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About Sanguinor, Mephiston, the honor guard

Grail Knight

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Perhaps this question is already answered, but I look around, and I did not find the answer...


So, I know that the Sanguninor and Mephiston cannot join units, not a tactical, nor an assault squad, not a sanguinary guard...


The question is about Honor Guards


I use 4 or 5 times the Sanguinor, and two mephiston, and I always send them with an Honor guard, either with jumpacks, or inside a razorback, and so far, nobody complains


I stop using them for a while, in order to use armies with more models, but a few days ago, a friend call me cheater, and then, he corrects, and call me 'bar rules reader'


He says that them cannot join units, and when I told him that I use HG, the discussion begins...


the question is simple, can they go to battle with an HG? can Mephiston go in a razorback (or any other transport) with his own HG?



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The FAQ clearly states that Mephiston and the Sanguinor are both single model units. Units cannot join units for any reason, as there is no rule for that.


As to whether you can put Mephy and a unit into a transport, take a look at p. 66 BRB under Transport Capacity, second paragraph.


Remember... Mephy and and the Sanguinor are both UNITS, not independent characters.

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Honor Guards are not Retinues, they are separate units unlocked by taking an HQ. So while taking Mephiston or the Sanguinor allows you to buy an Honor Guard, you can't put them together.


Mephiston can enter a transport, but no other models could be in it.

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Easy mistake to make, alot of people had issues when the codex first came out!


I actually had a similar issue the other day, with two people arguing about someone placing a farseer and warlock retinue on the board in DoW, with the arguement being that warlocks are a seperate choice and so have to be placed later. Of course in this case warlocks are a retinue.


On the bright side you can still chuck Mephy in a fast rhino :teehee:

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