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Converting for Chaos!

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Greetings members of the B&C!

Today I come before you as a servant of Chaos Undivided, Black Legion specifically, and I must admit, I'm out of ideas. You see, I've been trying to make myself a Terminator Lord (not for use in my army, but just because I love the kit), and I can't seem to make him unique enough. So, I'm opening myself to the warp (you lot) for ideas. At the moment he looks like any other Lord, but with a WoC skull-helmet, no trophy rack, and I removed the back spike from the axe in the box, and added another axe-head to make it double bladed. Still, it seems lacking. I was thinking of making a spear/halberd instead of the axe...but other than that I'm stumped


TL;DR: Need ideas to make my Terminator Lord unique. Grant me a measure of your wisdom B&C!

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Use any loyalist parts that take ur fancy u can always use the idea he took it off a hero he killed in battle. (soul hunter novel talos has a blood angel power sword chapter relic)If that doesnt tickle your pickle have a look at the wealth of awesome bits available and scavenge ur warp spawned heart out!

Why not try thinking some kind of theme up for the mini before you start to assemble it?


Finding the parts with an idea in mind is a lot easier than simply trying to come up with something from nothing.


And in addition, get some green stuff and make your own changes or look in the WHFB range for some inspiration...I just got some Empire Flagellants simply for the bits in order to give some marines the feel of medaeval warrior fanatics.

Carmine_the_Wolf already said it, but it is important to think about who it is you want to represent. Does he have any character quirks or achieved something that would physically be representable? Maybe he enjoys smoking a pipe once in a while or carries a certain trophy around all the time.


Another thing would be, though this is personal preference really, to reconsider the choice of head you've made. The skull helmet might be a nice helmet, but it's not really all that interesting for a character unless you paint it in a special way. This is why in this instance, if you really just want to make an interesting character study, I'd say leave the helmet away, maybe tucked under his arm even, and literally to give him a face to remember by.

The flaggelants were already metioned, because they look a bit wild. But don't forget that you can do anything you want, after all he is a chaos lord. I remember a story from fantasy where a champion of Khorne that had once been an imperial noble was described as fighting with a rapier and have a really "well behaved" and cultivated, although somewhat cruel character. You have to add some points of interests that contrast with what the viewer expects to really make him a memorable character instead of "another conversion" of the same model.


He can also be characterized by what he does instead of what he looks like. Maybe he prays, is offering a sacrifice to the gods, standing over a map considering the next step he might take or staring down one of his minions. You have to provide some context in order to give his being there and being who he is a meaning.

Well, I asked, and you guys delivered. Thank you for your replies, there is a lot to consider.

A theme! That's what I've been looking for this entire time! It's a bit hard to think like that, consider that the Black Legion has no real "Legion-wide" thing going on.

Having had a good ponder, I'm thinking something like a Huntsman. Spear in one hand, gun or possibly someones head/helmet in the other and trophy racks (no other member of my BL has those, barring Abaddon).

I have plenty of Tau, loyalist, WoC and Chaos marine parts lying around, I'm sure I can think of something :D

Durus, thank you for bringing up the point about the helmet. You are right, it is a nice helmet, but it doesn't really seem "Lord" worthy. Think I'm gonna use another helmetless head I have lying around somewhere instead...maybe with a topknot?

Again, thanks for the replies guys. If anyone else has any suggestions on Chaos-ifying a Lord (yes that is a word), or wants more ideas, I say post them here. :HQ:


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