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Skulls of Ravens...

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After Hearing the Audio book of Helion Rain I been interested upping my 10th Company of scouts to take on the look of Raven Guard scouts. I'm just interested if any one seen bits that could/would/should work well for Scouts as Icons of ravens skulls.


Not to ruin the book in any way Raven Scouts wear a token of Ravens they have to Sneak up and kill on there home world. I would love to add those icons to my scouts.


I'm also thinking that http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1140047a will serve as a few great looking objectives and possible later Ravenguard modeling...

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I can't really think of any raven skulls as such, but if you sculpt beaks onto the SW stuff that could look okay.


You could also make a pressmould of some of the details from Shrike and try to work with those. He has a large skull on the backpack and a small one on his chest, if I remember correctly. Reproducing these might solve your problem.



And maybe these will be interesting for youlink1 link2 link3(take a look at the animal catalog here) link4 link5


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