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DoA Deep Strike Placement?


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I've not played many games with my Blood Angels yet, so i'm still looking around for tactics and such, I've been looking at different tacticas for BA by various people, and I can't seem to find anything about this, so i thought i'd ask here.


When placing things such as VV for assaulting, and other units for Melting tanks, where is best to place said unit? You already have a 1/3 chance of not scattering at all, which is something. But what about scattering ontop of the enemy, is it just a "no guts no glory" thing and you hope for the best? Pretty sure some people do it that way, but i'm assuming theres a 'optimal' placement? (Both against tanks and infantry blobs)




Though, maybe i should ask about DoA placement in general, since you wont be able to move. Deep strike as behind cover/out of LoS as possible? Or put enemy tanks between you and large units and hope you kill it and use it for cover? (Which would fit into the original question anyway)

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My experience with Vanguard was pretty positive. Never mishapped, only once scattered out of charge range of my intended target (and actually into charge range of something that turned out worked better!)


I usually aim for about 5 inches away from my enemy, unless they're in terrain and I want to be gutsy then I might go closer. Part of it depends on the size of the squad. A large squad I'll drop further back, since I'll end up with 2 circles of guys to push me closer. A smaller squad will drop slightly closer. But, for me, its more of a feel than a science. Where do I feel safe.


Last night I dropped a 10 man RAS trying to get shots on a nurgle demon prince. I misjudged distance, and scattered into the prince (I thought I was more than 6 inches away, my tapemeaure disagreed with me though). Oops.

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I aim for about four inches away from the unit I want to charge...I think that's around about right...when you build your ring of men around the original model, you'll get an extra inch from the original deployment...


I aim for about four inches away from the unit I want to charge...I think that's around about right...when you build your ring of men around the original model, you'll get an extra inch from the original deployment...

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I have learned by experience where to place the unit... 5" is about right as suggested by JamesI. Sometimes you will mishap but its very rare, not something I worry about when placing the unit. Always make sure to verbally declare Heroic Intervention before you place the squad on the table unless you are playing a :cuss.


G :D

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