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So I was toying with the idea of a split color scheme for my specialist(i.e. preist,librarian) in my lamenters army. The idea behind it being to show their dual roles in the chapter and i wanted to do something different. I already have a librarian just waiting for me to finish it up and guilt my gf into letting me use her camera, and i did this preist mock up just a few seconds ago and i just wanted some feed back on it.


the main idea is left side of the armour in lamenters" colors with the badge and the right side done in the appropriate colors for their chapter role.

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I really like the idea of it sasquatch. Its different than the usual all blue or normal chapter colours with a blue badge. Plus it'll make them stand out more.


Also spilt colour space marines always look kick ass, you should check out some other peoples. I think there is an eagle warriors army on warseer (on the painting blogs) that looks really good. My advice would be to have a line of a darker colour paint seperating the two colours, for instance if you your librarian is ultramarines blue, paint a regal blue line down the middle.


Peace out, Luko.

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You can paint them how you like really. After all they are your models. I'm not exactly going with the current paint sheme with mine, it's more in line with the original fluff so chpater icon on the 'right' shoulder pad.

There isn't much stuff on the lamenters, though IA9 is good and supplies a lot more background. I was going to post a more in depth explanation - when I have time - of the Lamenters origins etc in my blog. However, we do know they are largely a codex chapter. So you could happily follow the codex colour scheme so all white.

If you are working off the whole blood angel successor angle then you could go all yellow. BA librarians are all blue. Anyways, follow my sig link and I will put up a block of text you ca digest and play off which will explain my choices.

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lol red worm thats why i decided to try this army in the first place was for the challenge and the awsome fluff they have going for them. I figure the preist's white and yellow scheme has got to be easier then the librarian's dark blue and yellow scheme i did that was nerver wrecking trying to get the sides even with no green bleed over I really am dreading doing the other libby with jump pack.
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If you want a challenge, then just go for it. :P


My army is halved in a horizontal fashion, so I'm biased. I have other reasons for going that way, but it is your army. Anything that makes you want to finish a paint job is good!

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