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there will be no mercy- Iron warriors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time!

I have had a small break from reality in form of a trip to the annual Roskilde Festival and I'm finally in a state where I can paint again (damn alcohol ;)) so here is my dreadnought nearly finished.


I decided to re-paint it as I wanted it to fit in with the style of my land raider, which will be the standard for any vehicle entering service in this army from now on. It still needs a few tiny highlights, some details and the lenses but that will come soon.












I opted for trying a OSL effect on the plasma cell, I used my airbrush to paint a blurry shape roughly coherent with the power cell and blended the edges to reach the nearby areas that light would hit, I used a mix of hawk turquoise and white. Next stage was mixing more white in the mix and doing a highlight. Then the recess got a light wash with very watered down hawk turquoise and a final highlight of pure white, both by brush.





  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome work :P

Those are some mighty fine Iron Warriors you've got there. That Dreadnaught is definitely the best IW dread' i've seen. Possibly the best chaos dread'.


One question. How did you achieve the weathering on the hazard stripes? weathering is something i have very little experience with and any tips would be most helpful (i would love to do some more IW after i finish with my 1st Claw project).

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks kizzdougs, the weathering is done with a sponge, and then highlighted with a light yellow. It's actually really easy :P


Okay so here's my latest finished model, my rogue psyker which have been lying around in a half completed state for about 3½ years, but now I have finally managed to get the last part of him done :) So without further ado...




Tell me what you think guys :D

This army is beautiful, simply beautiful :huh: I hate to say this though; the chaos star on the rear of the LR is wonky.... >.<


Sorry buddy :)


But otherwise, this army is quite frankly perfect. Aside from the tiniest, unnoticeable wonkiness of the Star, it's perfect.

Ohh yeah the one on the engine block, right ?? I can see it's not aligned properly... well too late to change it, I hadn't even noticed it but thanks for telling me :) And 'm glad you still like the army :P
  • 2 weeks later...

So my boys hit something nasty and yellow :)


This is terrain I'm making for my gaming club, I just thought it fitted nicely in here since the mighty IVth really hates the lapdogs of Dorn

The set is the crashed aquila from GW, converted with some forgeworld parts and GW parts to represent a downed imperial fists personal transport. This represents a few hours of modeling time and about 5 hours of painting and was all executed in a single day (a Sunday that is) and is almost done, some detailing and a bit of drybrushing is still needed and some patches of dead grass. Enjoy!













C&C is much appreciated, thanks.

Thanks guys, I'm pretty pleased myself :P


The pilot is not done yet, he needs some blood and stuff. But the general idea is that he is strapped to his seat and that is why he haven't moved much. His enormous collar also prevents his head from tilting.

Great looking psyker. I'm going to get myself one, that's for sure :HS:



You won't be disappointed it's a great mini :HQ: and thanks!


Dude, massive props for the greenstuff mouldings!

Thanks dude ^_^


The work on the dreads and the psyker is top notch, but I had a problem with the crashed ship. You might want to give it a drybrush or something, because right now it looks like he landed in...Nurglic materiel.

Thanks dude, and yeah I know and as mentioned above I still need to drybrush stuff and add grass so no worries ;D


The problem I have with this log is that it isn't updated enough.


I'm dying to see more Iron Warriors from you. That Dread is sinfully wicked, I want more! :yes:

Well we'll have to do something about that aye ;D

But to be honest the real reason why there's so few updates is because I have 9 active project logs on warseer to run as well as the few I have here and a few on dakka to. I have however found that I have missed an update here, so it's your lucky day!


So here goes

I finally got some molds made and have started producing the resin casts of the parts I need and here are the first buggers I've built.


First of two of the members of my first csm squad:




And then my second wasmith (I know I've already got one, but I got he finecast techmarine and decided to cut him up and corrupt him) the boltgun arm and head are not final, they are just tagged on.



I will also be painting my IW baneblade soon so hopefully I'll have some more stuff for you to drool over :FA:

That dread is amazing

Thanks :D


So my boys hit another lapdog vessel !

I completed the IF aquila lander and have added a crashed drop pod too, flash pics is to get the detail to show on the pics at 3am and the terracotta dirt is not as bright irl.







Crashed IF drop pod:









The second Warsmith is looking very promising. Just like a IW lord should be. I can't wait to see him with a servo-harness on and a lick of paint.

Looking through this thread again makes me really want to collect some IW...must resist...too much to do... arhhhh, the inspiration! :)


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