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Ultramarine Terminator Librarian


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So been focussing on my 1st Company for abit and its getting closer to completion. That ranges from Terminator squads, Sternguard squads, Vanguard squads and Tac squads (sternguard in colours but counts as Tac squad accorrding to rules). Course these all go on the shelf when Grey Knights come out in April!







The rest are table top playable but I need to finish the details ie. symbols/writing etc

1st Company Captain


Assault Sgt


Company Standard


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Good pics, but you'll need a bit more lighting next time :cuss


You have really great brush control, which is obvious with your freehands and overall quality of the miniatures. I think you'd do well to add more shading and highlighting to your miniatures. Washes are a great way to instantly achieve more depth, while more pronounced highlights along edges and raised spots will instantly increase the quality.


Other than that, just be careful to thin your paints out and do lots of coats. I can see a bit on the banner and the librarian's robe (the freehanded bit) that your paint is drying a bit roughly, which can be insta-cured with more coats of thinner paint.

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