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Brothers of Dust


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Hi all, first of all I'd like to introduce myself a bit. I am Andres from the Netherlands and I have been playing all kinds of GW games for the past 11 years. I even worked for the GW for a while and in that time collected allot of stuff which I wanted to use for conversions for my DG army. When I stopped working for the GW a few years ago I sort of lost interest in the hobby, untill a few weeks ago. I am fully back and picked up where I started....


Well... sort of...


I actually threw all I had made so many years ago into my bit-box and broke most of what I had into bits. In 1 weekend I remade an 1700pts army (I had an application round for GW fulltime sales assistant and possibly store Manager. I had to own and bring a 1700 pts army) and I managed to get it painted in a way that it was tabletop ready. (Will post pictures of that later this week). I came up with an idea for the army as well. As the title says the army is called: the Brothers of Dust. The concept is simple.

Dust consists of particles in the atmosphere that arise from various sources such as soil dust lifted up by wind, volcanic eruptions, and pollution. Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibres, minerals from outdoor soil, and many other materials which may be found in the local environment.
Source: Wikipedia.org


So in that logic diseases can also be spread through the use of dust, Universal Dust can even travel from 1 planet to another. And thus my theme was borne.


To make my theme complete I choose a different color scheme then most will/have for a DG army. I choose brown as my main color and took green as a contrast color, my flesh colors are also very pale to stand in contrast with the dark armor. Convertion-wise, I am not really the biggest fan of a gazillion bloated belly's and therefor came up with an army list where I don't have to put a belly on each marine. I have squads of Chaos Space Marines with an icon, they are devoted to Nurgle but not yet blessed fully by grandfather. I have squads of Plague Marines, obviously blessed and I am working on possessed which are obviously possessed by plague demons. I kept my terminators sort of clean, but used the head of Typhus on each safe for the Champion which is a mutated head. Also my entire army wears the "old" Plague Marine Champion backpack.


As said I am a player of old and have played with the old rules and those before, I loved how they did the themes in those codex's. I stayed true to those rules, for those who do not know what they were I will keep it simple: Every squad i have will have 7 marines, or a multiple of 7 (14, 21 etc.). In the old codex it used to give you a bonus if you used the magic number for your patron, for Nurgle it was 7 and I wont bore you all with the other patron's.

DG was also very low on Fast Attack and Heavy Support, and very limited in their choose of weaponry for the Troop choices. In order to be a bit more competitive I did add quite allot Heavy Support, but yeah with current rules there is no other way to keep up. Finally you could never own more then 3 transport vehicles for your troop choices, otherwise they would count as Fast Attack units and you could have a max of 2 Fast Attack units in a DG army (bringing the total to 5 rhino's/Land raider's).


In closure, I had to fit my army with a fitting slogan (something I can shout out to my enemies when I annihilating my opponents. Luckily for me the Chemical Brothers came up with such a war cry for me, the title of one of their songs is totally fitting my army and will be freehanded onto parts of my army. Without further delay:

"In Dust we Trust!!!"



First I will post pictures of what I am working on currently. In the upcoming week when the paint dried and I did some detail on my existing army, I will post pictures of what is (nearly) finished.



Obliterator's (I still need to green stuff allot on them, but this what I have got at in 1 day of cutting bits up and mixing them up).









Possessed Marine's (Again I did this today, they still need to get some green stuff on them).















And there you have it, for now, feedback is really welcome! :drool:


P.s. don't look at how things are painted, my skills as a painter have drastically grown since then... the obliterators never got passed a base coat, the painted shoulderpads here and there are terribly painted... with painting suggestions/comments, hang on till I posted my army. :)

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Yeow! Looks great!

I wish I had come at my army in this way when I first decided to start playing Death Guard. I found, like I'm sure many people, that after I got up and going making my army, I had forgotten (or neglected) to put on matching shoulder pads, appropriate iconography and so forth.

I commend you for your efforts!

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Army overview (Allot of details still have to be painted on the individual models/squads)














Lord with familiar and Retinue of PM and Rhino










Plague Marine squad with Rhino










CSM with Icon (the not yet blessed).
















Vindicator (Still missing its freehand slogan "In Dust we Trust" on its dozer blades).






















The FW Dread (am currently working on a second FW dread, which will be converted either a bit of heavily, still not sure how I will convert that one).









And thats my army!


As you can see I still have some work to do painting wise and I will be doing that in the upcoming weeks/days, however input and feedback is very much welcomed! ^_^

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Looking good, I like both the idea of the army and the looks. We seem to have similar aesthetic sensibilities. I think that the organic looking stuff on the backpacks should be painted organic, now it's all metal.
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Yeow! Looks great!

I wish I had come at my army in this way when I first decided to start playing Death Guard. I found, like I'm sure many people, that after I got up and going making my army, I had forgotten (or neglected) to put on matching shoulder pads, appropriate iconography and so forth.

I commend you for your efforts!


Thanks man, I am happy that I am redoing my army. It looks better then ever before and the concept is more clear throughout the ranks now ;) And yes, I had the same problem you described. I know allot of people do, I really wanted to get my theme clear and I think I am now finnaly on my way to achieving my goal.



Looking good, I like both the idea of the army and the looks. We seem to have similar aesthetic sensibilities. I think that the organic looking stuff on the backpacks should be painted organic, now it's all metal.


First of all thanks for the compliments mate! And you are right, its one of the details I am still having to do. I had to paint the entire army within 1 and a half day to get them tabletop ready for my application at the GW. Thus its on my to do list!



I like the theme of the army and think they look great. But, I suggest adding some 'suckers' to the tentacles on the Predator, they look too clean. Or, maybe make the tentacles look more worm or maggot like.


I have been strugling with them indeed, the predator is acctually the only thing in my current army which i only repainted... since I do like the feel of it, the tentacles are to clean atm. I was thinking of making scales on them through the use of green stuff, because then painting would be easier too since atm its hard to bring any highlights on it... but never thought about suckers ... thanks for the help there buddy :)

More suggestions are still welcomed!


Also working on a new project, in my local GW some kiddo was giving away his old Dark Angel army because he was retiring with the hobby. Even though it looked crappy I took his Landraider (I did not own one yet), saved me some money ofc. Besides crappy paint job and bad put together can be fixed in a Nurgle way, right? ;) A few years ago I bought landraider FW door's at GamesDay England... so I am gonna dig those up and see what i can make of this tank! :)


Keep the feedback comming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all,


its been a few days/weeks that I have posted anything here. So I figured I'd give you an update on what I am working at. First of all I wasnt happy with the looks of the first try on the obliterators. So I went back to the bitsbox and came up with a version which is way more appealing to me! Not one is totally done with GS... so they are still heavily WIP.




I am by far the most happy with the one in the middle, the shoulder mounted cannon from the Inquisitor from the Inquisitor game fitted him perfectly!









And now my secret little project, my new Daemon Prince... i am really happy with him. He is the first model I really GS allot of detail on. So please please please some feedback on my work, as this is my first serious try.



Overall view.



A bit closer.



Detail of the abdomen.



Detail from above.



Detail from his left side.



Detail of his back and his wings.



Detail of his right side.




So again, feedback is really welcome. Really want to know the opinion of you people. What do you guys think of my first attempt of sculpting mayor features and detail?


P.s. sorry that some of the pictures are so blurry, but i think they still do justice to the model... if not tell me so I will post new ones tomorrow.

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Hey, we use the same picture as our avatar! Good taste.


Nice work on those new Oblits. I just put some together (standard everything), and man, all those metal bits were a pain. I'll go with a conversion if I end up making any more.


Your Lord with the Master of the Fleet body works nicely. The scheme washed out most of the loyalist nonsense, and the little conversions work well (the three circles, etc.).


I really like your DP, too. Great combo of the old Nurgle one, and the new plastics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That Prince is exactly what I've always wanted.

The new plastic prince is great, just not nurgle.

The metal nurgle one is the same EVERY time.

Perfect blend!


Thanks allot for the nice compliment man, i mean it. :)



Hey, we use the same picture as our avatar! Good taste.


Nice work on those new Oblits. I just put some together (standard everything), and man, all those metal bits were a pain. I'll go with a conversion if I end up making any more.


Your Lord with the Master of the Fleet body works nicely. The scheme washed out most of the loyalist nonsense, and the little conversions work well (the three circles, etc.).


I really like your DP, too. Great combo of the old Nurgle one, and the new plastics.


I have put allot of work into the Master of the Fleet and the DP indeed, thanks for noticing!




As for my ongoing work, its going steady. I will not post updates for now on that DP for the simple reason that I have been working on a new idea for the time...


For years I have played Plague Marines also formerly known as the Death Guard. I am not planning to step off that idea... I am now going to expand my warband with a new addition of marines, namely.......:


Fallen Iron Warriors. Reason for this is simple, I need a minor change in color scheme to keep me painting... Plus, since we now currently have to run 2 DP's in a 1700 pts list in tournaments to be competative I wanted to make my second DP allot different, yet still kewl! So when I saw the model of the Dreadknight I HAD too make me a DP out of that... My new Warsmith will be called: Podrido Hierro (Spanish for rotting Iron, if my spelling is correct :P).


(For my squads of 10CSM with Icon I will paint them in a fallen Iron Warrior theme, same goes for their dedicated Rhino and my obliterators. I will still try to incorporate my current color scheme in them in some way).


Mind you I still have to start with GS, adding of chains and wiring. This is still just a kit bash and some hack and slash-work on the Dreadknight bits. The general idea is to make him hanging in the harness by chains, have his armor+flesh warped into the machine (like an obliterator) and have wiring connect him further with the unholy machine... Of course I will be adding Nurgle-ish features, have yet to decide on what kind... safe for rust ofc... Any input is welcomed on that!


Without Further ado:






front again



Left side



Back side



Right side



Close Up Daemon Sword



Any thoughts/feedback are very much welcomed!

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I like the brown on your vehicles. What painting process did you use to get that result. It looks very Death Guard, simple, solid, earth tones, and goes well witht he green highlights.





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speechless toward the dreadknight!


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


I like the brown on your vehicles. What painting process did you use to get that result. It looks very Death Guard, simple, solid, earth tones, and goes well witht he green highlights.






Its rather simple really, but it gives the desired effect! First a black basecoat, followed by a scorched brown drybrush. After that a mix of 50/50 scorched brown and bestial brown drybush, followed by a very light bestial brown drybrush (sometimes, on some spots i do an extremely light wetbrush effect on some spots for the purpose of deceiving your eyes... as in make your eyes get drawn to those spots). Then I waterdown vomit brown and do allot of thin highlights, repeatedly... untill i am satisfied with the look. The brushing is easy to do... its the high lighting which makes it stand out! :)


Hope that helps mate and thanks for the compliment! :P

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I have been sculpting for a bit today, but my back is killing me... appearently Nurgle has blessed me once again cause my kidneys are inflamated... orsomething... Anyway, some pics of the minor sculpts and such, hope you like it!










Not really happy with the chains on HIS left leg, thinking of doing the same thing as I did with his right leg.

As in let the chain end in the machine rather then tie it up the way I did now, any thoughts about it? Thanks in advance guys! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been busy irl lately but finnaly managed to sit down and get some work done on my WIP DP.


Any thoughts about how to go further from here is appreciated! The orrigional Dreadknight sword needs allot of work still, same for the backside of the entire model... The circles on both his right hand and left shoulderpad need greenstuf arround them, next to having to get drilled through to make it look like pits. Other than that I am planning on wirring connecting the rockets to the fuelpacks on his back.. Aswell as wirring connecting the strapped in Warsmith to the engine by his neck and left arm.


Without further ado, pics for the picture god!











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