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Argent Scorpions

Brother Augustine

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So I posted this DIY article in another thread a while back and after some helpful criticism from Bloodwulf and NightrawenII I went back to the drawing board, did a little more research, found out exactly where Tau space is, (For some reason I thought that the maps I had seen before were just of the Imperium and that the Tau came from beyond the border not realizing that Tau Space is right inside the Ultima Segmentum.) and ended up coming up with a whole new Chapter, one that I feel better about and that, to me at least, feels much more real. But enough of my babbling. On to the Chapter.



The Argent Scorpions were created as a part of the 26th Founding after it was decided that the Laredus sector just north of Tau space would need to be

reinforced and the High Lords believed that a Space Marine chapter in the sector would prove to be ideal. The world of Zuberi, on the Northern border of Tau

space, was chosen along with the Gene-seed of Ferrus Manus.


The Argent Scorpions’ homeworld of Zuberi is a desert world cast in perpetual night due to a cloud cover over the world that is believed to be the aftermath of an ancient nuclear holocaust. The people of the world have adapted over time so that even in the pitch-blackness of their world they can still see well enough to survive, however eyesight alone is not enough. The planet’s scarce supply of water, as well as the monstrous desert inhabitants force the people of Zuberi to fight for their survival every day making it a perfect place to recruit for the Chapter. The people of Zuberi are separated into two distinct categories spread out across seven continents, the settled Zuberans and the nomadic Midians.

The Zuberans live in fortified cities ruled by Merchant Kings that own the limited technology on the planet that allows them to artificially create water, as well as provide fertile land for farming. These Kings then fund the soldiers that protect their cities providing employment of some form for the majority of the populace, either as guards or as farmers. In each of these cities there is a temple to the Gods at the city's center. It is customary for the Zuberans to bring their first born sons to these temples to be judged by the Emissaries of the Gods, giant warriors from the Underworld that look into the child’s future and measure his worth. However, it is also common for orphans and unwanted children to likewise be brought before the gods.

The Midians, as nomads, travel constantly and are forced to survive in some of the harshest conditions imaginable on the planet. Monstrous predators, rival bands, and the constant threat of starvation and dehydration make these wanderers hardy folk indeed. From time to time in the aftermath of battles or in the ceremonial games that some of the tribes engage in to show their worth to their fellow wanderers, these nomads catch the eye of the Emissaries as well and particularly promising individuals are taken off to the Underworld to serve the Gods in their wondrous armies.

In the deep deserts, where even the Midians dare not tread, lie the portals to the Underworld; vast caverns that lead deep underground and consume all but the most worthy. It is in these lands that the Argent Scorpions make their base of operations, and the underground caverns are in actuality their fortress-monastery, the Keep of Shadows, named after the traditional fortress of the Gods in the mythology of their homeworld. Far away from the populace of their homeworld the Chapter trains its recruits, and launches its battle-brothers into the stars. In the caverns they have more advanced versions of the technology that allows the Zuberans their lifestyle, giving them all the water and supplies that they need. Also in the deep underground are mines rich with the resources the Chapter needs in order to craft the arms and armor with which they wage their eternal war.

Combat Doctrine

While the brothers of the Argent Scorpions are Space Marines and are trained in all the ways of war, the Chapter as a whole prefers ranged combat to melee and favor the usage of the Devastator Squad over that of the Assault. This originally began as an evolution of the hunting tactics used by the Midians who, being merely human, had little chance of overpowering the monstrous creatures on the planets surface and hunted primarily at range with bows and spears. As a result the greatest heroes of the Midians are usually expert marksmen capable of placing arrows with accuracy that would put some Imperial Guard snipers to shame. However when the Chapter does require quick moving forces, they will typically utilize squadrons of Landspeeders and Bikes moving ahead of the rest of the force to strike at the enemy, while the remainder of the Chapter arrives via armored transport or drop pod in order to finish the enemy off.


The Argent Scorpions follow the Codex Astartes loosely in their organization. The Chapter utilizes a total of eight Companies, the first being the Veteran Company as in most Chapters, however the remaining seven operate as Battle Companies, with each being responsible for the recruitment and training of its own neophytes, each Company drawing from one of the world's continents. All members of the Chapter are trained to fight not only on foot but also on bikes and in Landspeeders and serve rotational duties in the role of the rapid vanguard of the main strike force. The number of squads in each company is not limited to ten as per the dictates of the Codex but rather, each company fields ten to twelve squads of full battle brothers along with scout squads. This allows the Chapter to field the approximate 1000 Battle Brothers despite the lower number of companies. The bulk of the company is made up of the Tactical squad, with the remaining squads being divided between Devastators and Assault Marines based on the preferences and specialties of the Individual Battle Brothers and their Captains.


The founders of the Chapter were "encouraged" by the Administratum to guide the new Chapter away from the beliefs of the Iron Hands, fearing that another Chapter of Space Marines connected to the Mechanicum would garner even more influence for the Machine Cult and could lead to a power struggle. The founders acceded to the Administratum's request and minimized the amount of Ferrus Manus's teachings that they passed on to the fledgling Chapter. As a result the Scorpions have come to revere the Emperor rather than their Primarch. Recognizing in the Emperor both a figurative father and a literal ancestor they take pride in their status as his Sons, and they hold that as all Space Marines are the Sons of the Emperor, all are brothers in his eyes. The brothers of the Chapter take this philosophy to heart and treat the battle-brothers of other Chapters as though they were kin, and will fight just as hard for the brothers of another Chapter as they would their own. They also acknowledge themselves as being the youngest and to a degree the least amongst the Emperor’s Chosen. However, they do not intend to stay as such and strive for glory and excellence in all things they set themselves to. Perhaps one day, they will stand among the greatest Chapters of the Imperium as equals, but for now they are simply honored to serve alongside them.

The same cannot be said for some of the other arms of the Imperium. The Scorpions have come to view the Mechanicum, Inquisition, and Administratum with what is approaching open disdain. Believing that the Mechanicum's hoarding of technology, the uncaring beauracracy of the Administratum, and the Inquisition's nearly absolute power and tendency to destroy entire populations for the sins of a few heretics, or simply to deny the world to aliens, as foolhardy behaviors that weaken the Imperium overall. While thus far the founders have been able to keep these beliefs withing the Chapter, hoping that time will cure the Scorpions of their naivete, if more serious actions are not taken soon the Argent Scorpions may find themselves on the receiving end of the these organizations ire. However for now, the Chapter simply keeps these thoughts to themselves and does the work they were made for.


The Gene-seed of the Argent Scorpions has developed one notable mutation. This the result of the population they recruit from. As the people of Zuberi have developed their eyesight over time in order to deal with the never ending night of their home-world, when the Occulobe is implanted into the aspirants it further enhances their night vision to the point where they can see well in nearly pitch blackness, even without their armor’s auto-senses. However, this is a double edged sword as when the brothers are exposed to direct sunlight, their eyesight is impaired significantly. As a result, on the battlefield it is highly uncommon for battle-brothers to remove their helmets unless they have been damaged.

Notable Battles

The Mercis Conflict

While the Chapter was unable to engage in the Damocles Gulf Crusade, due to a lack of trained marines, they have engaged in several other battles against the Tau predominately the liberation of the nearby system of Mercis in 969 M41. The people of Mercis accepted the advance of the Tau Empire and seceded from the Imperium, hoping to benefit from the Tau’s promise of a better life in service to the Greater Good. In doing so they compromised the security of an entire sector as Mercis was strategically ideal to use as a staging ground to invade the neighboring systems. Thinking quickly First Captain Darius Khaldun gathered three other Companies as well as his own and struck at the heart of the Mercis system, crushing the Tau’s base of operations, as well as a large percentage of the Secessionist population. With the invading forces cut off from their supply lines the Chapter was able to strike them from directions previously thought safe, forming the hammer to the local Imperial Guard and PDF’s anvil. Caught between the two enemy forces the Tau invasion was crushed. The government of the Mercis system was taken over by the Administratum and the remaining population was given one last chance to be a working part of the Imperium. This was the first Chapter level campaign coordinated by Darius, and the Masters took it as a good omen for the future of the Argent Scorpions, and this conflict was the first of many given to Darius to lead as the Masters prepared him for his future role within the Chapter.

The Rise of Zahul

Two decades prior to the Mercis Conflict the Chapter recieved a distress signal from the Hive World Taurelius IV, claiming that they were under attack by Imperial Guard Stormtroopers. Believing something to be amiss, Chief Librarian Kontar Ra, took two companies of Argent Scorpions to Taurelius to investigate. What he found there shocked and disturbed him. The Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines had corrupted a Schola Progenium and were using the soldiers trained there to cause havoc. The Scorpions deployed to the planet’s surface seeking to aid the beleaguered population. At the height of the conflict the Sorceror in charge of the Alpha Legion warband, a warrior known as Zahul, ascended to Daemonhood before their very eyes. Countless soldiers went mad and turned their weapons on themselves and their allies, and Kontar knew that unless the Daemon was stopped all would be lost. However, Kontar was unwilling to throw his brothers lives away, and went out to face Zahul alone, knowing that it would likely be the end of him. Challenging the Daemon Prince to single combat, Ra gathered all his power for the duel seeking to exploit the fragility of a Daemon's presence in the Material realm. Zahul accepted the challenge with a laugh, eager to test his new powers on the enemy. As the two battled one another the remainder of the Argent Scorpions force continued to punish the Alpha Legionnaires all the while trusting in Kontar to best the Daemonic Sorceror. The two battled for what seemed like an age, blasts of psychic energy and blows from weapons raining down upon one another. Kontar Ra was grievously wounded and knowing that he could not hold off Zahul for much longer made a move of desperation. Ra smote the ground before the Daemon and as Zahul regained his balance Ra struck his daemonic heart and willed all of his power into unmaking the Daemon's essence. As the connection that tethered Zahul to the material realm severed there was an explosion of warp energy and then, the beast was gone. Zahul had been defeated but Ra had been grievously injured and lay near death. The Imperial forces renewed their assault in the wake of the Daemon’s defeat and the Chaos forces were repelled off-world where the Space Marine Strike cruisers waited for them, while the Apothecaries worked to save Kontar from his wounds. When he finally awoke his battle-brothers recieved a fright. Ra's eyes burned with a barely contained power the likes of which they had never seen before. Upon their return to Zuberi, the rest of the Librarium searched his soul for any sign of taint, but none could be found. Ra returned to duty, ready to face whatever fate had in store for him, and whatever he had been gifted this new power to fight.

The Zeist Campaign

When Marneus Calgar called for aid from nearby Chapters during the Zeist Campaign the Argent Scorpions were quick to respond. Sending a full company as well as a Contingent of veterans the Scorpions threw themselves into battle with their hated foes once again. On one of the worlds that the coalition under Captain Sicarius sought to liberate, the Marines found themselves beset upon by an apparent battalion of Crisis suits. While the Marines fought to protect their position, Sergeant Osiris Tarik of the Argent Scorpions Third Company noticed a large contingent of Tau Fire Warriors moving in to flank the Imperial position. Leading his squad to their Rhino Sergeant Tarik drove out to meet them head-on. The squad deployed in the center of the formation, firing point blank into the crowd of Fire Warriors. Catching sight of one of the Tau’s leadership caste present amongst the Warriors, Sergeant Tarik fought to reach him and upon doing so slew him and lifted his broken body for the Fire Warriors to see. While many of them broke and fled, the remainder became enraged and attacked the Marines with barely contained fury. The squad fought back to their transport, and Sergeant Tarik ordered them to continue on, whilst he fought off the Tau. When reinforcements arrived a few minutes later, in the form of an Ultramarines Assault Squad, they found Sergeant Tarik on the brink of death still firing his bolter into the now retreating Fire Warriors. Upon returning him to the Imperial base it was determined that his wounds were too great and he was placed in stasis. When the Scorpions returned to Zuberi, Osiris was placed inside a sarcophagus and interred within a Dreadnought, where his courage and skill in battle could serve the Chapter for centuries to come.

Thanks again to Bloodwulf and NightrawenII, as well as to the folks at FFG. The Deathwatch books offered a good bit of inspiration in developing and fleshing this chapter out.

*Edited Appropriately, thank you Ferrata.*

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The Argent Scorpions were created as a part of the 26th Founding after a reading of the Emperor’s Tarot showed that the fledgling Tau empire would become an ever greater thorn in the side of the Imperium of man and that a Space Marine chapter was needed to help contain them within their own empire, and one day provide a staging ground to take the Tau Empire and wipe out the upstart race once and for all. The world of Zuberi, on the Northern border of Tau space, was chosen along with the Gene-seed of Ferrus Manus. However whether this genetic material was provided by the Iron Hands themselves or a Successor chapter is unknown, as the original veterans that trained the first generation of Argent Scorpions, kept their identities completely secret, and then left once they felt the Chapter was ready.

I'm commenting on this as I read, so if something is filled in later then you can ignore the comment. Whilst it is a rather clever way of having them founded to fight the T'au, it does seem a little coinicendtal. I know the 40k world is full of that, but sometimes it is a bad thing for a DIY chapter. Maybe they could be founded to guard the region of space and happen to become T'au fighters. I don't get the reason not to mention which chapter them come from but mention that you don't know. It reaks of "I know I should fill in this information but I can't be bothered". Unless an unknown plays a vital role in the chapter later on, don't bother with it.


The Argent Scorpions follow the Codex Astartes loosely in their organization. The Chapter utilizes a total of Eight Companies, the first being the Veteran Company as in most Chapters, however the remaining seven operate as Battle Companies, with each being responsible for the recruitment and training of its own neophytes. All members of the Chapter are trained to fight not only on foot but also on bikes and in Landspeeders and serve rotational duties in the role of the rapid vanguard of the main strike force. The number of squads in each company is not limited to ten as per the dictates of the Codex but rather, each company fields ten to twelve squads of full battle brothers along with scout squads. The bulk of the company is made up of the Tactical squad, with the remaining squads being divided between Devastators and Assault Marines based on the preferences and specialties of the Individual Battle Brothers and their Captains.

Is there a reason for this difference or is it merely difference for difference sakes? You need to explain why they have chosen to differ from the Codex, is it a legacy of the Iron Hand clans? Is it homeworld based?



The Gene-seed of the Argent Scorpions has developed two notable mutations. The first is the result of the population they recruit from. As the people of Zuberi have developed their eyesight over time in order to deal with the never ending night of their home-world, when the Occulobe is implanted into the aspirants it further enhances their night vision to the point where they can see well in nearly pitch blackness, even without their armor’s auto-senses. However, this is a double edged sword as when the brothers are exposed to direct sunlight, their eyesight is impaired significantly. As a result, on the battlefield it is highly uncommon for battle-brothers to remove their helmets unless they have been damaged. The second deficiency is the lack of the preomnor, the organ that allows Space Marines to filter out poisonous materials that they ingest.

The last mutation again seems like to be a difference for the sake of it. There is no support in the background and there is no real link to anything else in the chapter. It either needs to be fully incorpareted into the chapter or removed.

Ok, so specifically chosen to guard against Tau is a little far fetched, but guarding that sector would be ok. I'll go ahead and explain the choice of the founders to keep their specific Chapter a secret is to ensure that the Argent Scorpions would not be in the shadow of their parent Chapter and force them to rely on themselves, self reliance being an important quality to Ferrus Manus as I recall, but allow them to know who their Primarch is as all Space Marines revere their Father-figure.


In the Case of the whole Eight Companies thing, I'll go ahead and add this in shortly.


Also, good call on the Preomnor, I wasn't really sure about it and just did it for differences sake. But that is a really bad idea in hindsight. Sooooo....editing time!

The Argent Scorpions’ homeworld of Zuberi is a desert world cast in perpetual night due to a cloud cover over the world that is believed to be the aftermath of an ancient nuclear holocaust.

- If this world is covered in perpetual night, then the temperatures will be rather low. Greenhouse effect doesn't work.


as well as provide fertile land for farming.

- Farming during perpetual night is rather hopeless effort.


  Brother Augustine said:
I'll go ahead and explain the choice of the founders to keep their specific Chapter a secret is to ensure that the Argent Scorpions would not be in the shadow of their parent Chapter and force them to rely on themselves, self reliance being an important quality to Ferrus Manus as I recall, but allow them to know who their Primarch is as all Space Marines revere their Father-figure.

I understand where you coming from, but it doesn't work. They are the youngest brother in lineage of Ferrus Mannus, they will be in shadow of their older brother-Chapters nevertheless.

Knowing your parent Chapter or not doesn't make a difference in this case.

as well as provide fertile land for farming.

- Farming during perpetual night is rather hopeless effort.

It would be on our world, but in a universe full of aliens, there is likely to be some form of plant that does not require the sunlight to produce energy. In fact, there are plants in the depths of the oceans that can do that, so it is merely a stretch for them.

First off, poor wording on my part.

The Chapter Founders are known to me and Imperial Records, but they wanted the Scorpions to design their tactics and philosophy etc. based on themselves and not to simply become a copy of their parent as is often the case. This feeling is epitomized in the quote in the short story I am working on for the Chapter,

"Who are we? We are the ones who shall teach you to be Astartes, that is all that matters. The rest is up to you, live or die by your own accord."

I wanted to leave them a mystery to the reader because it is something that the Scorpions themselves do not know and have not learned out of respect for their founders. I also left this out as there wasn't a way I could come up with to put it in the article without breaking up the flow of everything, and since it isn't entirely relevant (in my mind) I left it as is.

Second, the thing that makes a desert a desert is not its heat but its dryness. A desert can be deathly cold as proven in the Gobi desert in Asia.


Farming on a sunless desert world would seem hopeless, but if the people have the technology to replicate and recycle water it stands to reason that UV lights wouldn't be a stretch. Also, as Ferrata said there are plants that do not need sunlight in order to create energy. After all look at cave moss and fungi.


I hope this helps fill some holes and I thank you both for your time and thoughts.

  Brother Augustine said:
The Chapter Founders are known to me and Imperial Records, but they wanted the Scorpions to design their tactics and philosophy etc. based on themselves and not to simply become a copy of their parent as is often the case.

I think, you are just wrong. No chapter is copy of its parent, after all child is not clone. Even the codex Chapters are unique with their own quirks and traits. But if you want to do it this way....

The Argent Scorpions were created as a part of the 26th Founding after a reading of the Emperor’s Tarot showed that the Laredus sector just North of Tau Space would need better protection in the following decades and that a Space Marine Chapter being founded there would provide an ideal force to protect this portion of the Imperium. The world of Zuberi, on the Northern border of Tau space, was chosen along with the Gene-seed of Ferrus Manus. However whether this genetic material was provided by the Iron Hands themselves or a Successor chapter is unknown, as the original veterans that trained the first generation of Argent Scorpions, kept their identities completely secret, and then left once they felt the Chapter was ready.


Well we have some idea just how long it takes to man and train an entire Chapter to strength. But to also train all its officers ... including the Chapter Master takes alot longer. Any guesses as to how long it would take to properly indoctrinate and train a Chapter Master .... anyone?

Any guesses as to how long it would take to properly indoctrinate and train a Chapter Master .... anyone?

300 years? A Chapter Master is about experience, knowledge gained in the field and respect. Someone cannot be trained in two of those three fields. Chapter Masters need to go through the process of being a marine, a sergeant, a captain etc. to be good Chapter Masters.

Ok, so the Approximate 260 years since the 26th founding is not enough time for one of the first Generation to have the skills necessary to be a Chapter Master. Or if he did, he would only have just reached this position meaning that the founders would have had to lead the Chapter for at least say, 200 years before a successor could be chosen. And that would still probably be about the equivalent to shoving a preteen in a lake in order to teach him to swim, correct?



So I feel like a total idiot. I misread Ferrata's first post. I thought you were saying it was a bad idea to mention the Geneline but not the parent Chapter, not that it was a bad idea to leave out the Chapter but acknowledge in the article that it isn't there. So this whole time I've been acting like a stubborn mule and I totally misunderstood what was said in the first place. Sorry for the argument Ferrata and Nightravven.

  Ferrata said:
Any guesses as to how long it would take to properly indoctrinate and train a Chapter Master .... anyone?

300 years? A Chapter Master is about experience, knowledge gained in the field and respect. Someone cannot be trained in two of those three fields. Chapter Masters need to go through the process of being a marine, a sergeant, a captain etc. to be good Chapter Masters.


300 sounds good for a green CM.

But by that logic, no Chapters created during the 26th founding would have one of their own as the Chapter Master, as it has only been approximately two and a half centuries it would still be a Veteran from a Chapter leading them. Is that normal?



Wrong question to ask. I'm sure it is normal. That would make sense. The question I need to ask is, is it even remotely likely that a Marine, specifically one who excelled throughout the entire training process, and pushed himself to be the very best at everything he did to be in a position to be the Chapter Master in say, 200 years, or is that just a stretch that would make the Founders out to be completely irresponsible?

The reason I ask is, I kind of had my heart set on Darius being the First Chapter Master, the first of the Scorpions to be elevated to this point, trusted to take over the leading of the Chapter along with the Four brothers who have been right by his side pushing just as hard from the very beginning. Or would he still be too green for a Chapter Master. Maybe First Company Captain instead?


*Adding a little update, I changed up the Article a little, primarily the number of Continents on Zuberi, I didn't think right and put down too many for the Chapter's recruitment to make sense. Also, I acknowledge the Parent Chapter in the Beliefs section.*

Okay, lets look at it like this. For this man to be Chapter Master he'd have had to:


* Survived implementation of the Geneseed

* Proved himself as a Scout to be ready to be a real Space Marine

* Per Codex, gone up through the rank and file as Devastator, Assault and Tactical line

* Done well enough to bet promoted to Sargeant

* Done well enough to be chosen as a Captain

* Done better then any other Captain and be chosen to be Chapter Master

* All the while, surviving countless combats


If you're asking if its possible in 200 years ... yes, for an outstanding Space Marine I guess it is.

  Bjorn Firewalker said:
Looks good so far, but considering "argent" means silver, shouldn't the Chapter's color scheme incorporate a lot more silver?

The Red Scorpions are not red :HQ:


As for the Chapter Master - it could go either way. The squad we imagine goes with the new chapter might stay there until death or until they feel that they can leave it in safe hands. It is probable that most 26th Founders are still under the control of the original squad, or at least only just been taken over by a fresh born. He might be a little worse than a normal CM, but he might be the best the chapter could do.

On the note of chapter masters it is sometimes the case that the some verterans are drawn form the parent chapter to train the newer chapter, and in some cases these will be entrenched into the chapte rin prominent positions....


I'm sure i've read this somewhere...

Actually I was aware that Argent means Silver, but when I looked up what it meant it was on an article that was discussing the topic of Heraldry in which White and Silver are synonymous/interchangable. So technically in terms of the Heraldric, Argent means both at least thats how I understood it.


I have made some alterations to the main article in the Mercis Conflict section.

Next, I don't feel like it has a place in the article but I felt like adding in some of the Masters of the Chapter, as I realize that I do not have to have the Founders "moved out" in time for them to jump into the Eye with the rest of the Chapter in 999.


Master Ishmael: Chapter Master

Master Ananias: Master of Sanctity

Master Nicodemus: Chief Librarian (deceased in 944 during an Ork incursion, position given over to Kantor Ra)

Masters Jeremiah, Dimitri, and Petros: Captains of the Third, Fifth, and Eighth Companies respectively

Master Fennion: Master of the Forge

The rest of the Masters serve as Sergeants throughout the various Companies as well as making up the only squad in the Chapter allowed to wear Terminator Armor, the First Company's First Squad and Master Ishmael's Honor Guard.


Also a question on something I said in the article. Would it be plausible for a Chapter to have 3 brothers interred in Dreadnoughts in less than 300 years or is that too much of a stretch?

One more question, would it be unusual for the Masters to have gifted Darius with his own suit of TDA in recognition of his service and deeds?

  Brother Augustine said:
Actually I was aware that Argent means Silver, but when I looked up what it meant it was on an article that was discussing the topic of Heraldry in which White and Silver are synonymous/interchangable. So technically in terms of the Heraldric, Argent means both at least thats how I understood it.

I was actually referring to the amount of blue, which, while darker than the Ultramarines' scheme, nonetheless reminded me of Guilliman's sons.

For some reason I really likethe idea of every company training its own scouts.


the whole "emperors tarot created to protect a certain area of space" thing seems a little off to me though.


Why not just say they were created to defend that area as it was currently undermanned? The Emperor's tarot reading seems pointless.



I can definitely see where you are coming from on that one, but it does have a strong basis in 40k fluff. There are a lot of common sense decisions, as well as several that seem like the exact opposite, that have only come into being because of the turn of a card.

Also gives a reason why they would put a brand new chapter that close to Ultramar without having to worry about accidentally insulting the Ultramarines.

Also gives a reason why they would put a brand new chapter that close to Ultramar without having to worry about accidentally insulting the Ultramarines.

They could have always been stationed a little further away and then migrated slightly? Or the Ultramarines might have requested additional forces to defend such an area, and they got a new Astartes chapter.


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