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as listed above. I want to make a list with DC, Maybe a 10 man unit with chap. And sternguard 5man 2 combi-melta 2 melta guns. Now who would we flush a list with these 2 units to 1500 pts. and keep them ground pounders. I already have DoA list and in the process of flushing it out. but I want to have a ground pound set up to give me some choices. Something to give flexability. Maybe for xeno hunting. I come to you bothers for your knowledge and experience. For I am still a novice to the plastic fields of gore and terror.
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If you're looking for a chap for the DC, Lemartes is a great choice if they are going to have JP's. He is just dynamite for his price. But seeing as how you want to keep things to the ground, you're going to want to keep them in a vehicle. It provides much better control over the unit and allows you to unleash them when you want. As I've found out, these guys are a powerhouse and your best bet is to keep them, for the most part, with boltguns, especially with their relentless... ness. They also work great deployed out of a SR, buy if you want to keep them on the ground, a LR or a rhino. Maybe a TH or two in there to prevent them from getting stuck.


Now, as to combining them with other ground forces, really any usual SM type of build works. Tacticals in rhinos or RAS in rhinos work equally well. They both have their perks and, obviously, the tacticals are better if you want some shooty and the assaults for... well... you know.


Now, the only thing I'm confused on is when you say ground pounders... are you referring to just non-JP or all out footslog?


I'm going to assume just no JP's, because that seems the most logical choice. Taking a few units with tacticals or assaults, or heck, I'd take abount an even mix of both just to keep things flexible, you can easily support them with Baal's. I like them because they're specifically BA unique, and they're fast. Vindi's work well too, and give one heck of a punch. Heck, just about every tank is at least good depending on what you see as being important. If you have a lot of mech in your area you can always load up some LC preds or vindi's. Baal's are great at light/med transports and infantry.


Dreads, to me, seem like a poor fit to the list unless you want to keep them shooty. If you're looking for an alternate Heavy choice, a LC/ML could be a great multi-role while AC's also work well.


All in all, there's a whole lot of routes you can take with this one. Marines offer superb multi-role capability through all of their codex's. And it of course depends on what you like the looks of. Plus it would help if we knew a little more about the list you're trying to develop. Are you looking at something that will play well at your LGS and what type of things are you seeing commonly? Or are you trying for a take all-comers list? Is competitiveness an issue or are you looking to just have some fun?

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ultimately something fun. and to answer your question about ground pounding, yup you got it right. A list that is 90% ground based. But then I am no apposed to using my Stormraven (MM/AsC/Huricane) which I would most likely throw a 10man DC non JP with lemartes. with the rest I'd like to keep them on ground. with some tactical misdirection using a SternGuard to help with anti Armor. Because in my area I see a good amount of armor units. lots of people like the Big bangs of the Big guns. I know I'm one of them but I'm trying to resist making a Heavy armor list and something flexible. able to take care of Orks and Tau.


For the use of Dreads in my list will be nice but I will happily replace with a Libby.


Hmmm....I wonder what I should use a a good HQ. especially since I wont be using the DoA and Dante's special rules.


I hope this isn't me just making a rambling confused mess for you to discypher, but something for you to use and help me with this list build. Again Your advice, knowledge and expereince is the guidance I think and seek.

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I don't think you can take Lemartes without a jump pack.

A regular chaplain still has Liturgies of Blood but just not that "Arrgh, I'm wounded! Die! Everything must ... DIIIE!" that Lemartes has.


Interesting that you've chosen to go with a footslogger army as BA's love the skies.

Have you thought about deep striking a Land Raider in?

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the mechs I currently own are the Stormraven, landraider Redeemer, landspeeder, and Predator. as for my thought of transporting my troupe of DC around in the stormraven. The DC unit would be without JP but Lemartes would keep his. I'v seen the tactic used to good effect before, where the SR would swoop in drop it's cargo in a target area and work as a buffering defence. Throw in 1 DC dread Blood Claws and magna grapple. and you have a bit of carnage. This is what I'm thinking of currently. but to balance out the rest of the list and to add my wanted Sternguard I'm still having issues what other units to field. and of course what HQ choice
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Alright then... that helps a bit.


Most of my advice sticks then. Although, keep in mind, my advice is based off of what appeals to me.


I would say for troops you could easily build around a tactical and assault squad in rhinos. If you want to put the LRR into use, the RAS could take that as it is an assault vehicle and has the fantastic ability to soften up some dug in spaces.


That SR with DC and DC dread is... monsterous. Be prepared to have every gun in your opponents army trying to take it down as that's one huge headache, and if they can down it early, they can leave the DC stranded and kite them around a bit. The DC dread you might want to keep with blood fists... they can get kited or pulled into combat with something nasty... like a demon prince or avatar... and since you have minimal control, the talons here might hurt you a bit. That extra S gives you the oomph to guarantee you can make a wound or two. I know they have the LC ability, but my opinion is to pad your chances here. Plus if the DC dread gets stuck in a pile of orks... what are they going to do? You can just send in the reinforcements to back the dread up.


IMO, your best bet for an HQ choice would be a chaplain to go with the DC. Lemmy has to take a JP, and he's going to be slowed by the rest of the squad... plus you're paying points for a JP chaplain. A good old fashioned naked chaplain in the squad would be great, and you're getting all the perks short of Lemmy's special sauce and him not being an IC. Librarians are also really good HQ choices and you can give him some powers to support the sternguard unit.


As for the sternguards themselves, don't give them the meltaguns. You pay a premium price to have that nice ammo and it's wasted if you give them something that's not a bolter. If you want some more melta, give them the combis as they will probably be shooting at either armor or troops. That way they have flexibility and retain all the awesomeness you've paid the points for. Plus combis are retardedly cheap.

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