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The Wrath of Heaven


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My humble progress on my fledgling BA force. I apologize in advance for the crappy pic quality. Maybe someday I'll get a decent lighting setup. NOTHING is finished unless stated otherwise.




Sanguinary Guard Squad Victor, "Transcendent Swords"







Not finished, but they are the closest to it. For some reason, I decided to start painting my army with an elite unit. Crazy me! They were fun to paint, though.





Tactical Squad Fortunis







I've painted Word Bearers before, but they were very dark. This is my first attempt at painting a bright red. I think it may even be harder than painting yellow.





Ancient Zeruel


"Stars, hide your fires! I could not bear for such gentle beauty to look upon the horror which I will unleash upon these heretics and traitors." ~Zeruel, 5th Company Dreadnaught, just prior to the Massacre of Antiax





Best part about the Furioso?





Bam! Completely magnetized!





Librarian-Ancient Chayo





This is potentially the mini that started this whole army. I originally intended for this to be a Grey Knights Librarian Dread. But, if the rumors I'm hearing are correct, Grey Knights won't get Libby Dreads. Well, their dreads have psychic powers, but no hoods or force weapons. I think I'm actually happier doing Angels than Knights, anyway.





Librarian Nonameyet





Mix of parts. Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templars and Chaos. Will get a Sanguinary Guard jump pack.





Reclusiarch Dudeguy





Just started on this one. Debating whether to give him a Power Fist, or just pistol and Crozius. Again, will get a Sang Guard jump pack.







And, here's what I'm working on right now, the Death Company. This is my favorite DC so far:



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