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Knights of Blood Death Company

Sun Reaver

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Sup guys,


I am planning on painting my models using their color scheme, but I have no idea as to how their Death Company looks. I tried searching for it, but nothing really came up. Does anyone know? Also, if you play a KOB army, I would love if you posted images of your models.


For those who have no idea on how the color scheme looks, here you go:






Sun Reaver

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I'm really interested in the Knights of Blood and am having a tough time not starting another BA army lol I think they would look really cool in dark grey/bright red with lots of battle damage. Astorath would make a good HQ as his 50% red thirst rule would really bring out there blood thirsty nature. But thats just me....


As for the question as far as I know the DC is standard colours (Codex says its only the Angels Encarmine's ablaster white DC that deviate from the standard of the BA) nothing stopping you changing your though :P

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If i had to paint death company for that chapter id go for silver, all over, with very few red details. That way, they would still vary from the standard marines, without sticking out like sore thumbs :lol: Plus, i imagine that the DC models look quite kickass all dressed up in boltgun metal! ^_^
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Welcome to the Knights of Blood! I have written a little fluff on my Chapter as to why they were named "renegade" and I too have painted my Death Company differently - actually just painted all the red parts black. Looks wicked! I do have a picture of my 1SGT on my LPC thread, and I am working on getting more pictures of all my WIPs up shortly to include my DC. I do use Astorath, Captain Psycho and Lemartes in my lists as I personally love that if my DC don't find peace in death on the field then they go into stasis along with Lemartes and my Dreads to try and find a foe worthy enough to send them to Sanguinius' side ala the Slayer's. Oath for Dwarves. Search my name and read my explanation of Terra's decision and see if that fits your style. Then collectively we can try to convince them otherwise, especially when Dante calls us home to Baal. FOR THE EMPEROR AND SANGUINIUS! !!
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...I too have painted my Death Company differently - actually just painted all the red parts black.

This is what I would suggest, too. Keep the legs and body silver, with the shoulders, helm and details black. Any X's should, of course, be red.


I think this would look awesome.

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I also run a Knights of Blood army - bolt metal + Red gore is an awesome color combo.


I decided to paint my deathcompany a little differently, too. So I really like Astorath and the fluff of how he goes around collecting Death Company for one last hurrah's and all that so I decided my death company would reflect not just my chapter but other BA chapters as well. I also wanted certain dudes to look like they were in different units of thier chapter, so guys that were vets might have gold helmets and dudes that came from say the Sanguinary Guard have a great deal of gold painted SG bits, but are still undeniably DC.


So my Blood Knight DC is simply black with a gunmetal dry brush to give them a metalic look like thier boltgun metal painted bretheren, and all the red X's and other detail work is done in red gore instead of the brighter reds. I've got a few that do use the black/bright red combo and those are from Chapters that use the more common BA color scheme. I plan on painting one squad in white.


But the gist of it is that I didn't want all my DC to look exactly the same and since I want to use Astorath to have multiple balls of DC fun playing themselves I figured I might as well make them look like they are coming from differrent chapters and just riding along with Astorath and the Knights of Blood - cause they are all some crazy bastids.

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I'm really interested in the Knights of Blood and am having a tough time not starting another BA army lol I think they would look really cool in dark grey/bright red with lots of battle damage. Astorath would make a good HQ as his 50% red thirst rule would really bring out there blood thirsty nature. But thats just me....



As a matter of fact, I do plan on painting them a muted grey and bright red, as well as fielding Astorath. Great minds think alike, eh? :HQ:



If i had to paint death company for that chapter id go for silver, all over, with very few red details. That way, they would still vary from the standard marines, without sticking out like sore thumbs Plus, i imagine that the DC models look quite kickass all dressed up in boltgun metal!



I feel like since the standard scheme of the chapter is silver with red details, the DC won't stand out as much. I kind of want them to stand apart from the rest of the army as it always looks cool and breaks up the painting for me a bit. Though, I do think silver DC would look pretty sick.



Welcome to the Knights of Blood! I have written a little fluff on my Chapter as to why they were named "renegade" and I too have painted my Death Company differently - actually just painted all the red parts black. Looks wicked! I do have a picture of my 1SGT on my LPC thread, and I am working on getting more pictures of all my WIPs up shortly to include my DC. I do use Astorath, Captain Psycho and Lemartes in my lists as I personally love that if my DC don't find peace in death on the field then they go into stasis along with Lemartes and my Dreads to try and find a foe worthy enough to send them to Sanguinius' side ala the Slayer's. Oath for Dwarves. Search my name and read my explanation of Terra's decision and see if that fits your style. Then collectively we can try to convince them otherwise, especially when Dante calls us home to Baal. FOR THE EMPEROR AND SANGUINIUS! !!


Great to see another KOB player ^_^. I would love to read your explanation as to why the KOB were labeled renegade. I did attempt to search for your post via your name, but failed to find it. Alas, my search-fu may not be as strong as I believe. :/


As to your DC paint scheme, I really like it. I thought about it earlier but was unsure on how it would look. I think I may either do that or switch the silver parts for black. I may have to paint some test minis, but if I don't like any of them, I may go with Black Orange's suggestion and paint them white.



But the gist of it is that I didn't want all my DC to look exactly the same and since I want to use Astorath to have multiple balls of DC fun playing themselves I figured I might as well make them look like they are coming from differrent chapters and just riding along with Astorath and the Knights of Blood - cause they are all some crazy bastids.


I like your idea, but I would refrain from it as the KOB have been declared renegade. So I would assume that Astorath can no longer visit the chapter and provide his services. Therefore, I plan to keep my DC solely from the KOB.


But I would love to see some photos of your DC marines because they sound like they look extremely cool.



Black, as per normal.


But where is the fun in that? :P


Thanks for the awesome replies,


Sun Reaver

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Try "Knights Blood" in the Search feature. If you type "of" it will error. Here are 2 short clips of mine as to how I do my KoBs.


Finally read C:BA cover to cover and saw an interesting note on the Knights of Blood - my successor army as it were - and started wondering "What in the world would they have to hide that coincides with why they were classified as renegades?" I didn't want to say my Knights ***sparkle*** since that was jokingly applied to another successor that never takes their helmets off. :(


So.........I have added my personal fluff: When stricken with The Black Rage, Knights of Blood Death Company units are unable to differentiate friend from foe. They must move toward, shoot and/or assault the nearest non-KoB unit. This is why they must be on their own battlefield against the enemies of Mankind.


Knights of Blood for me. Like James I said, very little fluff makes it fun and easy to spin it anyway I want. For example, having been decreed 'renegade' and 'unwelcome allies' and being 'inherently dangerous to fight alongside' gives me loads of room to make up my own fluff. So far, our 'Black Blood Rage' will lead us to friend and foe alike; all surviving DC get corralled in stasis for the next battle; Tycho didn't fall on Armageddon, we rescued him from his suicidal Black Rage, and when he returns to Baal he'll most likely be in Holy Dreadnought Armour; eventually I could Max out all Troop slots with 25-30 DC & 5 DC Dreads, which really plays into the Knights' reputation of being 'near-crazed'. So many ways to go with the little fluff available. ;D


Here's a picture of my WIP Death Company:




And a solo shot of my 1SGT and his Squad Leader:



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