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Ultramarines Captain

The 40k Hobbiest

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So I play Ultramarines 2nd company, but I decided to make my own model instead of using Sicarius out of the book. Tell me what you think! I have more pictures of my army in my blog if you want to see them. The link is in my signature.


The thing on his arm is an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher. I bitz-bashed it using an IG grenade launcher, an auspex, a melta bomb carry handle, and the aquilla from the commander box.







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Could you possibly give a parts list of the wrist mounted grenade launcher on the sword hand please

Dark Angel

IG grenade launcher, Space Marine auspex, and the carry handle from a melta bomb. The aquilla is from the commander's box set.


Basically, cut off the magazine cylinder from the IG grenade launcher. You'll have to cut quite a bit off the body of it, too. I also shortened the barrel as well. Then, when you get it all shaven down and cleaned up, cut the screen part off the auspex and glue that onto the back of the grenade launcher. Green stuff the whole thing to fill in gaps. I put the aquilla there to help cover blemishes. Then you just cut the carry handle off a melta bomb and throw that baby on top. Then, pin it to the arm and paint as normal.


Does that help? If not, I can clarify anything you want me to.


Thanks for all the comments!

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Stunning paintjob. Hats off to you sir it's totally unique and very creative. Just checked out your blogsite -- your models look great en masse. Be interesting to see how you apply the same style to a larger vehicle model.




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Stunning paintjob. Hats off to you sir it's totally unique and very creative. Just checked out your blogsite -- your models look great en masse. Be interesting to see how you apply the same style to a larger vehicle model.




I have a finished dreadnought that my wife is going to take pictures of tomorrow. It should be on my blog by the end of tomorrow. Sign on as a follower and see for yourself (shameless plug)!


I'm sure I'll post the pictures here too.

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