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Sons of Orar test mini


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Hey b&c:


After a little "break" from the hobby I'm back and decided to go with one of the chapters I started a long time ago: the Sons of Orar.

On dakkadakka I found a nice tut by a guy named, appropriately, SONS of ORAR, and I sort of painted this based on that.

also, sorry for the bad lighting....








Other Side:






Closeup of chest:






A few things...

Base: Gloss Varnish on top of brown/black paint to create mud effect. Thoughts?

Chest Eagle: Some layering, what do you think?

Dirty Shoulderpads: The part of the model that I love and hate... I like how it looks, but I don't want him to look to "Blood Raven".

edit: and freehand sword on shin! :tu:


C&C welcome, it's a test mini, any comments welcome.

(it's a lot of pics for one mini, I apologize.)

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1st off, good job on the mini. Especially for a black reach one. I like the weathering/battle damage on the red armor. I think it's well done, and even though it's a lot, it doesn't "feel" like too much. Good sword freehand as well. I think a few things could use some work though. The chest eagle layers look a bit thick. It looks better in the distance shot, but up close it looks heavy. So it might look just fine on the table. As for the shoulders, i'm not so sure. It looks like you took the time to freehand the chap symbol, but they are so scuffed, we can barely see it. Also, the Sons are usually shown with pure white shoulders. I get that you're using the dirty look, but if they were closer to a purer white, he might look less like a Blood Raven. Plan on doing that same bolter conversion throughout the entire army? All in all a good looking test mini. If you like it, i say go with it. My 2



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Cheers for the replies, guys, and thanks for the feedback. I think for the next guy, I'll mask the shoulderpads when I airbrush on the wash and them hand-paint wash on the shoulderpads (lightly). It'll keep the pads closer to the SoO pure white.


More feedback is welcome (please!)

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The weathering is 50/50 for me. I love the splashes of "mud" on the legs (is it done with washes?) but not really a fan of it all up the shoulders etc. But yeah army of those would look awesome =)
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