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Daemon Princes and daemonic instability

Lord Antharis

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Do Princes suffer from it background-wise? The lore has them leading armies of Chaos Marines, but it also says that daemons need a constant link to the warp (via warpstorm etc.) to remain on the mortal plane. Do their mortal origins give them some imunity to this? Do their followers have to constantly sacrifice slaves as new bodies to possess? It would seem difficult to run your army when your'e constantly popping out of existance.
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It does seem that their past human fom does indeed lend them a link to realspace that is a permanent one.


All this only goes to show that the Divine Man, stands to inherit the universe in both its guises being the amalgation of the powers of the realm of the divine as well as the realm of mortal man. Mans manifest destiny is ultimately to usurp the very Gods he worships, to stand as ruler of all of reality.

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