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Space Marine Paint Set

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Greetings, marine enthusiasts.


It's been a long time indeed since I posted anything on this site. But, as I'm currently considering going blank slate on my 40k hobby (Easy enough, since I never collected anything above 1000 points for any particular army), I thought I'd sit back and start painting again. Starting simply, I decided on buying a paint set, and was disappointed to find out that the Ultramarines symbol is molded onto their little push-on shoulderpads.


Not that there's anything wrong with Ultramarines, BUT...


I was hoping to practice with something I could use later on. If Space Marines is where I stay, I'd probably go with a less standard chapter, even if only slightly. SO!


I happened to glance at the Sons of Orar, and noticed that they're supposedly an Ultramarines tangent, so to speak. Still use the same Omega symbol, just turned upside down.


My question is this: Would anyone even care if I tried painting them up as Sons instead? Heck, if they're so close to the Ultramarines, perhaps I can even paint the shoulder in their parent colors, and have it represent... I dunno, Veterans or somesuch? I know it's not written in stone to paint anything like anything, but just want to know how well I can get away with having some Sons like that, as far as the lore sticklers go?


Nice to see the forum again. ^_^

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You seem to have missed one of the most central points of the hobby: those little plastic men in power armouor that you just shelled out to buy belong to you...so you can paint them however you damn like!


Of course you can paint Ultramarines in the colours of the Sons of Orar and use them as the same...you could buy Space Wolves, paint them blue and use them as Ultramarines if you wanted so long as they were equipped the right way.


If someone complains then tell them to go forth and multiply.

I think he stated he knows he can do what he wants. But he wants to know what others think.


Personally, If you bought Space Wolves (with all the wolfy and vikingy bitz) and painted them as Ultras, then I'd not like it and wouldn't enjoy playing against it. Especially if you proceeded to tell me you are using the Blood Angel codex. In that case I'd definitely leave.


But if three or five marines of your Sons of Orar army have their chapter symbols upside down, I wouldn't really mind. Now if you were painting some completely different chapter, I'd still file the symbols off, but for Sons of Orar, I'd leave them on.

You seem to have missed one of the most central points of the hobby: those little plastic men in power armouor that you just shelled out to buy belong to you...so you can paint them however you damn like!


Of course you can paint Ultramarines in the colours of the Sons of Orar and use them as the same...you could buy Space Wolves, paint them blue and use them as Ultramarines if you wanted so long as they were equipped the right way.


If someone complains then tell them to go forth and multiply.

it's times like these the B&C need i "like" button fb-esq :D


hell i wouldn't mind at all, i myself are guilty of having a devotion to BA, but want a DA Deathwing... so i did it and made them my DIY BA succesor chapter DW who are on a sharp decline into madness, hence i have CSM bitz tastefully strewn thoughout my army.





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