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Death Company-yet not


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Hey all!


First let me ask that you not bash on my for what I am about to say :P I get plenty of flak for it at my gw :P


So I am playing blood ravens and I chose to use the blood angels codex. I know they are more of a codex chapter but the blood angels can do everything that standard marines can do plus more and better! I still run a more codex-y list with a base of troops as tactical squads and a more shooty than assault style in some places but I do also enjoy having some untis that have quite a bit of punch for some close-combat help.


Okay, sorry, I got distracted. Now for my question.

I really want to run death company in my army but I am still trying to think of a way to make them fit the fluff as I kow that blood ravens do not have death company. Eventually I will come up with a fluffy explanation of what they are but right now I am more concerned about colors. I don't want them to be painted just like everything else in the army; they would look too similar to the assault marines. So I was just wondering if any of you had an idea of what I could do for a matching color scheme for them.

The only idea that I have really been considering so far in inverting the colors and doing a bone colored armour with the dark red shoulders and such. I think it would be a cool contrast but I would love to hear of any other ideas that you guys might have!


Thanks! :D



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You could always say that they are some kind of veteran squad or something, grizzled vets who have fought against every opponents and know their every weakness. This would explain their higher WS and extra attack. Once in battle, they are overcome with rage because throughout their lives, they have seen many battle brothers fall to their enemies' hands, and so they are enraged and look to exact their own brand of justice on their foe. I dunno, just somethin off the top of my head
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@adams. Thanks! I was sort of leaning towards the veteran thing and being slightly raged/insane sice theyve seen things thatnot many others have and yeah basically similar to what you were saying.



Oh thats a great idea. All bone would look pretty cool I think. The red shoulders are a great idea though I dunno about the helm. Well you never know. I'll try both out and see which I prefer!

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Well if they are indeed grizzled veterans then the bone armour would prove ideal to show weathering and the hardships they have endured. Also I would paint the fists, shoulderpads, kneepads and helmet red. these are the parts that strike the killing blow against the enemy. Good luck with them.
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Blood Ravens specialize in librarians right? If so, maybe the fluff behind your force is your librarian uncoverd a new power but unknowingly had a number of marines possessed by daemons in the process. Nobody knows those marines are possessed as the symptoms are very subtle and only fully manifest themselves during battle. Maybe even have a counts as sanguinor model that is a daemon prince of tzeentch in disguise, misleading your company of Blood Ravens. Just a thought -_-
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in a similar vein... blood ravens are rumoured to be a succesor to the thousand sons using their geenseed or some such. that being the case the thousandsons had defect geanseed, which resulted in more soccerors, but also some fell to the curse. now for them their curse made them turn into spawn, for you it could make them mad... saying that i dont like blood ravens, they are blood ange wannabes -_-
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If I remember correctly, the Dread from DOW: II knew a terrible secret that could have broken the Chapter (I'm guessing something to do with the Thousand Sons issue, but hey, who knows?), and he vowed to take said secret to the grave. Perhaps you could run them as brothers who had learned of such a terrible secret, have taken a vow of silence, and are sworn to die in honourable combat so that the secret stays hidden from their fellow brothers forever. As for the Rage, such a horrible truth must have shaken these brothers to the very core of their souls. They could only drown such horror and self-loathing with the most violent combat possible; and with no concern for self-preservation and the honour of the chapter at stake, they would shrug off wounds that would drop any other Marine. Just a thought, man. :lol:


Edit: You could model them with black death shrouds over their war plate as a mark of the death oath, and paint or model stitches through their lips to mark out the vow of silence!

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Blood Ravens specialize in librarians right? If so, maybe the fluff behind your force is your librarian uncoverd a new power but unknowingly had a number of marines possessed by daemons in the process. Nobody knows those marines are possessed as the symptoms are very subtle and only fully manifest themselves during battle. Maybe even have a counts as sanguinor model that is a daemon prince of tzeentch in disguise, misleading your company of Blood Ravens. Just a thought :D


I think I've read this story before... Only they were Blood Angels... And Mephiston was there and Dante and even Proto Sanguinor!


And 1000Heathen's idea is great. The Fifth Company already wear Black Markings as a badge of shame (I don't believe they use codex company colors because that would be redundant...) for a mass desertion in the past. I like it. Very Blood Raveny.

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Have the death company as a squad of trainee librarians lead by a real librarian.


Thier psychic powers have not manifested properly yet, but are enough to make them tougher and a little angry as they are not fully under control. Give them all powerweapons and send them to war in a landraider.

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If I remember correctly, the Dread from DOW: II knew a terrible secret that could have broken the Chapter (I'm guessing something to do with the Thousand Sons issue, but hey, who knows?), and he vowed to take said secret to the grave. Perhaps you could run them as brothers who had learned of such a terrible secret, have taken a vow of silence, and are sworn to die in honourable combat so that the secret stays hidden from their fellow brothers forever. As for the Rage, such a horrible truth must have shaken these brothers to the very core of their souls. They could only drown such horror and self-loathing with the most violent combat possible; and with no concern for self-preservation and the honour of the chapter at stake, they would shrug off wounds that would drop any other Marine. Just a thought, man. :P




That's easily the best excuse I've ever heard to play a Codex chapter as Blood Angels.


As for the colour scheme, I think the idea from earlier in the thread is spot on. Invert the colours to have bone as the primary and do any red highlights in one of the darker reds. Red Gore or even the Mechrite Red foundation as it looks great when it's beside Bleached Bone (my Death Company shoulder pads are bone with red highlights)

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I like this idea:


Librarian in terminator armour, storm shield

5 death company with power weapons (using models for power armoured librarians)

Land raider crusader, multimelta.


Add a couple of librarian dreadnoughts in drop pods to the list, and fill in with regular marine things. Tacs, assaults, a few bikes and a couple of tanks.


I think that would be a great blood ravens army with a really cool centrepiece.

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You could always run them as an elite specialists unit dispatched by Chapter Master Kyras,

You know, with him worshipping Khorne and all that jazz.


Funny thing about that is Kyras is a Librarian :wacko:


100Heathens has hit it on the head, best way to explain it plus it would look cool on the table top

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Where does this 1000 sons geneseed rumour come from? Never heard it before.


I think it's alluded to in one of CS Goto's Dawn of War books. I've never read it, but it does explain why they have so many Libs, don't know who their Primarch is, and the "Dark Secret" of the chapter

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It's not really a chance though - a chapter turning renegade is not unknown, and 1,000 marines can be taken down quite easily, especially given how common old leman russ tanks gut them in droves.


Plus, the thousand sons didn't turn traitor in the same way as the other legions, and having potent psychic marine gene seed developing will surely be a great boon at some point.

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