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Sang Guard vs VV

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I'd say the VV then. They will allow you to tie up on or more units in CC that would otherwise engage your deepstriking assault squads. I'd suggest you spend some points on getting them a few stormshields. That way they become an effective tarpit for your opponents big meanies.
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SG and VV fulfill different roles. VV are a shock troop that assaults directly from deepstrike. They can inflict some major damage then usually are destroyed. SG are a counter assault unit and come into play as a combat unit later in the game - they work best when coupled with a Priest. Don't try to use both units to fulfill the same role.


G ;)

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Equipping the VV with 4 powerweapons is overkill and screws you over for wound allocation, both as the giver and receiver. I'd drop 2 power weapons and add 2 shields, although that'll cost you 20 more points. Consider switching one or both pws to claws as they are statistically better for the same points.


But they are very different units! VV should be used to tie up annoying shooty units for a turn while the rest of the army gets into charge range. SG are used as a shooty counter assault unit for finishing off big units of tough opponents that have already been softened up a bit. Both units become much harder in the presence of a Priest as well, even if he's not attached.

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There, every model is different and essentially it's still PWx4+PF.

I'd rather have all PWs and have the option to attempt to charge two units than have a cheaper one that can only have a go at one at a time... and for that reason, I prefer 6 models (PW+mb)


Remember, it IS possible to get into CC and fail to get every model swinging...

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For a 1500 point list, which would be better? A unit of Sang Guard with a PF and Death Masks, or a unit of VV with 1 PF 4 PW? Both are 235 points.


Rest of List:


3 RAS with PF, 2 meltas

Libby with JP, Shield/Sword

Honor Guard with 4 Meltas

2 Sang Priests with JP/PS


For what you have I'd take Vanguard, you have 285 pts left, so you could take 5-man VV with upgraded weapons, or 6 or 7 men squad with mostly CCWs and a few PWs and TH.

The choice between VV and SG really depends on what you want. Vanguards' name speaks for them, and they are better suited for striking first. IMHO VV have higher priority than SG.

BTW, don't take those masks. I'd even drop the PF on SG to keep their base I. for the cost of PF and Masks I'd take Chapter Banner to gain additional attacks.

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Everyone has said it and I support it too. Do not take those masks, they are not worth it. Indeed a better investment would be the Banner. That being said I also believe that VV would serve your purposes better. Unlike some of the folk here I do not like to have all me VV equipped with PWs or special kit. I find that 1 PF, a LC and a PW are fantastic and using take a few Storm Shields for extra punch. I find that it usually takes 2 turns to get through my opponet's unit and then I am free...unless he counter assaults me. Yet in that time the rest of my army is upon him and that is the purpose of the VV.
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This is my perception on the 2 as it pertains to their roles in DoA lists only:


VV are there to hold up the enemy. They are your offensive line. They should have several Storm Shields and a couple of Power Weapons/Fists.


Sanguinary Guard are there to attack the enemy turn 2 or 3 and remove an infantry threat from the board entirely.


Personally I would drop one of the RAS units because at 1500pts you have effectively 4 scoring units there if you need them. Take a 10 man VGV squad with 4-6 storm shields which you can combat squad if necessary.

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The answer depends largely on how you are going to play the turn you arrive from DS.


Are you going to DS everyone behind cover? Or are you going to try to open up vehicles on the first turn?


If you are going to play more cautious, go with the SG. If you are going to shoot on the turn you drop, you need the VVs to tie up template threats to the rest of your army.

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