearinator.

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Hey man, Im really diggin the fluff you've conjured. I cant wait to see the WIP pics of this model. Sounds very epic.


I would use a chainsword instead of a glaive. Just make it more epic than ever. The demon wings would work very nicely as well. as for the body, use a regular body, not a muscular one. Maybe use astorath body and give him a bald head with the demon wings and the epic chainsword. you picturing this?


Hey man, Im really diggin the fluff you've conjured. I cant wait to see the WIP pics of this model. Sounds very epic.


I would use a chainsword instead of a glaive. Just make it more epic than ever. The demon wings would work very nicely as well. as for the body, use a regular body, not a muscular one. Maybe use astorath body and give him a bald head with the demon wings and the epic chainsword. you picturing this?

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Hmmm, interesting. I'd advise using the winged backpack from the possessed marines box, rather than the DP wings, as I think they would be too big.


The fluff, though. The only reason Sanguinor gets away with existing is because


1) Very few people even know he exists




2) No one knows exactly what he is.


The inquisition's "psychic construct" theory has them keeping a closer eye on the BA's than ever before. Your fluff is more specific. We see Seth die, then the assembled Flesh Tearers seemingly call upon the powers of blackest Chaos to revive him. That would be instant Excommunication, I would think. I would go with something more mysterious. Seth dies, then many battles later (possibly even years later) a mysterious warrior appears: the Fleshtearinator.



If you go too demonic seeming it'd be the nail in the coffin of the Flesh Tearers, at least in the fluff.


If you can manage it, maybe taking Seth's actual head and painting it like a mask or Dante's and clip the crown off. The open screaming mouth kind of illustrates the kind of RAEG Flesh Tearers are known for.

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Yeah, I definitely need a better name. The Sethinor will do for now though.


Not picking up a lot of love for the two weapons - daemonic glaive (there is precedent for reclaiming tainted weapons) and the regular chainsword Seth carries pre-Sethinor. Another alternative I considered was ripping the idea from eThagrosh (Warmachine, Everblight), where his blade shatters and then knits itself back together more strongly and deadly than before.


Thanks for the comments and support so far!

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Great idea,

- really like the fluff that you came up with, itd be cool to see it in a more detailed story as well.


- I would steer clear of the "Demon wings" it just seems that it would be a little to "chaotic" and like others stated, the Grey Knights and Inquisition would probably see that as falling into Chaos. The way you wrote the fluff totally makes sense and just as a "redeeming" of the Flesh Tearers it seems that Angelic wings would be more fitting


- Like take the Sanguinor model and replace the sword with Seth's chain sword, and replace the chalice with a glaive, then put Seth's broken body on the base of the model with some molded green stuff coming out of his broken body and transitioning into the "risen" sanguinor. That would be Seth's "spirit" taking form into the "pure" form of Seth's vengeful spirit.



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maybe an extension is when he was brought back to life first off he was not brought back as how he went and upon his revival he found that his own trusted brothers had gone to the dark arts and slayed them instantly. but then looking upon himself he realised that he was no longer human but a mutant the very thing that he had fought to destroy and he knew he was now dambed to eternal hell. kind of like a self loathing angle torn between both sides. also cant wait to see a pic
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to be honest, i really dont like your idea. spawning great leathery wings...raising from the dead, stealing a greater deamon of khorns weapon... from all i know of flesh tearer fluff i dont like it. what you describe, sounds like the ba succesor with the batwings in its chapter symbol. also the metal deamon prince wings suck, havent seen the plastic ones but i wouldimagine them to be too big for a powerarmoured sized model. als if you give this model a giant axe and seths chainsword then its not wysiwyg, as he only has a single one. not saying dont do it just it likely wont fly in a tourney because of that alone.

now im not a flesh tearers player but id keep the whole fluff mesterious and stylised like seth. say soething that as seth does more and more for te chapter and their hope for themselves increases this thing sshows more and more, for unknown reasons in their darkest times. sure you could give it leathery wings, personally i wouldnt, id go for the single thruster jumppack with say gargoyle wings replacing the winged panels(seen it done nicely a few times)and id possibly uses seths model, or something posed in the same/similar pose with a massive chain weapon.

if you do go the deamonic route, id think that theyd be so disgusted with themselves that they would all go on a to the death pentinant crusade a la death company to take as many evil things with them as possible, so posibly all death company army with him too...


though really id stay clear of going too far with any named characters from any official army. i could see you ideas working better with the blood knights though...

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Why not just use Sanguinor? The Sanguinary Guard that he founded (if he's Azkaelion) is distributed through all Blood Angel Successors or at least 2nd Foundings.) He's an apparition who comes and goes as he pleases through the warp. So in fairness any Red Thirsting Blood Drinking Black Raging Flesh Tearing SOBs can expect a visit.


Although I wouldn't use him in a FT list. Astorath count as and Seth are the commanders of choice IMO. Flesh Tearer= Death Co. and more fringe thirsters. Sanguinor is too pretty.

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I like the standard Sanguinor model, but not for my army. One of the cool bits I picked up from the atrocious Blood Angels novels was Seth's idea that all the successor chapters inherited an aspect of Sanguinius - the Flesh Tearers got the rebelliousness (lame) and the savagery. The Sanguinor is (possibly) a coalescence of the aspects of Sanguinius the Blood Angels inherited, so I want my Flesh Tearers to have a coalescence of the aspect they inherited. I think its a cool idea...if you don't, go read a different thread.


I am waffling on what role he serves- a coalescence of savagery that also represents discipline? Inconsistent. I'm still refining that part, but aesthetically I don't know that it will change the look of the model.


Given that he is a coalescence of savagery and violence (in the "The Emperor wills it!" sense, not "blood for the blood god"), I think a mean look is appropriate, so while I understand and completely agree with the concerns over Grey Knights and Daemonhunters and whatnot, I'm still going to use daemon prince wings (if I can find them), or something more bat-like than angel-like. You guys are completely right, the Grey Knights will not like it...so in the encounters where I use The Sethinor I'll just have to be sure there are no survivors. ^_^ I probably will back off the daemon weapon though, probably just a big chainsword. Maybe even Seth's chainsword, if I can find one and it won't be too much work to convert it for one hand.


I'm looking forward to getting to work on this model. Everyone who's commented, thank you.

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The Exsanguinator (counts as Sanguinor)

(And yes, I know the name is a bit cheesy...)




Maybe this version of the Sanguinor helps you to create your own one :cuss

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From as fluff stand point I really like the idea of the Sanguinor having different 'aspects' like a classical god. So with my Lamenters I field the aspect of the Sanguinor 'The Lamenter' (go figure). Perhaps in your case Seths death could have awakened one aspect of the Sanguinor in his body, personally I really like 'The Aggressor' as noted above...


From a model points of view... Seth with the winged possessed back pack, a bloodletter sword, and a really large epic base, maybe a death mask....

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The Exsanguinator (counts as Sanguinor)

(And yes, I know the name is a bit cheesy...)




Maybe this version of the Sanguinor helps you to create your own one :HS:




My Lamenters Sanguinor. Diggin' the similarities, though how similar they are hurts my brain... You even named him "The Exsanguinator" too.... :wacko:



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I know that when I paint up my Sanguinor, I'll be making sure that his armor looks nice and tarnished and beat to hell. This symbolizes the beaten and bruised minds that create this obvious psychic manifestation.


And mine will still be The Sanguinor - Flesh Tearers have the same roots as the Blood Angels. They're just as "noble".

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