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Death Guard colors - help please.

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Recently I've started a new project - Nurgle Death Guard army. Having painted only loyalist marines up to now and dealing with smooth, flat surfaces and strong colours I feel a bit intimidated by this task - especially that I have literally zero experience with dirty greens, greys and browns.


That's why I would hugely appreciate any tips as to which Citadel paints and washes should I try to get the grey-green colour such as here:




If I had to guess I'd say it's a whitish undercoat covered with some layers of green and grey washes, but I'm sure there's a lot of DG players out there who can spare me tedious experiments and set me on a right path :)


Thanks in advance.

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well i thik just about every DG player has thier own way of doing it but a quick one i used to paint my lil bros sqaud was this....


1 prime black

2- paint base colors

armor- gretchin green

metal- chainmail

horns- deneb stone

flesh- 50/50 gretchin green/astro grey


3- wash model with devlin mud, sometimes you might need 2 washes on the armor to get more of a distressed look


4-layering otherwashes

armor-gretchin green and then 50/50 gretchin green/rotting flesh

metal-chain mail

horns-deneb stone then 50/50 deneb stone/bleached bone

flesh-layer with rotting flesh then light was of baal red around cuts and over pustules. for large cuts and stuff a light wash around the reddend area with hormaguant purple looks good.


5- highlighting

armor- 75/25 gretchin green/rotting flesh

metal- mithril silver on edges or areas likely to be most recenlty used/scuffed from movement or combat

horns- bleached bone

flesh- highlight with rotting flesh


other effects- stiple (light dabbing with tip of brush) and mixture of 50/50 scorched brown/fiery orange or similar rusty color around and on the brownish areas the wash made to look more rusty


im no master painter and tend to just paint to have a painted army but i believe this is an easy way to paint. i dont have pictures but there are many tutorials online that are for death guard. just gotta google


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