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Furioso, how to make it?


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Hi guys, I loved this model so much that I got it not long after it came out, despite not having a BA army. However I can't decide whether to build it as a regular Furioso, DC or Librarian. So I wanted your opinions and what you think is the better model, as this will be one for the showcase and not the game.
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if its showcase id say libarian. actually if its purely for showcase id fix it up like a sanguary guard style dread. if not then id go dc dread as it lookskinda like a chappy dread, and chappys of all forms are cool...
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I bought a normal dreadnought and the BA 'nought at the same time.

I made the standard DC 'nought with Talons then took the frag cannon and a blood fist with heavy flamer and put them on the regular 'nought. I added some BA bits, painted it gold and named it The Golden Fury.

I guess you'd call it a 'counts as' Furioso as it's not the actual made model.

I have to take some pics of it to post here, but later.

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Is magnetizing an option for you? I am currently writing up a guide for it. It is super easy.


Yeah, I'm in the process of magnetising my new Furioso and an old 'standard' dread that I've cannibalised. Will magnetise the sarcophagus so I can switch between librarian and standard and all arms will be magnetised to allow the appropriate weaponry. I figure I should be able to field either a librarian and a furioso or two furiosos and will be able to field most weapon combinations that are allowed in the codex.

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I like furioso with frag cannon, magna grapple and err an arm.

It just looks so bad-bottomed.

I second. What could be better than HUGE shotgun? ^_^


In general, I'd say that if the dread's purpose is to "reflect" Blood Angels, than I'd go with red Furioso with cannon.

If it is to display the horror, which dreads bring onto battlefield, than DC one.

If you just want cool model, use Libby.

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As a lover of all things Death Company, I like the DC Dread with Blood Talons the most. Looks utterly brutal and terrifying, and kicks ass also on the tabletop.


That being said, I think it's a great kit and all the variants do look gorgeous. You'll have to do your worst to go wrong with your modeling!

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actually if its purely for showcase id fix it up like a sanguary guard style dread.

I like this idea and if I ever get the kit, I might just do it myself. If you don't go that route, I'd say a Death Company Dreadnought with Blood Talons.




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Is magnetizing an option for you? I am currently writing up a guide for it. It is super easy.



Just ordered three of the kits. Would love to read your guide as've magetized the majority of the army and would like to do these as well.



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So if I am correct thats 2 for DC, 2 for Frag Cannon and one Libby, the rest suggesting magnets to swap.


If this is a race to 3 votes, than put me down for DC Dread w/Talons. That makes 3 for DC!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just an update, I have built the Dread, and...*drumroll* it is a DC Dread with Blood Talons and magna grappler, though went to start painting, and ran out of black spray, d'oh. Will put up picture when its done.
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Just an update, I have built the Dread, and...*drumroll* it is a DC Dread with Blood Talons and magna grappler, though went to start painting, and ran out of black spray, d'oh. Will put up picture when its done.


Good choice, you have made the Angel proud (and heretics nervous).

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Hi guys, here is the finished deal. More or less. Few more touches and should be done. All C&C welcome.



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