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Inache-Sparta Variant Stormraven

Pig Of Sparta

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Regretably I have been abscent from these hallowed halls far too much of late, but I thought I'd share some photos of one of my onoing projects with you. Work has proceeded slowly on this up until the last couple of days when some major stumbling blocks were overcome. Having moved the heavy bolters to where the headlights were I was struggling to work out how to cover the gaping hole that was left in the nose. After looking at a couple of other 'raven conversion threads on here I finally worked out the best way of achieving a reasonably streamlined and hopefully better looking nose:




(I apologise for the low quality images, I only have the camera on my phone just now which has no macro function)


The next step, once I've printed off the templates that Inache was kind enough to send me will be to extend the hull back around 2 and a half inches using more plasticard. Once the plasticard is in place I can begin detailing it and also add the top turret which will be a remote controlled one made from the land raider/razorback mount.


Hopefully I've not arrived too late to this party :)


Oh, and incase anyone is curious, this'll be a Daemon hunting gunship....





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Thanks for your reply zxyogi, I look forward to seeing your take on the kit :).


Slight update, the hull has now been lengthened:






(once again apologies for the quality of the photos)


This is the first time I've worked with plasticard and I've got to say it's fantastic, it almost feels like a whole new area of the hobby is now open to me should I choose to explore it...

Back on topic, I now need to sort out the top plate, detail the sides and add a little detail to the underside before breaking the greenstuff back out again to tackle the gaps. Oh and I've got a pair of the plates for the rear landing gear housings on the way from bits and kits to replace the ones I've used to plug the awkwarly shaped gap in the sides of the hull.


Comments and criticism is more than welcome


Until next time





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That's looking smooth, brother...nice take on the 'Raven. The placement of the turrent is perfect. I can almost imagine Marines rappeling out the side doors, man. Looking forward to seeing this beast finished!
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Thanks mikhail, a PM is on it's way to you :) and thanks ShotgunFacelift it seemed to make more sense to recess them than keep the hideous arrangement that the nose weapons had originally. I think it streamlines the nose quite well. Admittedly this isn't much of an issue with Imperial aircraft as aerodynamics seems to be less important in the 41st millenium (perhaps fuel is cheaper in the far future?) but it seemed more aesthetically pleaseing, to me anyway :)



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Shamelessly, I'd also like to jump in and ask for some plans if you have them please! :)


I have been collecting images and links to all the stormhawk/raven threads that appeal and this is very much one of them. It's looking really smart so far - particularly the turret. I may have ago with doing a version as this but with the tail moved kept and moved back, to further extend the fuselage. Great work, keep it up!

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This is looking great James.

When I first saw GW's Stormraven, I wasn't entirely sold on the model. It just seemed to be a Land Raider with winds - a flying brick. Your version, however, is definately more in line with what I thought the 'Raven would look like. The stretch limo profile you have going on is great and I prefer the nose guns to be mounted either side of the ramp.

Good call on the turret too - it streamlines the whole 'Raven (although I never thought I would see a streamlined Marine vehicle!) and makes it look sleeker.


Could I be cheeky and ask for a copy of the plans too? They would be a definate help for when I eventually jump on the bandwagon and get one of these myself!



P.S. Just noticed the reading material in the background. Nice choice on the Sandy Mitchell novel - and is that a David Eddings novel too?

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PM's of the templates sent to those who requested them :). Thanks for all the comments, I did some work on the top plate last nite, no photos just now, but once it's complete I'll get some up.


@ Lestat: thanks, I'm a huge fan of Commisar Cain and his malodourous aide Jurgen. I love the idea of a self-serving, self interested political officer and his (actually deserved) reputation for heroism :). Nothing by David Eddings though, I think you might actually be able to see my daughters borrowed copy of the Princess and the Frog DVD though...





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PM's of the templates sent to those who requested them :). Thanks for all the comments, I did some work on the top plate last nite, no photos just now, but once it's complete I'll get some up.


@ Lestat: thanks, I'm a huge fan of Commisar Cain and his malodourous aide Jurgen. I love the idea of a self-serving, self interested political officer and his (actually deserved) reputation for heroism :D. Nothing by David Eddings though, I think you might actually be able to see my daughters borrowed copy of the Princess and the Frog DVD though...






Love the Comissar Cain novels too - the tongue in cheek approach to saving the imperium appeals to me. The little I spotted of the DVD cover looks similar to one of Eddings books - thats where I'm mistaken.


Back on topic - I'll eagerly await those templates. I love what the 'Raven can do and the sheer amount of firepower it can put out, but GW's model just looks like a flying brick.

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You have templates!? I'm having trouble with the sides of mine :tu: cant quite get them to fit over the lugs and be the right length. Not to make it sound like a broken record of requests but if you could PM them...
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Thanks for the replies everyone.


@ Dorn's padawan Aye, it definately has been a while, how're you doing? I'm pretty good thanks, some real life issues over the last few months, but it's all settling down now :D. I never did get around to adding anything else to the 5th Co. Sons. They're still a viable army though and I even got a few games in last year with them.


PM's have been sent with the templates to those that requested them (I think I also sent one to someone who didn't ask for it, sorry!) If anyone would like to use them in future, here's a link to them in my photobucket account (if you use them, please give Inache a nod as he designed them :D)


So a bit of an update tonight, construction is almost complete now. The top plate is completed, just need to wait for the greenstuff to cure and sand it smooth:







Next up is detailing the side panels, which I might keep to a minimum since they are mostly covered by the wings. I think I might also add some 'fins' for want of a better words to the bottom to match the front part of it (if that makes any sense at all) or possible a couple of smaller armour panels.


Finally I need to decide whethere to build the hurricane bolters or not. I'm in two minds about this. Visually I think the model looks more streamlined without them, but in game terms, 12 strength 4 shots with rerolls isn't something to be sniffed at, so I'm not sure whether to add them or not. Magnetizing the doors and sponsons is an option I suppose although I've never tried that before. Saying that, before now I'd never worked with plasticard before and I think it's probably worth the extra effort.


As usual, c&c is appreciated





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Looking awesome mate, I like the elongated look. The SR looks like a Rhino with some wings & a couple of engine thrusters slapped on IMO but your version has actually made me like them now I actually think about their 'convertibility'.


I am good mate, work is ok but now I have 'job security' I can finally take to making my little beauties & start posting them. Start my TS bad boys using your template you used. Shame you didn't get to add to your guys as you had a nice little theme going there. Looking forward to more updates, glad all is well with you :P

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Glad to hear it mate. Can we look forward to seeing some T-S goodness from you soon then?


Just noticed, if you squint hard enough at the first photo, behind the stormraven you can just make out one of my badab war related painting projects, (think TDA) as well as some of the mini's I'm currently painting for Foundry :)




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Yes mate I can just about make out a rather nice looking FW mini you got there, very envious sir :) . You go t some Badab War stuff going on then?


Yes I most certainly have got some TS being banged together!! I will certainly be citing you in the credits section mate. I have used your idea of the Termie plate to bulk out the abdomen. Got the legs done tonight so hopefully photos up mid week!


SR looking nice, the birds eye view certainly does it justice. You adding any nice little 'extras' to it?

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